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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


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Capitalism Fuels Fascism
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Sanjuro Offline

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Post: #31
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Capitalism means Constant Struggle!

Napalm Sticks To Kids
04-28-2010 09:37 AM
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Proudsadist Offline

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Post: #32
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Shit, outsourcing is just trying to find the best people to do a job. It's not like companies directly fund dictators to result in low costs. It's just that people there are willing to work harder for less money. Just because lower- quality workers in the United States that rack up tons of debt live in a better country doesn't mean that they deserve jobs. Sure, we outsource workers to countries with bad governments, but it's not like those bad governments try to harm the working class. People are just less assholes in other countries than in America.
04-28-2010 10:41 AM
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~Mystery~ Offline

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Post: #33
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Proudsadist Wrote:Shit, outsourcing is just trying to find the best people to do a job. It's not like companies directly fund dictators to result in low costs. It's just that people there are willing to work harder for less money. Just because lower- quality workers in the United States that rack up tons of debt live in a better country doesn't mean that they deserve jobs. Sure, we outsource workers to countries with bad governments, but it's not like those bad governments try to harm the working class. People are just less assholes in other countries than in America.

What? If Idonesia has such productive workers and such an admirable work ethic that we need to emulate then how come some of those hardest workers live in slums and dumpsters eating radioactive and polluted food like in Cambodia?

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[Image: 02westbank_dumping.jpg]

Like Rebelnerd said earlier the reason it appears American Companies are the saftey haven that poor Countries desperatly need is because we do everything in our power to sustain that need while pillaging those countries of their culture.

The 'Ruling' class gives gifts Directly to other ruling classes,
Quote:Most of our foreign "aid," is arranged through backdoor deals between central banks and various ruling tyrants. As US taxpayers, we truly have no way of knowing how much and where our wealth has been transferred. "Official" foreign aid figures since WWII come in over $1 trillion

Bribery under the guise of following United World Federalists Philosophies

1. If we arm friendly nations, they will help us fight communism/terrorism/etc.

2.All underdeveloped nations yearn for industrialization.

3. By providing the capital and know-how, all the backward peoples will benefit materially, causing them to desire representative government.

4. If we don't elevate their standard of living, they will seek to take what they cannot produce by conquest.

Barry Goldwater in With no Apologies in 1979 Wrote:The giver of a bribe does so on the clear understanding the recipient will deliver some specific quid pro quo. The receiver of a bribe accepts payment with a clear understanding of what is expected and in most cases carries out the bargain.

Nations justify such direct payments or bribes on the grounds that the ensuing procured action benefits peace or improves trade or achieves some other generally desirable objective. In a discussion of this problem Hans Morgenthau says, "The government of Nation A, trying to buy political advantage from the government of Nation B, for, say, twenty million dollars, not only must pretend but also must act our in elaborate fashion the pretense that what it is actually doing is giving aid for economic development of Nation B - old-fashioned bribery is a straightforward transaction; services are rendered at a price, and both sides know what to expect. Bribery, disguised as aid for economic development, makes giver of and recipient actors in the play which, in the end, they can no longer distinguish from reality."

... much of our economic aid was going to enemy countries or countries whose public policy statements were not compatible with our concepts of freedom ... Our foreign aid has enriched individual rulers of many countries while doing nothing at all for the poor or the underpriviledged we were sincerely hoping to help.

Most of the money we have sent overseas for foreign aid has been borrowed ... Since federal deficit spending is clearly responsible for the major proportion of the disasterous inflation which threatens the solvency of every American family, we must recognize that the foreign aid giveaway program is responsible for as much as one-half of that inflation.

At first our motives were noble, humanitarian, and defensive. This is no longer true. The international bankers and the multinational corporations are the principle beneficiaries of American foreign aid. The most frightening aspect of this whole program is to be found in the fact that American taxpayers are contributing American capital to subsidize our implacable enemy, the Russion communist.

People act unaware that the human body is a walking pharmacy![Image: rolleyes.gif]~David Icke~
Religion was invented to keep the poor from harrasing the rich"~Napoleon Bonaparte~
Do As Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of The Law! ~The Secret Order of Thelema~
"Respect goes to those who do not want it" ~TrueAnarchist~
"The only limitations that a person has are those that are self-imposed." ~Unknown!~
“Attraction is an emotion.~Dr. Alex~
“Life is an illusion albeit a very persistent one” ~Albert Einstein

I Am A Messenger From The Seduction Community!
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04-28-2010 11:07 AM
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Proudsadist Offline

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Post: #34
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Outsourcing is fine, just don't make the outsourced workers live in shitholes like that. Companies that hire outsourced workers should follow minimum wage laws here.
04-28-2010 11:12 AM
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Thought Criminal Offline
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Post: #35
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

But thats the whole reason they outsource the jobs in the first place. So they can pay the workers basically nothing. If they had to follow american labor laws they wouldn't even bother outsourcing labor.
04-28-2010 11:18 AM
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MaccerTW Offline

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Post: #36
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Here, here, here. I'm going to stop by here, and review the definitions of capitalism, corporatism, & fascism:

Capitalism: "an economic system based on private ownership of capital."
Fascism: "a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government."
Corporatism (economic fascism): "control of a state or organization by large interest groups."

Now to get to the point. Many (but not all), anarcho-communists are very ignorant on economics. Many people do not differentiate on the definitions of corporatism and capitalism. Often to them it means the same thing. But to say something as stupid as "Capitalism Fuels Fascism", a private system that supports a public system just baffles me.

Want to get rid of fascism? Perfect argument to get rid of the state! Want to get rid of corporatism? Another great argument against the state!

It's just so simple!
05-07-2010 02:25 PM
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psychopath Offline

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Post: #37
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

I like how Mystery includes pics in his posts, it pleases my ADD mind.
05-08-2010 02:01 AM
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Rebelnerd Offline

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Post: #38
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

I love it when people say communists don't understand economics. Well maybe that's true for some of them, but it's also true that a lot of capitalists don't know shit about politics and can't wrap their mind around a concept as simple as "wealth translates into political power."

I think Buenaventura Durruti is a pretty cool guy. eh kills fascists and doesnt afraid of ruins.
The quickest way to kill a revolution is to wait for it.
05-08-2010 03:09 AM
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Swift Offline

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Post: #39
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

MaccerTW Wrote:Here, here, here. I'm going to stop by here, and review the definitions of capitalism, corporatism, & fascism:

Capitalism: "an economic system based on private ownership of capital."
Fascism: "a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government."
Corporatism (economic fascism): "control of a state or organization by large interest groups."

Now to get to the point. Many (but not all), anarcho-communists are very ignorant on economics. Many people do not differentiate on the definitions of corporatism and capitalism. Often to them it means the same thing. But to say something as stupid as "Capitalism Fuels Fascism", a private system that supports a public system just baffles me.

Want to get rid of fascism? Perfect argument to get rid of the state! Want to get rid of corporatism? Another great argument against the state!

It's just so simple!

"State intervention in economic production may take place only where private initiative is lacking or is insufficient, or when are at stakes the political interest of the State. This intervention may take the form of control, encouragement or direct management." - Labour Charter of 1927, Grand Council of Fascism (Italy).

So Fascist Corporatism is Capitalism. It is extremely Keynesian Capitalism.

"I heard a joke once. Man goes to doctor says "I'm terribly depressed". Doctor says "I know just what you should do. Poliacci the clown is in town, go see him, you'll be cheered right up." The man bursts into tears. "But Doctor, I am Poliacci." Funny joke. Roll on snare drum. Everyone laugh."


[Image: BANANAMAN.gif]
05-10-2010 10:14 AM
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Ahab Offline
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Post: #40
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Its not capitalism. Capitalism in a sense is almost a red herring just like communism. Both are wrong, and they serve only as delusional models to connote very vague ideas.

See christianity. Why did catholicism prevail over gnosticism? Because catholicism was for the masses. You didn't have to be spiritually aware to be a 'good catholic.' Gnosticism was never meant for everyone, never will be, because it offers a spiritual dimension over the state, and it put people into smaller groups (ie puts us back to more primitive roots), which is a lot harder to centralize. Why do you think psilocybin is illegal?

We are hunter gatherers who live in this world, this society, unfortunately. My best bet would be infiltrate the system and try to do the best you can, but you're only an extra on a stage of billions of people.

"If you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full of shit." - Robert Anton Wilson
05-21-2010 04:53 PM
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Ceiling Cat Offline

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Post: #41
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Both capitalism and communism are pretty names for the same kind of an oligarchy, concept as old as civilization(minority raping majority who usually rapes another minority). Soviet Russia still had a currency, they had a huge ass for-profit army, they had an economy, and the wealth wasn't equal at all. The one thing better about communism is that people usually knew that their govenment was full of shit, right now we have an ancient Rome like "comedy of the state", which is democracy being just a cover and distraction for dictatorship slowly creeping in.
We're not free from early 20th century enslavement of the masses, it's just been more and more concealed over the years, as the ruling class learned from its mistakes.

Problem, officer?
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TrueAnarchist Wrote:and to think, i could be yiffing a hot vixen right about now
CrayolaColours Wrote:He just admitted today that he spent two hours...errr... shaking hands with the Bishop afterwards.
The Desert Fox Wrote:I thought when I downloaded it it was already emulated.
zagix Wrote:I'm stuck to the fagarena because I'm a fag
CrayolaColours Wrote:Woman up, will you? Grow a damn pussy and get over yourselves.
05-21-2010 06:43 PM
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Blaze_Glory Offline

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Post: #42
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Why Do You of Hate on Capitalism For Without It there Would be No Itt Tech!
05-22-2010 05:34 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #43
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Blaze_Glory Wrote:Why Do You of Hate on Capitalism For Without It there Would be No Itt Tech!

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
05-23-2010 01:30 AM
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psychopath Offline

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Post: #44
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Blaze_Glory Wrote:Why Do You of Hate on Capitalism For Without It there Would be No Itt Tech!

This is a true eye opener. What were we thinking?
05-23-2010 02:39 AM
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AWOL Offline
The Spooning Bard

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Post: #45
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Aperture Science: We outsource employees because we can.

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05-23-2010 02:40 AM
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Swift Offline

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Post: #46
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Ceiling Cat Wrote:Both capitalism and communism are pretty names for the same kind of an oligarchy, concept as old as civilization(minority raping majority who usually rapes another minority). Soviet Russia still had a currency, they had a huge ass for-profit army, they had an economy, and the wealth wasn't equal at all.


"I heard a joke once. Man goes to doctor says "I'm terribly depressed". Doctor says "I know just what you should do. Poliacci the clown is in town, go see him, you'll be cheered right up." The man bursts into tears. "But Doctor, I am Poliacci." Funny joke. Roll on snare drum. Everyone laugh."


[Image: BANANAMAN.gif]
05-23-2010 05:32 AM
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Ceiling Cat Offline

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Post: #47
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Comrade Swift Wrote:
Ceiling Cat Wrote:Both capitalism and communism are pretty names for the same kind of an oligarchy, concept as old as civilization(minority raping majority who usually rapes another minority). Soviet Russia still had a currency, they had a huge ass for-profit army, they had an economy, and the wealth wasn't equal at all.

Of course not, as much as capitalism isn't actually "free" market.

Problem, officer?
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TrueAnarchist Wrote:and to think, i could be yiffing a hot vixen right about now
CrayolaColours Wrote:He just admitted today that he spent two hours...errr... shaking hands with the Bishop afterwards.
The Desert Fox Wrote:I thought when I downloaded it it was already emulated.
zagix Wrote:I'm stuck to the fagarena because I'm a fag
CrayolaColours Wrote:Woman up, will you? Grow a damn pussy and get over yourselves.
05-23-2010 05:36 AM
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AWOL Offline
The Spooning Bard

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Post: #48
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

It is in concept you dolt, it's like communism.

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05-23-2010 11:09 AM
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aaaaaaasd Offline
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Post: #49
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Why are we arguing about this when the real problem is that without ITT Tech and without Capitalism there would be no Blaze Glory?
05-23-2010 04:46 PM
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AWOL Offline
The Spooning Bard

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Post: #50
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Because no one likes him.

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05-23-2010 06:51 PM
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Squittle Offline

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Post: #51
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

MaccerTW Wrote:Now to get to the point. Many (but not all), anarcho-communists are very ignorant on economics. Many people do not differentiate on the definitions of corporatism and capitalism. Often to them it means the same thing. But to say something as stupid as "Capitalism Fuels Fascism", a private system that supports a public system just baffles me.

Under a state of any size, Capitalism - that is, remuneration based on private capital, will lead to companies being formed around private ownership of capital. Companies grow and seek protection from the state against competition, then monopolies, protected and sanctioned by the state (through funding and bailouts), form - look at the insurance companies right now. Corporate lackeys become the tools and tyrants of a powerful state, politicos become bitches to the corporations that fund deceitful campaigns and control this powerful authoritarian state. Combined with rampant nationalism, worldwide Imperialism, money being funneled into wars that declare a sort of "We're the best, we're the besttt" attitude, and a top-down political system with a leader elevated to God-status to dictate the shit out of things, Fascism forms. Assuming the definition of Corporatism to be a state controlled by corporations, Capitalism under a state does lead to Corporatism and to Fascism.

Will Capitalism do the same in an anarchist free market? Obviously not. That said, the problems with an anarchist free market are just as notable. For example, productive property can be inherited in a free market (passed on from one generation to the next, usually) and utilized by the offspring of the original property owner. So the offspring makes money with no effort or sacrifice whatsoever on their part using something that they didn't earn and don't deserve. This is morally repugnant. I quote Michael Albert, who can probably explain it better than myself. "Rewarding inherited property implies that the grandson of a Rockefeller should eat 1,000 times as much stew as a highly trained, highly productive, hard-working daughter of a pauper. And this is warranted, say advocates of property rights, even if Rockefeller’s grandson doesn’t work a day in his life and the pauper’s daughter works for fifty years providing services of great benefit to others."

Ceiling Cat Wrote:Soviet Russia still had a currency, they had a huge ass for-profit army, they had an economy, and the wealth wasn't equal at all.

In defense of the Capitalists, America isn't really a free market any more than Russia was a Communist State. That's not to say that we've never, ever seen examples of either in their true forms, just that the go-to standards for Capitalism (the US) and Communism (the USSR) aren't.

Just my 2cents 2cents 2cents. I pay six cents because I'm rich as balls.

Because I dig you, like Aussies dig pies, like Born-Agains dig Jesus, like Jesus dug guys.
05-24-2010 03:07 PM
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AWOL Offline
The Spooning Bard

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Post: #52
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Yay for capitalism. Because I seriously don't care about getting rid of a system that obviously works.

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05-25-2010 06:17 PM
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Absnt Offline

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Post: #53
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

AWOL Wrote:Yay for capitalism. Because I seriously don't care about getting rid of a system that obviously works.

Not for long.

Blog I post to now: -- An organization for more freedom in education.
05-26-2010 05:57 AM
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యూజర్ పేరు Offline

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Post: #54
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

There are two ends of a spectrum when it comes to economics: the capitalist end and the communist end. By rejecting capitalism, you are tacitly accepting communism. And you're a complete dumbass if you like the concept of communism.
05-26-2010 08:21 AM
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Rebelnerd Offline

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Post: #55
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

BobManPerson Wrote:There are two ends of a spectrum when it comes to economics: the capitalist end and the communist end. By rejecting capitalism, you are tacitly accepting communism. And you're a complete dumbass if you like the concept of communism.
Rejecting one extreme doesn't mean accepting the other, idiot. There is such thing as a middle ground. That's like saying a person who believes in God automatically supports the Spanish Inquisition. A person can believe that such a giant wealth gap is bad and that there should be some safety nets for the poor, and that doesn't make them a communist.

I think Buenaventura Durruti is a pretty cool guy. eh kills fascists and doesnt afraid of ruins.
The quickest way to kill a revolution is to wait for it.
05-26-2010 09:03 AM
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Denied Offline

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Post: #56
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Fascism is like a "super capitalism", where the government tries to weed out weak people. Kind of like old aristocratic times, where the nobles weren't taxed but the peasants were. So yes, capatilism is kind of the core concept of fascism. However, the idea of capitalism "fueling" fascism makes very little sense.
05-26-2010 09:07 AM
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Denied Offline

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Post: #57
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Fascism is like a "super capitalism", where the government tries to weed out weak people. Kind of like old aristocratic times, where the nobles weren't taxed but the peasants were. So yes, capatilism is kind of the core concept of fascism. However, the idea of capitalism "fueling" fascism makes very little sense.
05-26-2010 09:08 AM
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Ceiling Cat Offline

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Post: #58
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

I can't fucking stand this. Everywhere, EVIL COMMIES, EVIL ANARCHISTS. Mostly coming from those who don't have to give a fuck because they're either wealthy or in power (generally the same) and couldn't tell any form of socialism even if it kicked them right in the ass.

Problem, officer?
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TrueAnarchist Wrote:and to think, i could be yiffing a hot vixen right about now
CrayolaColours Wrote:He just admitted today that he spent two hours...errr... shaking hands with the Bishop afterwards.
The Desert Fox Wrote:I thought when I downloaded it it was already emulated.
zagix Wrote:I'm stuck to the fagarena because I'm a fag
CrayolaColours Wrote:Woman up, will you? Grow a damn pussy and get over yourselves.
05-26-2010 09:12 AM
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Denied Offline

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Post: #59
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Time for a quote:

"People thinking that there is one solution for all the problems of society is responsible for almost every problem of society "

This definitely isn't accurate, and I don't know who wrote it (I just vaguely remember it hanging on an awesome teacher's door).
05-26-2010 09:18 AM
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MaccerTW Offline

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Post: #60
Re: Capitalism Fuels Fascism

Squittle Wrote:Under a state of any size, Capitalism - that is, remuneration based on private capital, will lead to companies being formed around private ownership of capital. Companies grow and seek protection from the state against competition, then monopolies, protected and sanctioned by the state (through funding and bailouts), form - look at the insurance companies right now. Corporate lackeys become the tools and tyrants of a powerful state, politicos become bitches to the corporations that fund deceitful campaigns and control this powerful authoritarian state ... Capitalism under a state does lead to Corporatism and to Fascism.
Which is why I'm an anarcho-capitalist.
05-26-2010 09:49 AM
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  "The Fascism Manifesto" ~Mystery~ 5 4,922 01-15-2011 06:50 PM
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  Technocracy/Constitutional Fascism ~Mystery~ 17 10,055 01-11-2011 09:53 AM

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