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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


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What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?
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Missile Offline
с гордостью девственница

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Post: #31
What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

And the teacher wouldn't even let me out.

Looking back, I wish that the tornado demolished the school and killed some of the people there. Many of those people caused me a lot of pain back in 6th grade.

Wake up people, and look at life around you

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05-05-2015 02:02 PM
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James Comey Away
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Post: #32
What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

Morality is a bitch, and has 2 sides.


[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]

Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it

Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA

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05-05-2015 02:04 PM
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wt43etri0feçrsfºll Offline

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Post: #33
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

(02-26-2015 11:50 AM)Ilija.m Wrote:  Everything yelling screaming reading from a PowerPoint presentation asking weird questions hatred towards students

Sums up my art teacher. She also teaches us something called "technological education". I don't know if that exists in the US.
The teacher makes us do the same thing all the time, not only that, she misses classes everytime. I think we only had about 3 classes with her this year. So, I have to wake up late in the morning just to find out that she missed class, again. On the upside though, she lets us hear music on our phones.
05-07-2015 11:09 PM
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TheSharkReturns Offline

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Post: #34
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

(05-07-2015 11:09 PM)Netto Wrote:  
(02-26-2015 11:50 AM)Ilija.m Wrote:  Everything yelling screaming reading from a PowerPoint presentation asking weird questions hatred towards students

Sums up my art teacher. She also teaches us something called "technological education". I don't know if that exists in the US.
The teacher makes us do the same thing all the time, not only that, she misses classes everytime. I think we only had about 3 classes with her this year. So, I have to wake up late in the morning just to find out that she missed class, again. On the upside though, she lets us hear music on our phones.

WTF? How is she not fired from her job yet? Cuckoo
05-08-2015 06:03 PM
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wt43etri0feçrsfºll Offline

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Post: #35
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

(05-08-2015 06:03 PM)TheSharkReturns Wrote:  
(05-07-2015 11:09 PM)Netto Wrote:  
(02-26-2015 11:50 AM)Ilija.m Wrote:  Everything yelling screaming reading from a PowerPoint presentation asking weird questions hatred towards students

Sums up my art teacher. She also teaches us something called "technological education". I don't know if that exists in the US.
The teacher makes us do the same thing all the time, not only that, she misses classes everytime. I think we only had about 3 classes with her this year. So, I have to wake up late in the morning just to find out that she missed class, again. On the upside though, she lets us hear music on our phones.

WTF? How is she not fired from her job yet? :cuckoo:

I have no idea.
Today we were supposed to have her today. Like normal, she wasn't present until we saw her enter the school to teach another class. We asked why she wasn't at school. She said she didn't feel like teaching us.
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2015 11:04 PM by wt43etri0feçrsfºll.)
05-08-2015 11:04 PM
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schoolsux Offline
fuck this school bullshit

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Post: #36
What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

get that teacher fired! they don't even do their job.

schoolsux's countdown until school ends:

177 days until i get out of freshman year (aka hell)
1280 days until I get out of prison (aka school)

(as of november 28, 2016)

also Fu school

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05-10-2015 07:37 AM
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TheEnigma Offline

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Post: #37
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

I have this biology teacher who is just so awful in many ways.
He is a creeper and says we're all his 'friends' and wants to know what we're doing over the weekend. I end up saying, "Sitting in the dark of my room," which one can see clearly ticks him off. He also makes us "share good news" once every week because apparently, "it helps you learn better." I generally say something like, "I ate food," while thinking that if all things go well, I won't have to see his face again. I also had the same guy for my seventh grade homeroom teacher, and when I broke my ankle, he was very unaccommodating. He also hasn't changed his lessons at all since seventh grade (except he added one new three-day lesson this year). And it's always boring stuff like food chains and evolution bullshit. And going on with evolution, he said he would fail anyone that refused to answer his evo. test according to his classes, not their religious lessons. I solved it by writing both (even though I haven't payed attention in his class all year. Still got 100%).
05-10-2015 01:21 PM
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schoolsux Offline
fuck this school bullshit

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Post: #38
What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

and i think my science teacher is bad...

schoolsux's countdown until school ends:

177 days until i get out of freshman year (aka hell)
1280 days until I get out of prison (aka school)

(as of november 28, 2016)

also Fu school

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schoolsux's "k" Count: 60
05-10-2015 01:30 PM
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GamerGurl Away
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Post: #39
What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

I had an English teacher in 10th grade who got involved in my affairs of skipping school and reported it to the counselor. I blame her as one of the major reasons that I got "caught" and almost got in trouble for truancy. I probably would've gone noticed much later anyway, but she accelerated my counselor and in turn other school officials in noticing my excessive absenteeism.

Seven crappy hours of our lives.
05-10-2015 04:28 PM
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Marlena403 Offline
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Post: #40
What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

My stupid English teacher has punished me because one boy pushed another boy on me. Plus she gave me negative points later, because I made paper airplanes and wanted to throw them at the boy and at the teacher as a revenge!
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2017 11:46 PM by Marlena403.)
11-15-2016 08:07 AM
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Shurpeh Offline

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Post: #41
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

The worst thing, eh?

She wouldn't stop whipping me, even after I used our safe word :c
11-15-2016 08:44 AM
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Pieman Offline
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Post: #42
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

The worst thing? Hmm...

In 6th grade I remember I had this math teacher who didn't really see the point in "teaching" at all. She would bring up the projector, show us a shitty slideshow from a workbook about how to do some problems, and then assign them. If anyone had trouble - which they did, it was math - she'd say "I don't give a rat's ass that it's 'too hard', you need to figure it out! If you don't I will kick your sorry butt out of this class and teach people who actually want to learn!"

I ended up getting a parent/teacher conference and once my mom saw how stuck up she was and refused to believe kids needed help sometimes, I got off completely.

" I never knew until that moment how bad it could hurt to lose something you never really had. " ~From the television show The Wonder Years
11-16-2016 07:40 PM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #43
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?









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(This post was last modified: 11-21-2016 02:29 AM by the Analogist.)
11-21-2016 02:27 AM
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Post: #44
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

Pigments != Light.

Hello, traveler.

This is an ancient account I have not used in a long time. My views have changed much in the intervening months and years.

Nonetheless, I refuse to clean it up. Pretending that I've held my current views since the beginning of time is what we in the industry call a lie. Asking people to do so contributes to moralistic self-loathing. "See, those people have nothing damning! I do! I'm truly vile!"

Because you can never be a good person with a single blemish on the moral record, I thought that simply entertaining some thoughts made me irredeemable. Though I don't care for his writing style, William Faulkner presents a good counterexample. He went from being a typical Southern racist to supporting the civil rights movement. These days we'd yell at him for that, probably.

People are allowed to change their views.

Nevertheless, this period of my life has informed some of how I am today. In good ways and bad ways. To purge it would be to do a disservice to history. Perhaps it will not make anyone sympathetic, but it may help someone understand.

If, after reading all this, you still decide to use the post above as evidence that I am evil today, ask yourself if you have never disagreed with the moral code you now follow. In all likelihood you did, at some point. If some questions are verboten, and the answer is "how dare you ask that," don't expect your ideological opponents to ever change their minds.
11-21-2016 07:51 AM
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Username Offline

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Post: #45
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

But I agree on the fact that art teachers are cunts.
11-21-2016 08:30 AM
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sswbm Offline

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Post: #46
What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?


[Image: 545C.jpg]

You could be right.
(This post was last modified: 11-22-2016 12:24 AM by sswbm.)
11-22-2016 12:23 AM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #47
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

Take a look at your printer ink. I am totally right. Then take a look at your component Video cables, I am totally right.

Purity is to Believe only that which deserves it.
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11-22-2016 03:09 PM
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no Offline
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Post: #48
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

Turns out we're both wrong, there are 4 primary colors (as color isn't a "thing" and just our perception, and we percieve it along red/green and blue/yellow axes.) This is why people experience red-green (or more rarely blue-yellow) colorblindness. Still, it shouldn't be an unreasonable proposition that there are different models of color for different applications.

Hello, traveler.

This is an ancient account I have not used in a long time. My views have changed much in the intervening months and years.

Nonetheless, I refuse to clean it up. Pretending that I've held my current views since the beginning of time is what we in the industry call a lie. Asking people to do so contributes to moralistic self-loathing. "See, those people have nothing damning! I do! I'm truly vile!"

Because you can never be a good person with a single blemish on the moral record, I thought that simply entertaining some thoughts made me irredeemable. Though I don't care for his writing style, William Faulkner presents a good counterexample. He went from being a typical Southern racist to supporting the civil rights movement. These days we'd yell at him for that, probably.

People are allowed to change their views.

Nevertheless, this period of my life has informed some of how I am today. In good ways and bad ways. To purge it would be to do a disservice to history. Perhaps it will not make anyone sympathetic, but it may help someone understand.

If, after reading all this, you still decide to use the post above as evidence that I am evil today, ask yourself if you have never disagreed with the moral code you now follow. In all likelihood you did, at some point. If some questions are verboten, and the answer is "how dare you ask that," don't expect your ideological opponents to ever change their minds.
11-22-2016 09:50 PM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #49
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

Fact is, those color wheels when I was a kid were missing cyan, and magenta. Bitch said there is no such thing, it's "blue-green", this muddy dark color you couldn't even make cyan with by adding white cuz then it's all grayish (so she was right). I still want to smash her face btw.

I am still right by the way.

Also your "how the brain works" rebuttal is wrong, we've got three cone receptors for red, green, and blue... I think.

Anyway, what's funny about magenta is it's not a wavelength like pure green which I believe is just like a sine wave. Our brain creates magenta when viewing what I by deductive reasoning have concluded must be a harmonic wave, meaning it's two different waves combined. So yeah, by our experience of color there is a complete circle which has some reality outside of us, but some reality only within us.

No red herrings allowed.

Purity is to Believe only that which deserves it.
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11-25-2016 03:20 PM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #50
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?


Ok, THEY say "white

Side note, my racist auto-complete keeps suggesting I capitalize the "w" in white, but it doesn't do it for black...

Anyway, they say "white is reflecting all the colors of the spectrum". Ok so what the F is a mirror? Is it just like really super white? The back it looks grey, so wtf?

Jeez! I am still super confused about color. Also are there animals who can see infrared? Don't some people say the "invisible light" can be smelled? Who comes up with this shit!?

Purity is to Believe only that which deserves it.
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(This post was last modified: 11-25-2016 03:32 PM by the Analogist.)
11-25-2016 03:29 PM
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Marlena403 Offline
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Post: #51
What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

My dumb Pastoral Leader yells at me all the time, usually for no reason. And she thinks it's funny.

My English teacher now keeps telling people lies about me. That's even worse than punishing me for just getting pushed in the corridor.

And my Year 8 PE teacher gave me detentions for stupid reasons.

I hate those three teachers I just mentioned, but I like all my other teachers.

(This post was last modified: 05-28-2017 11:57 PM by Marlena403.)
05-28-2017 11:47 PM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #52
RE: What is the worst thing teachers have done to you?

oh boy did i get stupid detentions. my dumbass parents were always mad at me.

Purity is to Believe only that which deserves it.
Wisdom is to follow only the Opinion which makes the best use of evidence.
Excellence is to be mindful of all these things in Living.
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05-29-2017 02:04 PM
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