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August 2001 - June 2017

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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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School Survival Fantasy Football League
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schoolsux Offline
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Post: #1
School Survival Fantasy Football League

I am thinking about starting a fantasy football league for School Survival members. Anyone who wants to join please mention below.

I want to know what draft position you want (it's a snake draft, which means the picks flip every other round (e.g. in a 10 team league, #1 pick in round 1 would get #10 in round 2. and so on) and a time that will work for you (before August 15).

Just make sure you mention your time zone, otherwise I may assume you mean EDT when you mean another time zone.

My times that NOT work prior to August 15 (all Eastern Daylight Time):

July 1 8am-12pm

July 2 8am-11am

July 3 9am-11am

July 4 All Day

July 6 All Day

July 28 8am-12pm

July 29-31 8am-2pm

August 3-7 8am-8pm

August 10-14 8am-12pm

schoolsux's countdown until school ends:

177 days until i get out of freshman year (aka hell)
1280 days until I get out of prison (aka school)

(as of november 28, 2016)

also Fu school

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schoolsux's "k" Count: 60
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2015 07:46 AM by schoolsux.)
06-27-2015 07:45 AM
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brainiac3397 Offline
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Post: #2
School Survival Fantasy Football League


Personality DNA Report
(06-14-2013 08:02 AM)Potato Wrote:  watch the fuq out, we've got an "intellectual" over here.

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[Image: watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme-240x180.png]
Brainiac3397's Mental Health Status Log Wrote:[Image: l0Iy5HKskJO5XD3Wg.gif]
06-27-2015 11:20 AM
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schoolsux Offline
fuck this school bullshit

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Post: #3
RE: School Survival Fantasy Football League

(06-27-2015 11:20 AM)brainiac3397 Wrote:  No.Idea.

about what

schoolsux's countdown until school ends:

177 days until i get out of freshman year (aka hell)
1280 days until I get out of prison (aka school)

(as of november 28, 2016)

also Fu school

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schoolsux's "k" Count: 60
06-27-2015 02:07 PM
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schoolsux Offline
fuck this school bullshit

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Post: #4
School Survival Fantasy Football League

might as well bump this... if anyone wants to join a fantasy football league composed of School Survival members, say so below. Changes will be made (ESPN Fantasy Football instead of NFL Fantasy Football). The league will be a FREE fantasy football league.

If you are interested in joining, I need you to say you are interested below and suggest a draft time (and put the time zone in UTC/GMT). The draft will be held between now and Spetember 9 (the NFL season starts September 10). I will PM a link to sign up for the league when I get at least 8 members. If more want to join, great! Up to 16 members will be allowed (and there will be an even number of members even if an odd number of people sign up, as I am required to have an even number of league members in my league). Also you can suggest what pick you want in the draft (I will start with 8 teams drafting, but this will go up).

You will need an ESPN account to do ESPN Fantasy Football. Sign up at It is 100% free to sign up, and no credit card is required.

The minimum number of members I will run this league with is 8, and the maximum is 16. If an odd number of members join, then the 1st x members will get in and the other member will be out.

I will show my suggested draft time, which will be 12:00am UTC (8:00pm EDT)

The Draft Slots:

1. Open

2. Open

3. Open

4. Open

5. Open

6. Open

7. Open

8. SchoolSux (I choose last pick, so if I get 10 members, I will pick 10th)

schoolsux's countdown until school ends:

177 days until i get out of freshman year (aka hell)
1280 days until I get out of prison (aka school)

(as of november 28, 2016)

also Fu school

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schoolsux's "k" Count: 60
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2015 05:26 AM by schoolsux.)
09-07-2015 05:22 AM
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brainiac3397 Offline
Machiavellian Amoeba

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Post: #5
RE: School Survival Fantasy Football League

Its all gibberish to me. I dont know very much about professional sports.

Personality DNA Report
(06-14-2013 08:02 AM)Potato Wrote:  watch the fuq out, we've got an "intellectual" over here.

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[Image: watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme-240x180.png]
Brainiac3397's Mental Health Status Log Wrote:[Image: l0Iy5HKskJO5XD3Wg.gif]
09-07-2015 11:40 AM
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Post: #6
RE: School Survival Fantasy Football League

I thought this would be about proper football.
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2015 10:34 PM by Username.)
09-12-2015 10:32 PM
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schoolsux Offline
fuck this school bullshit

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Post: #7
School Survival Fantasy Football League


schoolsux's countdown until school ends:

177 days until i get out of freshman year (aka hell)
1280 days until I get out of prison (aka school)

(as of november 28, 2016)

also Fu school

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schoolsux's "k" Count: 60
09-12-2015 10:47 PM
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no Offline
True Scotsman

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Post: #8
RE: School Survival Fantasy Football League

Football is literally the devil. Time to hold an exorcism on this thread.

Hello, traveler.

This is an ancient account I have not used in a long time. My views have changed much in the intervening months and years.

Nonetheless, I refuse to clean it up. Pretending that I've held my current views since the beginning of time is what we in the industry call a lie. Asking people to do so contributes to moralistic self-loathing. "See, those people have nothing damning! I do! I'm truly vile!"

Because you can never be a good person with a single blemish on the moral record, I thought that simply entertaining some thoughts made me irredeemable. Though I don't care for his writing style, William Faulkner presents a good counterexample. He went from being a typical Southern racist to supporting the civil rights movement. These days we'd yell at him for that, probably.

People are allowed to change their views.

Nevertheless, this period of my life has informed some of how I am today. In good ways and bad ways. To purge it would be to do a disservice to history. Perhaps it will not make anyone sympathetic, but it may help someone understand.

If, after reading all this, you still decide to use the post above as evidence that I am evil today, ask yourself if you have never disagreed with the moral code you now follow. In all likelihood you did, at some point. If some questions are verboten, and the answer is "how dare you ask that," don't expect your ideological opponents to ever change their minds.
09-12-2015 11:49 PM
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Ky Offline

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Post: #9
School Survival Fantasy Football League

Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll draft Babe Ruth and Wayne Gretzky.

Public Service Announcement: First world problems are still problems.
09-13-2015 05:20 AM
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schoolsux Offline
fuck this school bullshit

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Post: #10
School Survival Fantasy Football League

Go ahead and have a terrible season, DoA.

schoolsux's countdown until school ends:

177 days until i get out of freshman year (aka hell)
1280 days until I get out of prison (aka school)

(as of november 28, 2016)

also Fu school

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schoolsux's "k" Count: 60
09-13-2015 06:54 AM
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Ky Offline

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Post: #11
School Survival Fantasy Football League

You're right - I should get Tiger Woods on the team too. It'll be a slam dunk.

Public Service Announcement: First world problems are still problems.
09-13-2015 08:47 AM
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schoolsux Offline
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Post: #12
School Survival Fantasy Football League

It wouldn't even be good in any single decade

schoolsux's countdown until school ends:

177 days until i get out of freshman year (aka hell)
1280 days until I get out of prison (aka school)

(as of november 28, 2016)

also Fu school

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schoolsux's "k" Count: 60
09-13-2015 11:38 AM
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schoolsux Offline
fuck this school bullshit

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Post: #13
School Survival Fantasy Football League

I am not doing a School Survival fantasy football league in 2015. Maybe 2016, though. The NFL season already started on Thursday.

schoolsux's countdown until school ends:

177 days until i get out of freshman year (aka hell)
1280 days until I get out of prison (aka school)

(as of november 28, 2016)

also Fu school

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schoolsux's "k" Count: 60
09-13-2015 11:58 AM
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