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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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Oh noes! I'm being abusededed!
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Human V. 2.0 Offline

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Post: #1
Oh noes! I'm being abusededed!

Some youngin in ethopia would kill for what you throw in the trash. Some kid in Russia would love to have your clothes. Some child in Iraq would love to have a hard time with his mother, just so he could see, his mother.

But no, we have to focus, on YOU.
Disregard everyone else. That's right. Everyone else.
Disregard them.
They don't matter.
Let's bitch and whine about school,
And post little stories.
It doesn't matter that some kids starving,
Living in his cities gutter.
You think you've got a hard life, well sure you do, but don't fucking forget, you get from what you do. You're the one who's fighting. You could just be happy, with what you've got, and be greatful, for what you're not, but no, we must bitch and complain, because we didn't get, that plastic areoplane. Go ahead, say you're being oppressed, because you sure are. There are gunmen walking around your school, threatening to kill you if you utter a word. There are laws saying, if you're not white you're dead. There are soldiers outside of your bombed out house. Oh wait a minute! No there aren't.

So, forget trying to work to help all the children who don't have what you have. Instead, let's all bitch about how us being taught something, and forced to socialize, is a bad thing!

++++++[br]Me, Me, Me - Agent Smith[br]++++++
01-02-2006 01:15 PM
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Aya Offline

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Post: #2

Human V. 2.0 Wrote:Some youngin in ethopia would kill for what you throw in the trash. Some kid in Russia would love to have your clothes. Some child in Iraq would love to have a hard time with his mother, just so he could see, his mother.

But no, we have to focus, on YOU.
Disregard everyone else. That's right. Everyone else.
Disregard them.
They don't matter.
Let's bitch and whine about school,
And post little stories.
It doesn't matter that some kids starving,
Living in his cities gutter.
You think you've got a hard life, well sure you do, but don't fucking forget, you get from what you do. You're the one who's fighting. You could just be happy, with what you've got, and be greatful, for what you're not, but no, we must bitch and complain, because we didn't get, that plastic areoplane. Go ahead, say you're being oppressed, because you sure are. There are gunmen walking around your school, threatening to kill you if you utter a word. There are laws saying, if you're not white you're dead. There are soldiers outside of your bombed out house. Oh wait a minute! No there aren't.

So, forget trying to work to help all the children who don't have what you have. Instead, let's all bitch about how us being taught something, and forced to socialize, is a bad thing!

Of course! Its such a bad thing to wish and work towards a better life and society than what you have! Just because there are people out there with lives much worse we should sit down, shut up and do as we're told. The comforts of this materialistic, meritocracy should be weighed over ones quest for individuality and independence.

Conformity is the way to go. Obiedience is the way to go. Individuality? Freedom? What the hell is that? What type of example are we sending to the poor, the tired, those yearning to be free? By fighting for our freedoms in this great country of ours we send them the message that fighting for your anything even in the smallest way reaps major material rewards such as hybrid cars and plasma tv's. It causes them to go out and seek this better life in thier own country. It causes their governments to shoot them.

We should be leading them with the example of conformity. Toe the line, speak when spoken to, and speak only good things to the government. Its a much easier and effective way to get all of the good stuff that fills our homes. No bloodshed, but no independence either.
01-02-2006 01:36 PM
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Human V. 2.0 Offline

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Post: #3

Ayliana Wrote:Of course! Its such a bad thing to wish and work towards a better life and society than what you have! Just because there are people out there with lives much worse we should sit down, shut up and do as we're told. The comforts of this materialistic, meritocracy should be weighed over ones quest for individuality and independence.

Conformity is the way to go. Obiedience is the way to go. Individuality? Freedom? What the hell is that? What type of example are we sending to the poor, the tired, those yearning to be free? By fighting for our freedoms in this great country of ours we send them the message that fighting for your anything even in the smallest way reaps major material rewards such as hybrid cars and plasma tv's. It causes them to go out and seek this better life in thier own country. It causes their governments to shoot them.

We should be leading them with the example of conformity. Toe the line, speak when spoken to, and speak only good things to the government. Its a much easier and effective way to get all of the good stuff that fills our homes. No bloodshed, but no independence either.

Thank god I'm not the only one with a sense of humour!

You talk about working towards a better life, but whose better life? Putting teachers out of jobs? Destroying everything we have built in this country? Oh yeah, that's a real better life. I'm not saying we should sit down and shut up, but alteast if you're going to say you're going to do something, for the love of god, DO IT! Don't say you're going to "Hold a Rally", show up there and actually do it!

What type of example are we setting if we are turning away everything we have been given, like spoiled brats. You're sending the message "It's not okay to be happy, you must STRIVE STRIVE STRIVE", which is worse than the school system. Sure, you can be individual, but that doesn't require you to be a moron who goes out and shoots stuff up. And last time I checked, rebellion only gets you more rebellion.

Ofcourse we should try and make our lives better, but who said that taking down the school would be the best idea? Who said that we shouldn't try and make others lives better, as well?

++++++[br]Me, Me, Me - Agent Smith[br]++++++
01-02-2006 01:42 PM
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Aya Offline

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Post: #4

Human V. 2.0 Wrote:Thank god I'm not the only one with a sense of humour!

And thank God I'm not the only one with an IQ.

Human V. 2.0 Wrote:You talk about working towards a better life, but whose better life? Putting teachers out of jobs? Destroying everything we have built in this country? Oh yeah, that's a real better life. I'm not saying we should sit down and shut up, but alteast if you're going to say you're going to do something, for the love of god, DO IT! Don't say you're going to "Hold a Rally", show up there and actually do it!

What type of example are we setting if we are turning away everything we have been given, like spoiled brats. You're sending the message "It's not okay to be happy, you must STRIVE STRIVE STRIVE", which is worse than the school system. Sure, you can be individual, but that doesn't require you to be a moron who goes out and shoots stuff up. And last time I checked, rebellion only gets you more rebellion.

I have a strong feeling that I know what your refering to. You're refering to the blatant immaturity that infests this site. And I agree with you. All I can really tell you is that not every anarchist talks about blowing shit up.

Human V2.0 Wrote:Ofcourse we should try and make our lives better, but who said that taking down the school would be the best idea?

Taking down the school system in this country is only one step at the process. But its a big step. Think about it, where does the average Joe get his ideas, morals, attitudes, and in general his perception of the world around him? He gets it from school as much as parents. I dare say now adays school more. Its what it was designed for. They even tell you that in school. My first anarchist thoughts came after I read the section in my History textbook about the unification of Germany. It said right in the little paragraph that they created a compulsory school system as a way to create skilled workers who for the most part agreed with the same thing. My first thought was "Thats fucked up"

Human V.2. Wrote:Who said that we shouldn't try and make others lives better, as well?

Why do you think I'm going to be a doctor? And another question I want you to seriously ponder; What else do you think I've considered (and still consider) being in my professional career?
01-02-2006 02:03 PM
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Human V. 2.0 Offline

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Post: #5

For your career question, I could give you the jerky pisshead answer, I could give you the "Oh you must be mother of the year" answer, or I could give you my answer. Take your pick.

We learn alot from school, yes. But that's what shapes us. That's what teaches us. That's what shows us, how life is going to be. It's like an innoculating shot, to protect against the virus of life.

++++++[br]Me, Me, Me - Agent Smith[br]++++++
01-02-2006 02:06 PM
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Aya Offline

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Post: #6

Human V. 2.0 Wrote:We learn alot from school, yes. But that's what shapes us. That's what teaches us. That's what shows us, how life is going to be. It's like an innoculating shot, to protect against the virus of life.

I don't deny that school does teach you some things. However I'm weary of government not only telling children what to think, what to believe and how to act, but using a system known to produce conformity.

And life in school is nothing compared to real life.
01-02-2006 02:12 PM
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Human V. 2.0 Offline

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Post: #7

It is, and it isn't. I'm not saying I know everything about real life, but I know some here, and some there. But, you are talking about conformity. Take a look at the cafeteria. Look how diverse that actually is. Take a look at all the types of kids there.

++++++[br]Me, Me, Me - Agent Smith[br]++++++
01-02-2006 02:14 PM
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Aya Offline

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Post: #8

Human V. 2.0 Wrote:It is, and it isn't. I'm not saying I know everything about real life, but I know some here, and some there. But, you are talking about conformity. Take a look at the cafeteria. Look how diverse that actually is. Take a look at all the types of kids there.

I go from my own experiances as well.There are many things school has taught me or tried to teach me that I have figured out is untrue, simply through my experiacne working

Schools teach that obiedience is rewarded. That is not how it work. Obidience gets you stepped on. Schools teach that disobidience, or insubordination will be punished. That has yet to happen to me. I've been threatened with it, but I have yet to be in trouble for standing up to my boss or the co-workers who think they're my boss.

They teach that everyone is equal. They're not. I'm not talking about legally. I'm talking about a social hierarchy that you are fit into based on who you are, what you believe or what you pretend to be and believe.

Schools also teach that life is easy. At least thats the impression they gave me, pushing me through school and all. Thankfully for me I was never satisfied, never happy. I always strived for more, and the more I strived, the more they made my life harder. Thus I didn't enter the 'real world' with delusions of grandure like some of my classmates will in a few months. And I'm thankful for that.
01-02-2006 02:40 PM
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Human V. 2.0 Offline

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Post: #9

Actually, obdiendience sometimes works, as with cops. Everyone is equal, it's just how you plan to manipulate the system that points out how far you go. Life isn't easy, and school hasn't taught me that.

++++++[br]Me, Me, Me - Agent Smith[br]++++++
01-02-2006 03:18 PM
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Aya Offline

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Post: #10

Human V. 2.0 Wrote:Everyone is equal, it's just how you plan to manipulate the system that points out how far you go.

No we really aren't.
01-03-2006 05:17 AM
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Human V. 2.0 Offline

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Post: #11

Hmm, please, explain how we aren't.

++++++[br]Me, Me, Me - Agent Smith[br]++++++
01-03-2006 05:21 AM
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Aya Offline

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Post: #12

Just listen to the people around you. Listen to what they say about each other. What they call each other. The words "Nigger" "Spic" and "Fag" are most likely to be the bulk of what you hear. Now listen closer, and you'll start to hear more. "I won't work there. Thats nigger pay" "Those fruits can do whatever the hell they want, but they have no business having kids."

Predjudice is everywhere and with it comes discrimination. You may not be as obvious as Jim Crow back in the day but its still there. Its not just the average Joe that holds these opinions. Bosses look at you not only for what you can do but what you are. You don't believe me? I had my boss himself tell me "High school kids make bad workers" He used this against me for the longest time whenever I would ask for more hours. I finally wrote an angry letter to him, and he gave me the hours I demanded. Which brings me back to the lessons schools teach you. If I had done that to a teacher I would've been suspended for 'insubordination'. My boss was stunned but if you want my honest opinion, I think he looks at me better now for it.

No one is equal in this country. And it does effect you.
01-03-2006 05:31 AM
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Human V. 2.0 Offline

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Post: #13

I must be in a different area then you guys, because where I'm from, people are open to opinions..

++++++[br]Me, Me, Me - Agent Smith[br]++++++
01-03-2006 05:34 AM
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Freak Offline

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Post: #14

Where are you from?

[Image: ambnh8.jpg]
01-03-2006 08:04 AM
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Human V. 2.0 Offline

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Post: #15

Washington State.

++++++[br]Me, Me, Me - Agent Smith[br]++++++
01-03-2006 12:42 PM
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black-cat Offline

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Post: #16

why do we have to think your lifes are bad.mines worser.i gota go to school everyday with teachers talking behide my back. gota go home after and have my sis bug me.iv gota have phone calls from the teacher.i gota lissen to fights.i gota stay in my room geting ready for next day.i gota do stuff for the school.i gota cook for the school.i gota do this and that.i gota wana hang myself. do you understand any of that.i dont think anybody do.why dont we get along.why cant we give each outer helpRanting
02-04-2006 10:45 AM
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Human V. 2.0 Offline

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Post: #17

Because, we as humans, are just, stupid.
The only reason governments exist is because we are too stupid to understand how to run ourselves.

++++++[br]Me, Me, Me - Agent Smith[br]++++++
02-04-2006 11:42 AM
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ANAL_FROST!!! Offline

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Post: #18

black-cat, you know, you dont need to say "hello" for every comment.

"...if analfrost says killpress is a fag, it must be true. anal never lies. except that time he said he never ate cat shit...that liar"
-Niles Hartley

(quote edited so ppl would know who he was talking about)
02-05-2006 12:43 AM
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Rebelnerd Offline

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Post: #19

and how does that make oyur life "worser"? it's the same sort of things that happen to all of us. school treats us all like Poop, that doesn't make you special.

I think Buenaventura Durruti is a pretty cool guy. eh kills fascists and doesnt afraid of ruins.
The quickest way to kill a revolution is to wait for it.
02-05-2006 12:51 AM
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Aya Offline

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Post: #20

Human V. 2.0 Wrote:Because, we as humans, are just, stupid.
The only reason governments exist is because we are too stupid to understand how to run ourselves.

So a hand full of humans (who are stupid) should be allowed to control other humans (who are equally as stupid).

No, I don't think so. Unless some master alien race comes down from outer space and proves that they're less stupid than we are, I refuse to relinquish my autonomy to a government.
02-08-2006 12:34 AM
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