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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

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Battlefield 3
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UnschoolShqiponjë Offline

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Post: #31
RE: Battlefield 3

Quote:I've heard it's more slow-paced and cautious than bland, repackaged shit like MW(3). Is it like STALKER where if you make one wrong move you're gonna wind up with a cloud of shrapnel instead of a face?

You can definitely move faster than you can in Stalker. To be effective though you need to work with a squad and you need to move tactically. Checking corners, using your class in ways it should be used, etc. etc. MW3 retard rushing will much more often than not get you killed.

Quote:Does it include more than the standard lineup of guns (M4, M16, AK, Uzi, M14, RPG, and not much else)?

Assault rifles




Light machine guns


Sniper rifles


Sub Machine guns



870 MCS
Saiga 20K

Rocket launchers

FIM-92 Stinger


Glock 17
Glock 18


M67 Hand grenades
M18 Smoke grenades
C4 explosives
M15 Anti tank mine
Claymore mine
60MM Mortar
M320 40mm launcher with grenades/smoke/shotgun
M26 MASS with shotgun/Flechettes/frag round/solid slugs

In other words: Yes.

Quote:Is there Flecktarn, and if so, does anyone use it? I'm a massive camouflage hipster.

Camos start at 30 seconds.

Eehhh the camo isn't really noticeable in game imo.

Quote:How do the vehicles work exactly?

There are transport vehicles (amtracs, jeeps with turrets), tanks, jets, scout helicopters, and attack helicopters.

Transport jeeps are pretty much the quickest land vehicles but easily destroyable. Transport Amtracs are more defensive than tanks but slower and less maneuverable.

Tanks are of mediumish speed and very strong offensively. They can be disable with two rockets from a RPG or Smaw etc. Also easily destroyed by M15 mines engineers have.

Jets are probably the hardest to actually help your team with but are fun as fuck. They move fast and you only have the MG on it at first. Rocket pods are unlocked later and great for air strikes.

Scout helicopters have MGs and can be used for transport. Attack helicopters have missiles and MGs. A pilot and a co-pilot who only shoots a MG.

Quote:Is there any strategy or do people just walk around shooting whoever isn't wearing their uniform?

You need to use your class effectively.

Engineer? Either destroying enemy vehicles with rockets or repairing while in the scout helicopters or being the gunner of a tank and repairing when necessary. Sometimes I'll use the little robot car to plant and defuse in Rush (which is hilarious imo). I'm not a fan of the mines though tbh.

Medic? Constant dropping of med kits wherever it seems it is needed. I regularly run through enemy fire to revive teammates. I think it is amazingly fun to run around reviving. Today I went 6-8 and others on my team had kills in the 30's. I still had more points (around 5000+) because of my healing and reviving.

Scout? I am constantly spotting for my team (regardless of the pitiful point reward for being a spotter). I also spot jets for my teammates in the sky (something more scouts need to do, my main vehicle is the jet and it is incredibly helpful when someone is spotting the enemy jet). Let's not forget strategically placing Spawn points near enemy MCOM stations.

Support? Suppressive fire and providing ammo for teammates. Mortars are awesome for clearing out an area for teammates. I don't play this class much.

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[Image: Untitled-1.png]
11-14-2011 05:22 PM
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SoulRiser Offline
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Post: #32
RE: Battlefield 3

Quote:Is there Flecktarn, and if so, does anyone use it? I'm a massive camouflage hipster.
You unlock different camo's as you level up, but honestly hiding in bushes and dark corners and shit does more for camo than what you wear. And if you have a huge scope on your gun, people will see the light reflecting on it. And you can blind people with flashlights and laser sights. Those are annoying IMO.

Quote:Is there any strategy or do people just walk around shooting whoever isn't wearing their uniform?
Lemme put it this way... I'm not half bad at shooting games. When I first got BF3 I had no idea WTF was going on, I didn't know the maps, didn't know guns, didn't know how the objectives worked, and I got horribly and utterly PWNT all the time. After a few days I got familiar with the maps and general concept of objectives and now I actually kick a bit of ass. Nowhere near as much as the people who've played this a crapton longer than me, but... long story short, just walking around and shooting people will get your ass killed so much it isn't even funny. You need to have a decent idea of what you're supposed to be doing and where to go.

Also, I <3 my mortar. Biggrin

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11-14-2011 09:28 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
Waging war with conviction

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Post: #33
RE: Battlefield 3

(11-14-2011 05:22 PM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  There are transport vehicles (amtracs, jeeps with turrets), tanks, jets, scout helicopters, and attack helicopters.

Transport jeeps are pretty much the quickest land vehicles but easily destroyable. Transport Amtracs are more defensive than tanks but slower and less maneuverable.

Tanks are of mediumish speed and very strong offensively. They can be disable with two rockets from a RPG or Smaw etc. Also easily destroyed by M15 mines engineers have.

Jets are probably the hardest to actually help your team with but are fun as fuck. They move fast and you only have the MG on it at first. Rocket pods are unlocked later and great for air strikes.

Scout helicopters have MGs and can be used for transport. Attack helicopters have missiles and MGs. A pilot and a co-pilot who only shoots a MG.

That actually sounds pretty boss.
(11-14-2011 05:22 PM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Camos start at 30 seconds.

Eehhh the camo isn't really noticeable in game imo.

So they gave the Russkies psuedo-Flecktarn. Dammit, yes they copied Flecktarn for one of their patterns, but they don't fucking use it! Why does noone get this!

Oh, and I figured that the patterns wouldn't really matter that much gameplay-wise. But again, I'm a camouflage hipster.

(11-14-2011 05:22 PM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  *list of guns*

Not bad. It doesn't seem to deviate from the stock types all that much, but not bad, not bad at all.
(11-14-2011 05:22 PM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  You can definitely move faster than you can in Stalker. To be effective though you need to work with a squad and you need to move tactically. Checking corners, using your class in ways it should be used, etc. etc. MW3 retard rushing will much more often than not get you killed.

(11-14-2011 05:22 PM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Medic? Constant dropping of med kits wherever it seems it is needed. I regularly run through enemy fire to revive teammates. I think it is amazingly fun to run around reviving. Today I went 6-8 and others on my team had kills in the 30's. I still had more points (around 5000+) because of my healing and reviving.

I'm used to doing just that IRL, minus the points crap. So, no worries.

Hm. I iz intrigued.

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
11-15-2011 05:07 AM
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Elfy Offline

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Post: #34
RE: Battlefield 3

Have we convinced you to buy BF3? Razz

[Image: tumblr_lpjpoqOyQ91qb8nljo1_500.gif]
11-15-2011 05:09 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #35
RE: Battlefield 3


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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
11-15-2011 08:37 PM
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Efs Offline

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Post: #36
RE: Battlefield 3

Ok so everytime I play BF3 I get shot from who the fuck knows where. I really need to learn this game well.
And you have to unlock flares wtf is this shit niggah low lvl sucks.

(01-10-2012 02:15 PM)Maelstrom Wrote:  Efs, your nihilism is beautiful.
03-31-2012 07:38 PM
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Sapphire Flames Offline

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Post: #37
RE: Battlefield 3

Yeah when you first start out it sucks enormous dick because you only have stock equipment.

The best hope for a newbie is to play medic and unlock the FAMAS through challenges.

"All Animals are equal, But some are more equal than others."
03-31-2012 11:10 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Battlefield 3

> looks at some BF3 media
> oh this is pretty cool, think it's worth getting
> $60
> yaomingface.jpg

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-01-2012 06:12 AM
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Sapphire Flames Offline

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Post: #39
RE: Battlefield 3

Says the person who was shaking his irl wad at someone in another thread.

"All Animals are equal, But some are more equal than others."
04-01-2012 07:37 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #40
RE: Battlefield 3

(04-01-2012 07:37 AM)Sapphire Flames Wrote:  Says the person who was shaking his irl wad at someone in another thread.

v[Image: v.gif]v

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-01-2012 01:45 PM
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Wingless Offline
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Post: #41
RE: Battlefield 3

I still feel bad for giving in and downloading Origin for BF3. Fuck you EA, I will never buy anything else from your stupid over-priced store, and you deserve Worst Company of the Year.

[Image: sigtest1-1.jpg]

"When government surveillance and intimidation is called "freedom from terrorism" or "liberation from crime," freedom and liberty have become words without meanings." - Deus Ex
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2012 08:37 AM by Wingless.)
04-05-2012 03:14 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #42
RE: Battlefield 3

mfw I have acquired an amazon gift card for fifty dosh

mfw there is a used copy of fattlebield 3 on amazon for twenty three dosh

mfw I hear the origin thing is a piece of shit and it's an incredible pain in the ass to set up and run

mfw I am basically asking SS whether or not I should get BF3

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-09-2012 08:25 AM
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Sapphire Flames Offline

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Post: #43
RE: Battlefield 3

Origin is an incredible pain in the ass to set up. But Battlefield 3 is very good.

If you feel like you would thoroughly enjoy (which I think you would) then I say go for it.

"All Animals are equal, But some are more equal than others."
04-09-2012 10:53 AM
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SaintVicious Offline

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Post: #44
RE: Battlefield 3

(04-09-2012 08:25 AM)The Desert Fox Wrote:  mfw I have acquired an amazon gift card for fifty dosh

mfw there is a used copy of fattlebield 3 on amazon for twenty three dosh

mfw I hear the origin thing is a piece of shit and it's an incredible pain in the ass to set up and run

mfw I am basically asking SS whether or not I should get BF3

Please for the love of god stop replacing the word money with dosh. Dosh is a joke referring to money, stop using it everyday.
Good use: "Man I got so much dosh saved up for this weekend"
Bad use: "that cheeseburger cost 2 dosh"
04-09-2012 11:01 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #45
RE: Battlefield 3

(04-09-2012 11:01 AM)SaintVicious Wrote:  
(04-09-2012 08:25 AM)The Desert Fox Wrote:  mfw I have acquired an amazon gift card for fifty dosh

mfw there is a used copy of fattlebield 3 on amazon for twenty three dosh

mfw I hear the origin thing is a piece of shit and it's an incredible pain in the ass to set up and run

mfw I am basically asking SS whether or not I should get BF3

Please for the love of god stop replacing the word money with dosh. Dosh is a joke referring to money, stop using it everyday.
Good use: "Man I got so much dosh saved up for this weekend"
Bad use: "that cheeseburger cost 2 dosh"

[Image: look-at-all-the-fucks-i-dont-give-t.jpg]

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-09-2012 11:03 AM
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Sapphire Flames Offline

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Post: #46
RE: Battlefield 3

Also Fox, off topic question - are you still interested in Counter Strike Source?

"All Animals are equal, But some are more equal than others."
04-09-2012 11:06 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #47
RE: Battlefield 3

(04-09-2012 11:06 AM)Sapphire Flames Wrote:  Also Fox, off topic question - are you still interested in Counter Strike Source?

Yes but not very much seeing how it's 100% reflex-based.

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-09-2012 11:06 AM
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Sapphire Flames Offline

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Post: #48
RE: Battlefield 3

And... you have the reflexes of a mentally retarted hamster suffering from the later stages of syphilis?

Anyway would you like a guest pass for it?

"All Animals are equal, But some are more equal than others."
04-09-2012 11:15 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #49
RE: Battlefield 3

(04-09-2012 11:15 AM)Sapphire Flames Wrote:  And... you have the reflexes of a mentally retarted hamster suffering from the later stages of syphilis?

Not really, I just prefer games in which thinking plays more of a role than pulling the trigger first.

(04-09-2012 11:15 AM)Sapphire Flames Wrote:  Anyway would you like a guest pass for it?

Sure, that'd be incredibly kickass. Biggrin Danke.

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-09-2012 12:24 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #50
RE: Battlefield 3

What's that dude, you'd seriously give me your BF3 account info so I could try it out before buying? Thanks a ton!

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[Image: 99jorb.jpg]


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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-13-2012 04:13 AM
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SaintVicious Offline

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Post: #51
RE: Battlefield 3
04-13-2012 04:17 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #52
RE: Battlefield 3

Because a torrented version will somehow magically work where the legit version did not.

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-15-2012 06:58 AM
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SaintVicious Offline

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Post: #53
RE: Battlefield 3

Mine worked fine.
04-15-2012 07:01 AM
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Efs Offline

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Post: #54
RE: Battlefield 3

I'm trying to play this on Insane or hard or whatever it's called.
Cannot even do second level.

(01-10-2012 02:15 PM)Maelstrom Wrote:  Efs, your nihilism is beautiful.
(This post was last modified: 04-19-2012 04:53 PM by Efs.)
04-19-2012 04:52 PM
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SoulRiser Offline
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Post: #55
RE: Battlefield 3

lol, I started the campaign on hard. Got pretty far, but there's this bit later where you're supposed to run along with your (bulletproof) buddies into some building while there's an army of (infinitely respawning) enemies constantly raining bullets upon you. It's impossible and completely ludicrous. I ragequit.

Might redo later on normal or easy or something. But seriously, that scripted bit is just totally stupid. No sane people would run in front of that building, as opposed to, oh I dunno, climbing up the back wall? ... Which you cannot do because you can't jump high enough. I tried.

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"I'm pretty sure there's a lot of beauty that can only be found in the mind of a lunatic." - TheCancer
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04-20-2012 03:23 AM
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monkey Away

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Post: #56
RE: Battlefield 3

I love me some good battlefield 3, Nothing like setting up a good machine gun nest and gunning down people from there flanks. GATA GATA GATA GATA GATA (100 points enemy killed) After alot of that someone finally comes up to try to stab me, and when they do I activate the tactical back up/ revenge plan. Which is c-4 I have already set up. Respawn and detonate c-4, I still kill my attacker from the grave.

Had to move on. Account is dead.
04-21-2012 05:23 PM
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Efs Offline

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Post: #57
RE: Battlefield 3

Man I just love going in the helicopter and spinning around.

(01-10-2012 02:15 PM)Maelstrom Wrote:  Efs, your nihilism is beautiful.
04-21-2012 05:27 PM
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SoulRiser Offline
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Post: #58
RE: Battlefield 3

That C4 thing doesn't work no more. Razz ... But hey, can do something similar with claymores.

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04-22-2012 11:04 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
Waging war with conviction

Posts: 12,061
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Post: #59
RE: Battlefield 3

You niggers need to stop reminding me what fun shit dice is causing me to miss out on.

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-23-2012 11:04 AM
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