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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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"It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"
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M3116 Offline
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Post: #1
"It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

Oh, sure, nothing wrong with the fact that virtually every American between the ages of 13 and 18 has shown signs of depression. It's a "phase." An experimentation, the trying out of new things is all.
Or maybe they just "haven't formed" yet. After all, we ALL know the pre-frontal lobe hasn't made its full round to the frontal cortex of the brain yet on AVERAGE. (Average my ass, those statistics show people who NEVER mature and refer to a neurological process that basically means exceptional skills to learn new information up to a certain point and rapid analysis thereafter, ignoring the fact that the brain waxes and wanes pretty much all throughout life and basically regresses with age making learning defective at a certain point, but let's just keep interpreting common knowledge in our favor) Minors and adolescents may not REALIZE they are actually selfish and outgrow their narcissistic and disordered ways of thinking.
Of course there isn't anything WRONG with them psychologically though! [/see above argument] (And of course even though we claim "their brains 'haven't formed'", we can prosecute them as adults in a trial by jury with virtually no discrepancies in sentencing!)

I'm just so sick of 'learning' these arguments I could scream. To be perfectly honest.
Let's see. So ALL these teen problems are caused by growth pains and luteinizing hormone and all that(as compared with the solemn and poignant problems of adulthood), unless of course the kid is gay or something in which case we have a perfect opportunity as adults to soapbox about politics and exploit the private tragedies of others as being public problems. I get it. But you want to know something? I mean you really want to hear something?
Let's look at some basic 'observations,' shall we. I mean, it just so happens that almost EVERY citizen 13 through 18 is in school. Right? And almost EVERY teenager has made an academic transition toward the federally regulated high school program by this point, where the conditions are almost identical across schools. And almost EVERY school and EVERY teenager faces similar problems.
Hm. So let's go through the rounds. If under 16, which many schools have students this age, you must be enrolled in school. However, all schools claim the right to present their students with paperwork REQUIRED to be enrolled at "their" (the state's) school. Students must sign this paperwork. They must agree to whatever "they" have written on these papers. Disciplinary action is not only allowed but ENCOURAGED, citing offenses "including BUT NOT LIMITED TO" some of those listed. Students can be PROSECUTED for not agreeing with this and/or attending school. No student unions are required. No social contract is in place. Many gym courses REQUIRE students to take off their clothes and change into new ones given by the school, sometimes to take off ALL garments and SHOWER, often with no barrier between fellow students. If this happened in a WORK ENVIRONMENT workers would sue. Slags would moan about how they were sexually harassed, and all. The old working class would wake up from their day time naps and complain about how they were oppressed. They'd use a suit of emotional distress too. At least some would. I guarantee it, in fact.
They would claim they were being oppressed and upheld by an absolutist authority. "Studies show abused people, children* in particular, to show profound effects in emotion and behavior inflicted by past abuse or control." *See above where teenagers are proven not to be adults, except where conditions are favorable

And you know what else? School gave me a complex. From the very dawn of it. It really did. It gave me a god damned complex and I'll never be the same for it, just so you know. Half of the time I'm sad as hell and the other half I'm railing off just like I am now, and it's all because of those godforsaken memories I have. And I'm sure, in fact I guarantee a whole bunch of people in THIS FORUM, have had the exact same experience.
I know NOW why some people do what they've done and that is the only gift this whole thing has given me. Like hell I know why that kid in Nebraska shot his fat assed vice principal last year or so. Like hell I do. I mean I don't understand it, that person and their own situation and all that. But like nine out of every ten times someone's killed someone, I understand it more than anything I have ever known. It's sad as hell HE had to die, and it MAKES me sad as hell, especially since I know two guys who go to that school and my friend used to be friends with HIM. So I was just thinking about that whole thing. About how the DAY after some thick shelled egghead I used to associate with went on about how "now a vice principal was no longer going to be teaching all because of..." I could have KILLED him. And he didn't even KNOW anybody from Millard. Anyway, it all got me angry as hell.
02-08-2012 03:50 PM
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flann Offline

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Post: #2
RE: "It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

Brotip here, just break your post into more paragraphs.

War is stupid.
02-09-2012 01:14 AM
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SaintVicious Offline

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Post: #3
RE: "It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

Calm your shit all you niggas take school too serious
02-09-2012 01:18 AM
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Stadium Offline

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Post: #4
RE: "It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

(02-09-2012 01:18 AM)SaintVicious Wrote:  Calm your shit all you niggas take school too serious

Fuck you.
And yeah you should break it more into paragraphs I'm only on my first cup of coffee for the day so it was kind of difficult to read.

but yeah, it's a pretty fucked up system we've got, isn't it?

And I love your use of the word slag.

No, this is Patrick.
02-09-2012 03:23 AM
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SaintVicious Offline

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Post: #5
RE: "It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

I have never been bothered by anxiety you're mega jelly.
02-09-2012 03:34 AM
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aCol Offline
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Post: #6
RE: "It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

It's normal for teachers to be burned out (that's why the scream at students and stuff).
Same reasoning.



02-09-2012 05:49 AM
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Dirtbikemike Offline
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Post: #7
RE: "It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

We only qualify as adults when it's favorable. NO STATEMENT COULD BE MORE TRUE!

Here are some that I were told to my face...

"You need to get your homework and classwork done, you're a responsible adult in high school now!"

"Do yoooouu have a degree in Mathematics? I didn't think so!" I got the same answer as when you did it that way " *nearly screaming* I'm taking points off on the tests if you do it any other way than this! If it's not done my way it's wrong because I'm the adult here and I know what I'm talking about!"

"You shouldn't step into other people's business and defend someone being bullied, you're just a kid. An adult, like me (with his fucking righteous douchebaggery), could have handled this much better than you."

Okay, I know I only said 3, but thinking of that last one put me in a really bad mood. The motherfucker that said it to me should get shot like the other guy. Is it ironic that he's a vice principal as well?

Balls of Steel:
Hidden stuff:
(01-13-2012 10:37 AM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Mike you deserve an SS medal. Here, be proud:
[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
Congrats for doing something I never had the balls to do.
If you have kids, save them from the bullshit you are forced to go through.
(01-25-2012 05:36 AM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Balls of steel re-awarded. 
(02-07-2012 03:22 PM)flann Wrote:  Balls of Tungsten, now.

I found a picture for tungsten balls

(02-14-2012 03:17 PM)Maelstrom Wrote:  Your balls are denser than white dwarf star matter.
(03-13-2012 08:27 PM)M3116 Wrote:  Balls of steel re-re-reawarded Nutter

(05-14-2013 03:01 PM)Prince Darkstar Wrote:  Dirtbikemike is the only guy I know of on here who won an argument with a teacher.
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2012 08:37 AM by Dirtbikemike.)
02-09-2012 08:36 AM
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NightThoughts Offline
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Post: #8
RE: "It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

How do they get away with telling us to act like mature adults and be grown up, as they claim that we are "too young to understand". I'll tell you when I don't understand, thanks!

I'd put a pithy quote here, but I'd rather speak for myself.

Superpowers aren't just flying and lifting several tons. Whatever you're good at, that's your superpower. Learn to deal with it.
02-09-2012 09:47 AM
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M3116 Offline
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Post: #9
RE: "It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

(02-09-2012 01:18 AM)SaintVicious Wrote:  Calm your shit all you niggas take school too serious

You're right, we should just justify it, just like most everyone else did at a point in history that was later deemed to be unjustifiable.
02-09-2012 10:27 AM
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Hi, I 'm anti-civ.

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Post: #10
RE: "It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

[Image: didnt_read_fat_guy_dancing_gif.gif]

But, I see your point. My parents always blame me for being tired and unhappy.

Like, oh your not eating, right. It's your fault your unhealthy, and the your are tired and miserable.

Such shit, yeah it's my fault for being born in america, where you force me to eat shitfood, and get up every morning at 6 am, to spend nine hours locked inside a goddamn institution, as I am indoctrinated into the harmful myths of society, and judged by my superiors.

Thank you mom and dad.

To be an anarchist, is to suffer greatly. To be a black woman is to suffer secretly. To be the earth, is to suffer silently.

I wish no harm on anyone, but those whose harmful ways will not stop without the same harm.

It's time we kill this cancerous system, before it kills us and everything left of gaia. Rise from our immaturity and take back our autonomy!

[Image: 2010-10-04-lost-my-appetite.jpg]
02-10-2012 10:15 AM
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Trekkie_Aspie Offline

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Post: #11
"It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

I will never forget one of my lower-school teachers. Apparently, being 30 years older means you're right about things like bird-berries.

I mean, it's one thing to pull that shit if they're berries that will give a kid, say, a stomach upset if they eat them. You're still wrong in the same way that claiming 2+2 = 5 makes you wrong. It is another thing entirely to use that sarcasm when a lower-school child in your class knows better than you about one thing that will kill you. That's wrong in the way that claiming 2+2 = 492004902448 makes you wrong.

If I seem rude to you, please call me on it gently.
One thing (among many others) school couldn't teach you.

((Google Asperger's Syndrome))

stupid article
04-06-2015 01:18 AM
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Trekkie_Aspie Offline

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Post: #12
"It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"


If I seem rude to you, please call me on it gently.
One thing (among many others) school couldn't teach you.

((Google Asperger's Syndrome))

stupid article
04-08-2015 03:08 PM
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Ky Offline

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Post: #13
"It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

Dude. This thread is over three years old.

Public Service Announcement: First world problems are still problems.
04-08-2015 03:19 PM
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Avatar Korra Offline
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Post: #14
"It's normal for teenagers to feel out of sorts"

I don't think this post got enough appreciation in 2012, so I'm bringing it back.
It's not even the fact that adults tend to invalidate teens' experiences that pisses me off the most- it's the fact that it's so widely excepted that even otherwise kind, well meaning people do it and think it's okay.

I find it weird that youth are seen as responsible, capable people when it comes to obedience, but when anyone mentions giving us freedom, suddenly "Their ~BRAINS~ though!!!" becomes the adult war cry.

"I’M BEGGING YOU, PRINCE ZUKO! It’s time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big question: who are you and what do YOU want?"
" While it is always best to believe in one’s self, a little help from others can be a great blessing"
-Uncle Iroh(Avatar: the Last Airbender)
06-24-2017 11:39 AM
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