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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.
I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.
I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.
I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.
I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.
Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.
Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.
The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with.
My contact details are here.
Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.
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Worst ever Teacher?
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Worst ever Teacher?
I have had a pretty good hand on the whole teacher thing, but I want something to get angry at (Hey what are forums for?) so post whatever.
I know this is a repost but that was 6 months ago.
10-12-2011 08:54 AM |
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Here to save you.
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
My teachers are ok, I guess.... Don't feel like giving a longer (correct) explanation.
Previously known as Derchin.
(This post was last modified: 10-16-2011 07:00 AM by Miller0700.)
10-12-2011 09:17 AM |
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
(10-12-2011 08:54 AM)Aurora Wrote: I have had a pretty good hand on the whole teacher thing, but I want something to get angry at (Hey what are forums for?) so post whatever.
I know this is a repost but that was 6 months ago.
My first grade teacher failed me on my test because I put little doodles on the side (even though I got all the answers right). She wouldn't let a girl go to the bathroom and the girl pissed herself.
This teacher was tenured and a woman so she was literally untouchable. 1st grade man she was fucked up.
Live until you die
10-12-2011 03:22 PM |
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Grorious Moddu
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
My GCSE Chemistry teacher. Useless as shit. He only taught the A-A* students and anyone who wasn't gifted with hyper-photographic super octopenis learning was stuck trying to take notes as he rattled through the subjects at a billion miles an hour, AND STILL MANAGED TO MAKE LESSONS DRAG. Now that's skill to be as horrible as he was.
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2011 12:49 AM by aaaaaaasd.)
10-13-2011 12:49 AM |
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Prince Rilian
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
My best-friend's 1st grade teacher broke a kid's arm.
Life is good. Jeta është e mirë. 
Die lewe is goed.
Het leven is goed.
Zoidberg: What is it, already? What's the cause of your anger?
Leela: I guess I would have to say, I hate you!
10-13-2011 03:54 AM |
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
(10-12-2011 09:17 AM)Derchin Wrote: My sister seems to thinks its funny and cute to tell everyone my business.
I don't understand......
10-13-2011 06:07 AM |
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From Now Until Velociraptor
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
Art Teacher failed me becuase I expressed my beliefs about school in an assigment.
3/4 of the time when you ask her something the answer will be "Figure it out" or "I showed you at the beginning of the 9 weeks!"
My English teacher is a bitchy hypocrite who literally, I'm not joking, is the model of the power-trip teacher. She is the absolute MOST important person in the room all the time, she made me change seats because I looked bored when she was rambling on about how much she loves the semi-colon. (Not shitting you.) She manages to make Edgar Allan Poe uninteresting.
Math teacher assigns us 2 or more hours of homework even on a test day, then acts absolutely offended to the core when you tell her you had better things to do.
Health teacher is convinced to always talk to us about the damages that Cannabis can do to you and how much it will ruin your life.
FACs teacher gave me an F because she didn't like the way I stitched my pants.
"Ask them no more questions, never hear them lying"
People say the problem with me is I have psychotic tendencies and care not about other human beings I don't like and or know. So?
10-16-2011 06:02 AM |
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
My Math teacher, he makes fun of kids in the class, who are then forced to just "smile it off", he once made a girl cry. He glamorizes the mathematically intelligent students in the class and compares our score to there's. He faps to my failures and told me I'm not smart enough to do his Math class next year which I need for Uni. Fuck that cunt, hope he chokes on a turd.
(01-10-2012 02:15 PM)Maelstrom Wrote: Efs, your nihilism is beautiful.
10-17-2011 05:33 PM |
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
Junior year, I had a Spanish teacher who did not know how to use the grade book program that is used on the computer. The problem was that my grade had locked in and was the ONLY one to lock in so I got an F as a result of it. I was pissed since I wanted to mentor freshman,go out for dance,cheer,ASB and be a DECA officer and be a Running Start student at my local college and get on Homecoming court and that would hurt me in the end of junior year. So, I was gonna get mad at her and call tech support so that they can tell me how to fix the gradebook and restore the value that was missing. She was missing a value in her gradebook that made it one grade less or even 2 grades less. It was a good thing she left but I did not get to mentor,do dance or go out for cheer sadly. I should had dropped Spanish 4 and taken 3-d Animation,Business Communication,Web Design or another class and then a foreign language at the college.
12-01-2011 09:20 PM |
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Leon Kinotolian
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
I had an English teacher during the last year I was in school (Junior, for those who may by some miracle remember). This woman was an arrogant, moronic bitch. Aside from being utterly incompetent at earning respect (which she then demanded be given, naturally) from her students, giving respect to students who were patient enough to deal with her shit and actually performed well in the classroom, and teaching things, she had no positive traits to her personality. She had this thing where if she was trying to convince someone to do work, because they weren't (myself, for example), she'd put on a smile and talk with a friendly tone. I swear, I almost burst out laughing one time because of how bad she was at it.
Her worst moment was making a girl cry, in front of her boyfriend, during LUNCH (the best part of the day in school, at least for me), about homework that she was trying to catch up on. I can't make this up. For no goddamn reason, she makes her cry. I was left with a foul taste in my mouth afterward.
12-02-2011 08:03 AM |
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School Lover
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RE: Worst ever Teacher?
My Pastoral Leader. In Year 7, she said that I have to be in the Learning Support room every breaktime and lunchtime (except when I'm in the canteen) and as soon as I eat my lunch, I must go to the Learning Support room without talking to anyone. She also didn't let me sit next to anyone, except people in my Year Group and people in the Learning Support at lunch. In Year 8 she didn't let me have secrets and opinions and yelled at me for crying in ICT class. Now that I'm in Year 9, she keeps threatening me with exclusions, telling me how I can and can't do my French homework despite being a GEOGRAPHY TEACHER and she once told me that I'm not allowed to have favourite teachers and that I must avoid the Head of English because of something that happened in a lesson. Whatever it was, it was not in an English lesson and it was something so stupid that I don't even remember. I was also not allowed to talk about my favourite teachers during Key Skills lessons and she once took me out of maths and science and twice out of art for a stupid reason. She is a very bad teacher.
06-11-2017 05:00 AM |
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