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August 2001 - June 2017

The School Survival Forums are permanently retired. If you need help with quitting school, unsupportive parents or anything else, there is a list of resources on the Help Page.

If you want to write about your experiences in school, you can write on our blog.

To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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How adult are you?
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SoulRiser Offline
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Post: #1
How adult are you?

It's got a bit of US-specific stuff in there that I didn't know how to answer, and a few definitions they have for some things differ from mine, but for the most part it's pretty cool.

Here are my results:

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 84%

Love 67%
Sex 89%
Leadership 100%
Problem Solving 78%
Physical Abilities 78%
Verbal & Math Skills 100%
Interpersonal Skills 67%
Handling Responsibility 89%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 78%
Managing Work & Money 100%
Education 78%
Personal Care 89%
Self Management 78%
Citizenship 89%
The closer you are to 100 percent, the better. You needn't have mastered all of the separate skill areas in order to be considered an adult, but if your scores are low in one or more areas, people might question your adultness or consider you immature. Your scores in each of the 14 different skill areas are as follows:

Love: 67%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

(Yeah, except as far as I'm concerned, there's only one kind of love - unconditional love. The other "kinds" aren't really different kinds. Just different ways of experiencing the same thing.)

Sex: 89%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 100%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 78%
[Image] Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 78%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 100%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 67%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 89%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

[Image] Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 78%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 78%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 89%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 78%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 89%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.

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07-01-2009 07:28 AM
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Amortisatie Offline

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Post: #2
Re: How adult are you?

Results for Matthew H (yay people know my name now Razz)
June 30, 2009

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 83%

Love 89%
Sex 100%
Leadership 100%
Problem Solving 78%
Physical Abilities 78%
Verbal & Math Skills 100%
Interpersonal Skills 56%
Handling Responsibility 89%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 89%
Managing Work & Money 78%
Education 78%
Personal Care 67%
Self Management 78%
Citizenship 78%

[Image: spooky-1.jpg]

“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
07-01-2009 08:12 AM
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returnal Away
cold like minnesota (brrr!)

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Post: #3
Re: How adult are you?

Hidden 'cause it's huge.
Hidden stuff:
Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 85%

Love 100%
Sex 89%
Leadership 89%
Problem Solving 89%
Physical Abilities 78%
Verbal & Math Skills 78%
Interpersonal Skills 67%
Handling Responsibility 100%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 89%
Managing Work & Money 100%
Education 56%
Personal Care 78%
Self Management 78%
Citizenship 100%
The closer you are to 100 percent, the better. You needn't have mastered all of the separate skill areas in order to be considered an adult, but if your scores are low in one or more areas, people might question your adultness or consider you immature. Your scores in each of the 14 different skill areas are as follows:

Love: 100%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

Sex: 89%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 89%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 89%
Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 78%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 78%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 67%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 89%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 56%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 78%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 78%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 100%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.

woah dude
dude woah
07-01-2009 08:26 AM
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Reptorian Offline

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Post: #4
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 80%

Love 78%
Sex 89%
Leadership 78%
Problem Solving 78%
Physical Abilities 67%
Verbal & Math Skills 89%
Interpersonal Skills 56%
Handling Responsibility 67%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 100%
Managing Work & Money 100%
Education 78%
Personal Care 89%
Self Management 78%
Citizenship 78%
The closer you are to 100 percent, the better. You needn't have mastered all of the separate skill areas in order to be considered an adult, but if your scores are low in one or more areas, people might question your adultness or consider you immature. Your scores in each of the 14 different skill areas are as follows:

Love: 78%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

Sex: 89%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 78%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 78%
Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 67%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 89%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 56%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 67%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 100%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 78%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 89%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 78%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 78%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.

07-01-2009 09:03 AM
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Milk2Go Offline

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Post: #5
Re: How adult are you?

Love: 100%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

Sex: 89%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 89%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 56%
Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 89%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 100%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 89%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 89%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 78%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 89%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 89%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 67%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 78%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.
07-01-2009 09:37 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #6
Re: How adult are you?

87%. I'm too lazy to post the whole thing.

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
07-01-2009 12:26 PM
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psychopath Offline

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Post: #7
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 82%

Quote:Love 89%
Sex 89%
Leadership 89%
Problem Solving 89%
Physical Abilities 67%
Verbal & Math Skills 100%
Interpersonal Skills 67%
Handling Responsibility 56%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 100%
Managing Work & Money 89%
Education 67%
Personal Care 100%
Self Management 67%
Citizenship 78%
07-01-2009 02:32 PM
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Puchiko Offline

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Post: #8
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 83%

Love: 100%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

Sex: 89%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 100%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 89%
Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 44%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 100%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 33%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 78%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 100%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 89%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 89%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 89%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 56%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 100%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.

Some of it was biased though. Dilemmas like "Officials such as judges help preserve order in society. Do you agree?" is a matter of opinion, not maturity.

Don't take life so seriously, it isn't permanent.
07-01-2009 08:41 PM
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Sociopath Offline
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Post: #9
Re: How adult are you?

This test seems ageist to me


Hidden stuff:

Dear Tumblrites: Despite your wrongly self-diagnosed PTSD, no line of scientific evidence suggests people can be triggered over the internet. Triggering works through the senses (i.e. smell, taste, touch, vision, hearing.) but it goes through real time; if you're not experiencing it in real life as it's ACTUALLY HAPPENING in your ACTUAL life, you CANNOT be triggered. The only exception to this is if you have a seizure, but then again, that's triggered by epilepsy (i.e. rapidly-changing flashing lights) NOT PTSD. Remembering a bad incident is NOT the same thing as having a flashback. When you remember, you think; when you flashback, you feel.


[Image: violator_blackbg_110x32.gif]
Max Stirnir Wrote:"In the time of spirits thoughts grew till they overtopped my head, whose offspring they yet were; they hovered about me and convulsed me like fever-phantasies -- an awful power. The thoughts had become corporeal on their own account, were ghosts, e. g. God, Emperor, Pope, Fatherland, etc. If I destroy their corporeity, then I take them back into mine, and say: "I alone am corporeal." And now I take the world as what it is to me, as mine, as my property; I refer all to myself." The Ego and Its Own, pg. 15
Charles Manson Wrote:“Look down at me and you see a fool;
look up at me and you see a god;
look straight at me and you see yourself”
HeartofShadows Wrote:"Life is nothing more than a druggie trying to get their quick fix of happiness while dealing with the harsh withdrawal of reality"
Osip Mandelstam Wrote:"I divide all of world literature into authorized and unauthorized works. The former are all trash; the latter--stolen air. I want to spit in the face of every writer who first obtains permission and then writes." The Fourth Prose, 1930.
Lukas Foss Wrote:That is why the analogy of stealing does not work. With a thief, we want to know how much money he stole, and from whom. With the artist it is not how much he took and from whom, but what he did with it.
 Pirate Join the crew!Pirate
07-01-2009 11:35 PM
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Freak Offline

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Post: #10
Re: How adult are you?

I don't think it's ageist, but some of these questions can be answered both yes or no and still be considered adult.

Total: 96%

Love: 78%
Sex: 89%
Leadership: 100%
Problem Solving: 100%
Physical Abilities: 100%
Verbal and Math Skills: 100%
Interpersonal Skills: 100%
Handling Responsibility: 100%
Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 100%
Managing Work and Money: 100%
Education: 100%
Personal Care: 89%
Self Management: 100%
Citizenship: 89%

[Image: ambnh8.jpg]
07-02-2009 05:54 AM
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chibichibibear Offline

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Post: #11
Re: How adult are you?

This is really interesting! Although I'm kinda upset... I'm more grownup than it says I am! :waah:

Quote:Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 81%

Love 56%
Sex 89%
Leadership 100%
Problem Solving 89%
Physical Abilities 33%
Verbal & Math Skills 89%
Interpersonal Skills 67%
Handling Responsibility 89%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 100%
Managing Work & Money 89%
Education 89%
Personal Care 100%
Self Management 56%
Citizenship 89%

I actually am surprised at my love score, though. What is going on in my brain? And I'm very curious as to what I think was off on sex...

Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education.
Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) English philosopher, mathematician and writer.

My posts are usually lengthy, and I can't help it much... Sorry.
07-02-2009 07:27 PM
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kylemw13 Offline

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Post: #12
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 87%
Love 78%
Sex 89%
Leadership 78%
Problem Solving 89%
Physical Abilities 100%
Verbal & Math Skills 89%
Interpersonal Skills 89%
Handling Responsibility 78%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 78%
Managing Work & Money 100%
Education 100%
Personal Care 78%
Self Management 78%
Citizenship 100%
Do I get rights now?

The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.
- Frank Zappa
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
- Clarence Darro
Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
» I would like to live in Manchester, England. The transition between Manchester and death would be unnoticeable.
- Mark Twain
When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other.
- Eric Hoffer
07-02-2009 09:11 PM
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mudkip liek Offline

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Post: #13
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 90%

Love 100%
Sex 89%
Leadership 89%
Problem Solving 67%
Physical Abilities 67%
Verbal & Math Skills 100%
Interpersonal Skills 89%
Handling Responsibility 89%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 89%
Managing Work & Money 89%
Education 100%
Personal Care 100%
Self Management 89%
Citizenship 100%

This quiz says nothing about me....or anybody for that matter.
Plus, what's considered "adult" differs among people.
07-03-2009 04:27 AM
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Sunbourn Offline
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Post: #14
Re: How adult are you?

Love 100%
Sex 100%
Leadership 100%
Problem Solving 100%
Physical Abilities 100%
Verbal & Math Skills 100%
Interpersonal Skills 100%
Handling Responsibility 100%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 100%
Managing Work & Money 100%
Education 100%
Personal Care 100%
Self Management 100%
Citizenship 100%

Who am I? Who are YOU?
07-03-2009 05:55 AM
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cp Offline

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Post: #15
Re: How adult are you?


Dang. I like being more childish. )": PETER PAN WHERE ARE YOU?!

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein
[Image: new.gif]
07-03-2009 01:46 PM
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teenagewasteland Offline

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Post: #16
Re: How adult are you?

Total 80% (4/5 aint bad)

Love 67%
Sex 78%
Leadership 89%
Problem Solving 89%
Physical Abilities 67%
Verbal & Math Skills 89%
Interpersonal Skills 56%
Handling Responsibility 89%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 100%
Managing Work & Money 100%
Education 78%
Personal Care 89%
Self Management 56%
Citizenship 78%

I hate the strict y/n answering. I'd like to actually explain some things to this ... quiz guy

like this:
4. High grades in school pay off with better salaries and more opportunities. Do you agree?
-They could, but only through getting a diploma stating that you can follow directions like an obedient worker bot. Or you could learn useful skills outside of school which would be more rewarding. I get an extra percent if I choose yes.

If a kid legitimately passes, can he/she have their rights and freedoms back that people over 18 magically get? Probably not
07-03-2009 04:07 PM
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~Mystery~ Offline

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Post: #17
Re: How adult are you?

Quote:When you love someone, does that mean that he or she will love you back?
Yes No

The fuck, I said yes. I wouldn't like someone if they didn't like me back therefore my loved ones would always love me back.

Overall 85%

Love 89%
Sex 78%
Leadership 78%
Problem Solving 89%
Physical Abilities 89%
Verbal & Math Skills 100%
Interpersonal Skills 89%
Handling Responsibility 89%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 89%
Managing Work & Money 89%
Education 67%
Personal Care 89%
Self Management 78%
Citizenship 78%

People act unaware that the human body is a walking pharmacy![Image: rolleyes.gif]~David Icke~
Religion was invented to keep the poor from harrasing the rich"~Napoleon Bonaparte~
Do As Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of The Law! ~The Secret Order of Thelema~
"Respect goes to those who do not want it" ~TrueAnarchist~
"The only limitations that a person has are those that are self-imposed." ~Unknown!~
“Attraction is an emotion.~Dr. Alex~
“Life is an illusion albeit a very persistent one” ~Albert Einstein

I Am A Messenger From The Seduction Community!
Mint Member
07-04-2009 05:34 AM
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terminaadventurer Offline

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Post: #18
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 56%

Love: 67%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

Sex: 89%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 67%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 44%
Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 11%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 78%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 22%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 22%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 89%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 78%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 67%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 56%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 22%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 78%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.
07-04-2009 09:19 AM
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HeartofShadows Offline

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Post: #19
Re: How adult are you?

This test seems somewhat ageist, and somewhat patriotic garbage.

Citizenship: 78%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them


[Image: WARZONES_subs_hostility.png]
image hosting jpg
07-06-2009 01:49 PM
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Amortisatie Offline

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Post: #20
Re: How adult are you?

hewhodestroysall Wrote:This test seems somewhat ageist, and somewhat patriotic garbage.

Citizenship: 78%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them


Damn I hate that word, sends shivers down my spine whenever I see it...

Ya it is a little too patriotic and has a "live for your country" tone to it Rolleyes

[Image: spooky-1.jpg]

“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
07-06-2009 02:17 PM
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Jesusaurisrex Offline

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Post: #21
Re: How adult are you?

Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched - Guy de Maupassant
07-06-2009 03:32 PM
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Number11 Offline

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Post: #22
Re: How adult are you?

So, wait...It's immature NOT to jack off? I.e., "you have to touch yourself regularly to be an adult?"

I'm just not sure...

So, if I were to dry up from masturbation addiction, which is what it really is, I would cease to be an adult?

Masturbation causes aging?

Every time you do it, that's one more wrinkle!


[Image: th-9_just-douche-it-adbusters.jpg]
07-21-2009 12:40 PM
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Number11 Offline

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Post: #23
Re: How adult are you?

Sorry if I offend anyone Biggrin

[Image: th-9_just-douche-it-adbusters.jpg]
07-21-2009 06:58 PM
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Spot-ify Offline

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Post: #24
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 87%

Love 78%
Sex 89%
Leadership 100%
Problem Solving 78%
Physical Abilities 78%
Verbal & Math Skills 89%
Interpersonal Skills 56%
Handling Responsibility 89%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 100%
Managing Work & Money 100%
Education 78%
Personal Care 89%
Self Management 100%
Citizenship 89%

I used to be "The circus" as I forgot my login, but then hey-ho I remembered it.
08-31-2009 06:28 AM
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maxh Offline

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Post: #25
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 90%

Love 89%
Sex 89%
Leadership 100%
Problem Solving 100%
Physical Abilities 44%
Verbal & Math Skills 89%
Interpersonal Skills 56%
Handling Responsibility 100%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 100%
Managing Work & Money 100%
Education 100%
Personal Care 100%
Self Management 89%
Citizenship 100%
The closer you are to 100 percent, the better. You needn't have mastered all of the separate skill areas in order to be considered an adult, but if your scores are low in one or more areas, people might question your adultness or consider you immature. Your scores in each of the 14 different skill areas are as follows:

Love: 89%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

Sex: 89%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 100%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 44%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 89%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 56%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 100%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 100%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 100%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 89%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 100%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.
Quote:to avoid between-meal snacks
Actually, no. Research shows that it's better to eat small snack throughout the day than to eat three large meals at certain times in the day.

Carla Franklin has never denied that on the afternoon of the third of August 2006 she raped and killed sixteen children celebrating their friend's fifth birthday and forced their parents to share a dinner of their remains.

If a teacher you don't know tries to bust you for something, just tell them "Jsem výměnný student, nemluvím anglicky. Tak jdi do prdele ty posranej hajzle, tvoje matka je kurva!", then send me money.
08-31-2009 07:21 AM
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classclown Offline

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Post: #26
Re: How adult are you?

Hidden stuff:
Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 86%

Love: 100%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

Sex: 100%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 100%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 89%
Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 67%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 100%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 67%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 89%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 89%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 78%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 89%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 78%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 56%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.

thing is a load of crap. its just trying to make u think you need to be submissive to goverment and coperate america to be an adult. whats worse i did well on it. i hate myself

life is just blah blah blah. we hope for blah, and sometimes we find it. but mostly its blah. and waiting for blah. and hoping you were right about the blahs you made. and when you think you just got the whole blah damn thing figured out, and your surrounded by the ones you blah. death shows up and blah blah blah.

Death may be the greatest of all human blessings. -socrates-

Schooling us to prepare us for the career in need
Not caring about our interests and dreams to heed
08-31-2009 12:33 PM
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Coma Girl Offline

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Post: #27
Re: How adult are you?

well this was fun...

Love: 78%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

Sex: 78%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 89%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 89%
Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 67%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 100%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 78%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 89%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 78%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 67%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 100%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 78%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.

"People often compete to be considered right rather than collaborating to find the real answer."-Will.

[Image: %210kickme.jpg]
08-31-2009 04:30 PM
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monkey Away

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Post: #28
Re: How adult are you?

Love 78%
Sex 89%
Leadership 100%
Problem Solving 78%
Physical Abilities 67%
Verbal & Math Skills 89%
Interpersonal Skills 100%
Handling Responsibility 89%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 89%
Managing Work & Money 100%
Education 89%
Personal Care 89%
Self Management 78%
Citizenship 78%

Total 87% Pretty good for being 13. Take that ageists.

Had to move on. Account is dead.
09-02-2009 12:11 PM
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spookycloud Offline

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Post: #29
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 76%

Love 78%
Sex 89%
Leadership 100%
Problem Solving 100%
Physical Abilities 22% -- my legs are indeed sedentary.
Verbal & Math Skills 89%
Interpersonal Skills 44%
Handling Responsibility 56%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 100%
Managing Work & Money 78%
Education 78%
Personal Care 89%
Self Management 67%
Citizenship 78%

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
09-22-2009 08:50 PM
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Kittty Offline

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Post: #30
Re: How adult are you?

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 90%

Love 100%
Sex 100%
Leadership 100%
Problem Solving 89%
Physical Abilities 89%
Verbal & Math Skills 100%
Interpersonal Skills 67%
Handling Responsibility 100%
Managing High Risk Behaviors 89%
Managing Work & Money 89%
Education 89%
Personal Care 89%
Self Management 67%
Citizenship 100%

The yes/no options didn't leave room for "sometimes". :\
And I'm a little upset about getting too high a percentage.

insert signature here
09-22-2009 09:08 PM
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