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I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


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50 Rules Kids Won't Learn in School
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HeartofShadows Offline

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Post: #31
Re: 50 rules kids won't learn in school

Ayliana Wrote:
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This thread was inactive for nearly four months before you posted today. Ergo, you bumped it.

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you mad?

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05-17-2011 07:13 AM
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SoulRiser Offline
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Post: #32
Re: 50 rules kids won't learn in school

I have one rule kids won't learn in school...

1) Don't live your life based on other people's rules. You can take their advice if you want to, but don't blindly follow anyone.

actually, there's another one...

2) Don't waste your time debating other people's rules. People who make up lists of rules usually do it because they like to feel like they're better than other people - not the sort of people you want to hold a conversation with, let alone do any debating against.

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05-17-2011 07:18 AM
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Miller0700 Offline
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Post: #33
RE: 50 Rules Kids Won't Learn In School

They gave a list of some of them last year. And they put at the end to thank a teacher. Wow.

Previously known as Derchin.
10-02-2011 09:53 AM
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Guhixica Offline

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Post: #34
RE: 50 rules kids won't learn in school

(01-05-2011 07:51 PM)Faby Wrote:  This is bullshit. Whoever wrote it should ingest a critical amount of various, slow poisons.

Would you mind elaborating instead of just being negative?
10-07-2011 11:09 AM
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Post: #35
RE: 50 rules kids won't learn in school

(10-07-2011 11:09 AM)Guhixica Wrote:  
(01-05-2011 07:51 PM)Faby Wrote:  This is bullshit. Whoever wrote it should ingest a critical amount of various, slow poisons.

Would you mind elaborating instead of just being negative?
Would you mind elaborating instead of just being negative about someone else not elaborating?

1. Life is not fair. Get used to it.
Bullshit, rather that taking it up to ass you should stand up against unfairness. Just whining... IMO... seems to be better than taking it up the ass. At least if you're whining about the right shit. Except it can get people to hate you and your point. Eh.

2. The real world won't care as much as your school does about your self-esteem. It'll expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
I think it's fucking bullshit in so many levels, I see it as the opposite. School doesn't give a shit about your self-esteem or what you think of their bullshit, but self-esteem, meh. Is good for jobs and shit, but, just, meh.

3. Sorry, you won't make sixty thousand dollars a year right out of high school. And you won't be a vice president or have a company car. You may even have to wear a uniform that doesn't have a designer label
True, and cool story bro.

4. You are not entitled...
Lol wut? Neither are you. Entitled to what? Free speech? Money? Fucking bullshit, I'll do the best to get what I think I need without fucking other people over... too much?

5. No matter what your daddy says, you are not a princess...

6. No, you cannot be everything you dream...
lol. Obvious, sadly, meh.

7. If you think our teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He won't have tenre, so he'll tend to be a bit edgier. When you screw up, he's not going to ask you how you FEEL about it.
Neither does a fucking teacher. What the fuck is tenre? And your teacher? Plural "you"? So more than one asshole is writing these rules?

8. Your navel is not that interesting. Don't spend your life gazing at it.
wuts a navel

9. Your school may have done away with winners and losers. Life hasn't.
Cool story bro.

10. Life is actually more like dodgeball than your gym teacher thinks.
Cool story bro. Though I kind of agree. Meh. Not that you should fuck other people over for your own gain when they're not trying to fuck you over.

11. After you graduate, you won't be competing against rivals who were raised to be wimps on the playground.
Cool story bro

12. Humiliation is a part of life. Deal with it.
Cool story bro

13. You're not going to the NBA, so hold off on the bling and spare us the attitude.
Glorious exposition, comrade!

14. Looking like a slut does not empower you.
Riveting tale, chap.

15. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping. They called it opportunity.
...I actually quite agree with this. To a point. As long as it's temporary, and after all, SOMEONE has to flip burgers.

Anyway, I'm bored, and I have to do my English and US History homework.

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10-07-2011 11:36 AM
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UnschoolShqiponjë Offline

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Post: #36
RE: 50 rules kids won't learn in school

I wanna do all 50.... yayayay

Quote:1. Life is not fair. Get used to it.

How is this NOT taught in school? You want to stay home with your parents and play or have fun? NOPE SORRY FUCK YOU! You have to listen to some person ramble about multiplication tables. Maybe your at school and want to spend more time enjoying lunch with your friends? NOPE SORRY FUCK YOU! Time to go analyze some poems!

I usually don't like this saying because it promotes a "role over and take it" philosophy. If life isn't fair try your best to change it, if you can't, try to avoid it, if that is not possible... fucking take it with a smile and give em hell.

Quote:2. The real world won't care as much as your school does about your self-esteem. It'll expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.

Once again this IS taught in school especially after elementary school. Kids are killing themselves because of their issues.

Other than that this is a personality issue. I have awesome self-esteem. If a boss is treating me like crap I WILL quit. I surround myself with people I enjoy... including at work. School promotes you to *suffer* those you dislike.

Quote:3. Sorry, you won't make sixty thousand dollars a year right out of high school. And you won't be a vice president or have a company car. You may even have to wear a uniform that doesn't have a designer label

The lesson is you don't start at the top? Obviously! Most people know this. You usually have to work your way up. Same with school. You don't just start with an A or on the varsity team... you have to work for it.

Quote:4. You are not entitled...

In school you are not entitled to freedom... big lesson learned there. The author of this list needs to get over himself.

Quote:5. No matter what your daddy says, you are not a princess...

Only up to Rule 5 and I think the author has his own problems with self-esteem. As for the rule. Logically there are no real princesses (in America) but to her dad she will always be a princess. To her boss maybe not but I am sure she knows that.

Quote:6. No, you cannot be everything you dream...

Once again... obvious. No I can't be a warrior with magic fighting fire breathing dragons (yes I dreamed of that in high-school I was a nerd hahaha) You CAN however work toward it and try your best. You may succeed you may fail but you try. Sounds like you hate your own life.

Quote:7. If you think our teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He won't have tenre, so he'll tend to be a bit edgier. When you screw up, he's not going to ask you how you FEEL about it.

LOLOLOL Some of the WORST people I have dealt with were my teachers. Guess what? I couldn't switch classes, I couldn't *quit* that class and go to another one. With work I CAN tell my boss to fuck himself if he is an ass and I CAN find another job. The real world is SO much better than the artificial world that is school.

Quote:8. Your navel is not that interesting. Don't spend your life gazing at it.


Quote:9. Your school may have done away with winners and losers. Life hasn't.

I agree, schools that do this create an artificial environment that isn't realistic. Thing is very few schools have done this so this is really a silly point. Not to mention too much competition is a bad thing to. Maybe the real world can take a lesson about cooperation and working together.

Quote:10. Life is actually more like dodgeball than your gym teacher thinks.

If you live in the ghetto and have to dodge bullets maybe... but your metaphor is as silly as mine and quite frankly makes little sense.

Quote:11. After you graduate, you won't be competing against rivals who were raised to be wimps on the playground.

Wait... what? So after graduating these wimps suddenly become tough? Almost everyone goes to school. Again another rule that doesn't make sense. By your argument school makes wimps but these same wimps will be in the work force and you will be competing against them again.

Quote:12. Humiliation is a part of life. Deal with it.

You want to know how I deal with people who try to humiliate me? I defend myself... which school does NOT allow. School tells you to just deal with it. Are you talking about the humiliation of defeat? Well that is not how I see defeat. I see defeat as the opportunity to change your game plan and go at it again. The author just has a negative view on life.

Quote:13. You're not going to the NBA, so hold off on the bling and spare us the attitude.

Most little kids I know realize that making it to a professional sports team is like winning the lottery with a tad bit more skill involved.

Quote:14. Looking like a slut does not empower you.

This is because you are a sexist piece of filth. A girl expressing her sexuality by showing off her body probably does one of two things to you. If you are a guy it gets you horny and you are either too damn ugly to get her attention OR she is too young and it just pisses you off that her attractiveness destroys the silly social rules on teen sexuality. If you are a women... you are simply jealous of the body you don't have. Hit the treadmill.

Quote:15. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping. They called it opportunity.

This isn't schools fault. Often parents pressure their kids into thinking they need to get jobs that are *worthy*. Not to mention some people just have issue with the pay, treatment, and overall environment. Don't assume they think it is beneath them, they may just have different preferences.

Quote:16. Your parents and your little brother are not as embarrassing as you think. What's embarrassing is ingratitude, rudeness, and sulkiness.

Who are you to tell someone else what they should think? Parents can be embarrassing as fuck especially since most don't view their kids as human beings and treat them like crap. They are not gracious, they are rude, and this causes the kid to act sulky...

Quote:17. Your parents weren't as boring before as they are now. They got that way paying your bills, driving you around, saving for your education, cleaning up your room, and listening to you tell them how idealistic you are.

Most parents remove themselves and put themselves on a metaphorical higher level than their kids. Their kids really can't connect with this *overlord* who makes ridiculous demands. So of course kids won't be able to connect with their parents. They literally purposefully act different around their kids. They act boring on purpose.

Quote:18. Life is not divided into semesters. And you don't get summer off.

On the latter I'd like to say thank god for that!... as for the former that depends on your job. Not to mention at school you basically work for free while at work you get paid. This is also an American issue. Many countries citizens work so much less than their American counter parts. Americans have this weird view that work has to suck and you have to work all the time. Fuck that.

Quote:19. It's not your parents' fault. If you screw up, you are responsible.

Blame society for giving youth under 18 little to no real responsibilities. How do you expect one to be responsible and accept it when they are given none?

Quote:20. Smoking does not make you look cool....It makes you look moronic.

LOLOLOL This is a HUMAN issue not just youth. I suggest the author tell his dumb fucking adult friends this rule. The author is a piece of shit and complete ageist.

Quote:21. You're offended? So what? No, really. So what?

Bwahahaha who is in charge of censorship? Who runs the MPAA, FCC, ESRB? ADULTS! The author is a fucking moron. Children are NOT naturally offended at most things. This is taught by the ADULTS in their lives.

Quote:22. You are not a victim. So stop whining.

American students are victim to having their freedom and rights stripped from them. They are subject to laws and policies they have NO say in. They can legally be hit for minor reasons based on the will of their parents and sometimes teachers. How are they not victims?

Quote:23. Someday you will have to grow up and actually move out of your parents' house.

Most people look forward to that day. I wonder what kind of people the author hangs out with?

Quote:24. Batman's girlfriend is right: "It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you."

Well sounds more like, "Accept your lowly position and love it" type banter.

Quote:25. Pi does not care what you think.

What the fuck is the author trying to say? I really don't get this one.

Quote:26. A moral compass does not come as standard equipment.

Yea it is often tuned by the adults in the child's life and how they treat said child. Tuning ones own moral compass is extremely hard and take serious conscious effort. I, personally, have done so. I doubt the author has such a capability.

Quote:27. Your sexual organs were not meant to engage in higher-order thinking or decision making.

Your sexual organs make no decisions. Your brain does. Next! (Oh I get what he means but it is fucking stupid and most adults would benefit from this advice... more so than youth)

Quote:28. Somebody may be watching...

So a teacher watching your every move doesn't teach this lesson? Huh.

Quote:29. Learn to deal with hypocrisy.

School is the essence of hypocrisy.

Quote:30. Zero tolerance = zero common sense.

Way too obvious. School teaches this. Most kids realize that it is silly to punish someone for defending themselves. Thus realizing zero tolerance policies on violence are fucking stupid.

Quote:31. Naked people look different in real life.

Da fuck? Another nonsensical comment.

Quote:32. Television is not real life.

Well in most cases yes. Sometimes it is not. If a parent hasn't taught their kid this than there is no hope.

Quote:33. Be nice to nerds. You may end up working for them. We all could.

I was generally nice to everyone, but this whole "nerds will be your bosses!!1!!11!" thing is silly. I knew a nerd in high-school. He was a nice kid I was friendly with him. In college I found out he molested his little sister and was in jail. I knew a jock once. He was kind of a dick but I was personally cool with him. He now makes about a million a year with his business.

Quote:34. Winners have a philosophy of life. So do losers.

I'm guessing you're one of the losers and this list of rules sums up your philosophy pretty well.

Quote:35. If your butt has its own zip code, it's not because McDonald's forced you to eat all those Big Macs. If you smoke, it's not Joe Camel's fault.

And yet adults continue to sue for getting coffee that is too hot, or for getting fat from KFC... the real world seems to teach that you can sue all your responsibilities away! That would never fly in school. Unless of course if you are an attractive child. Then teachers go easier on you, but I'm going off on a tangent now.

Quote:36. You are not immortal.

I think the many youth that die before they graduate from school realized this. I think all their friends have realized this. I think anyone who has access to a tv and the news realizes this.

Quote:37. Being connected does not mean you aren't clueless.

Stupid rule that makes little sense.

Quote:38. Look people in the eye when you meet them...

Did you know this is an act of aggression in some cultures?

Quote:39. People in black-and-white movies were in color in real life. And no, the world did not begin when you were born

Well that individuals world DID begin when they were born. Not to mention if someone doesn't realize that there was existence before their birth might have mental issues or they are a toddler.

Quote:40. Despite the billion-dollar campaign to turn your brain into tapioca pudding, try to learn to think clearly and logically.

The author really isn't helping.

Quote:41. You are not the first and you are not the only one who has gone through what you are going through.

I actually like this piece of advice... BUT telling someone this when they are going through some issues really doesn't help.

Quote:42. Change the oil.


Quote:43. Don't let the successes of others depress you.

Good advice BUT coupled with some other pieces of advice on this list... I feel I can amount this to more "Accept your lowly position" type banter.

Quote:44. Your colleagues are not necessarily your friends, and your friends aren't your family.

That's fine you don't have to be friendly with everyone. As for the family part I have a quote for that:
"Blood thicker than water
Only in certain cases
You need water to live you learn that in the basics"

Quote:45. Grown-ups forget how scary it is to be your age. Just remember: this too shall pass.

Adults in general forget what it is like to be a kid (the author included) and that is what causes MANY problems in our society.

Quote:46. Check on the guinea pig in the basement.

... again with the silly comments.

Quote:47. You are not perfect, and you don't have to be.

Good advice.

Quote:48. Tell yourself the story of your life. Have a point.

Okay.... kind of a weird comment.

Quote:49. Don't forget to say thank you.

Well yeah but not all the time.

Quote:50. Enjoy this while you can.

Talking about life? Yes I agree. All of life is awesome and fleeting.

Live until you die
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(This post was last modified: 10-07-2011 01:27 PM by UnschoolShqiponjë.)
10-07-2011 01:26 PM
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Superkamiguru Offline
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Post: #37
RE: 50 Rules Kids Won't Learn in School

(01-08-2011 02:59 AM)AngryCollegeDude Wrote:  16. Your parents and your little brother are not as embarrassing as you think. What's embarrassing is ingratitude, rudeness, and sulkiness.

What's embarassing is macho assholes selling themselves as "realistic" by stereotyping teens and trying to destroy any self worth they have left.


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"CONSENSUAL incest is not wrong. (Abuse victims: being abused by a relative does not make it wrong for others to have consensual incest, any more than rape by a stranger makes all sex wrong. Sex and assault/molestation are two different things.) An aversion became common in humans that aided in population growth as one disease couldn't wipe out the human race. That's not a problem anymore.

Consensual incest is very common. You know people who have been involved, whether you know it or not.

There is no rational reason for keeping laws or taboos against consensual
incest that is consistently applied to other relationships. Personal disgust or religion is only a reason why one person would not want to personally engage in what I call consanguinamory, not why someone else shouldn't do it. An adult should be free to share love, sex, residence, and marriage with ANY consenting adults. Youthful experimentation between close relatives close in age is not uncommon, and there are more people than you'd think out there who are in lifelong healthy, happy relationships with a close relative. It isn't for everyone, but we're not all going to want to have each others' love lives, now are we? If someone thinks YOUR love life is disgusting, should you be thrown in prison?

Some people try to justify their prejudice against consanguineous sex and
marriage by being part-time eugenicists and saying that such relationships inevitably lead to “mutant” or “deformed” babies. This argument can be refuted on several fronts. 1. Some consanguineous relationships involve only people of the same gender. 2. Not all mixed-gender relationships birth biological children. 3. Most births to consanguineous parents do not produce children with significant birth defects or other genetic problems; while births to other parents do sometimes have birth defects. 4. We don’t prevent other people from marrying or deny them their reproductive rights based on increased odds of passing along a genetic problem or inherited disease. It is true that in general, children born to consanguineous parents have an increased chance of these problems than those born to nonconsanguineous parents, but the odds are still minimal. Unless someone is willing to deny reproductive rights and medical privacy to others and force everyone to take genetic tests and bar carriers and the congenitally disabled and women over 35 from having children, then equal protection principles prevent this from being a justification to bar this freedom of association and freedom to marry.

Some say "Your sibling should not be your lover." That is not a reason. It begs the question. Many people have many relationships that have more than one aspect. Some women say their sister is their best friend. Why can’t their sister be a wife, too?

Some say “There is a power differential.” This applies least of all to siblings or cousins who are close in age, but even where the power differential exists, it is not a justification for denying this freedom to sex or to marry. There is a power differential in just about any relationship, sometimes an enormous power differential. To question if consent is truly possible in these cases is insulting and demeaning.

Some say “There are so many people outside of your family." There are plenty of people within one’s own race, too, but that is no reason to ban interracial marriage. So, this isn't a good reason either. Let consenting adults love each other the way they want!"-Keith Pullman

01-03-2017 09:17 AM
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HSHARK Offline

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Post: #38
RE: 50 Rules Kids Won't Learn in School

I think the school regulation that 60% means a pass violates basic quality controls in many workplaces. In fields such as engineering, it is either spot on with little tolerance, or it is a failed item. Therefore, the attitude of passing by a mere 60 would only harm you in real life.
01-04-2017 02:12 PM
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Marlena403 Offline
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Post: #39
RE: 50 Rules Kids Won't Learn in School

I've learned some of those things at school. Not all of them though.

02-25-2017 02:49 AM
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Marlena403 Offline
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Post: #40
50 Rules Kids Won't Learn in School

My Director of Learning has been telling my Year Group ten of those rules today in assembly.

05-25-2017 06:46 AM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #41
RE: 50 Rules Kids Won't Learn in School

The biggest secret to success, its handed to you

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05-28-2017 12:44 PM
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