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I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

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runescape autominers
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xXThe Damnation ProjectXx Offline

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Post: #1
runescape autominers

hey guys i know that i havent been on l8ly because ive been studyin italian

yes ive been learning italian

and my lil bro has a runescape acount and he keeps gettin hacked so he wants to find an autominer or anything that can hack and or get him stuff on there

so if anyone has any ideas id greatly appreciate it

well guys l8er days

gotta study sum more italian


Freya Stark - “There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.”

[Image: untitled-4.jpg]
10-14-2006 01:17 PM
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Freak Offline

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Post: #2

My brother is a big runescape freak.
Well, he says the only thing you can get on runescape is an autotyper.
He says the autominer can be traced extremely easily.
What level are you Crimson?
My bro is level 112, his friends, Tony (125)and Brandon(118)
....and he calls ME a nerd. Rolleyes

Why the hell is he popular anyway?

[Image: ambnh8.jpg]
10-14-2006 02:10 PM
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Abandoning Ship Offline

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Post: #3

freak-of-nature14 Wrote:My brother is a big runescape freak.
Well, he says the only thing you can get on runescape is an autotyper.
He says the autominer can be traced extremely easily.
What level are you Crimson?
My bro is level 112, his friends, Tony (125)and Brandon(118)
....and he calls ME a nerd. Rolleyes

Why the hell is he popular anyway?

10-14-2006 10:58 PM
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WildFire Offline

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Post: #4

i dont play runescpae anymore, fo i got hacked and got permantly banned for saying something like this.

"Jagex blocks passowrds now! Try it! *****" I didnt fuckin do that. yah, so i dont know, it happens to me a lot too.

[Image: ninjawarrior.jpg]
10-15-2006 02:35 AM
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xXThe Damnation ProjectXx Offline

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Post: #5

like the other day he downloaded this thing caled an autofighter and that was pretty badass cuz it made ur charactor run around and kill shit in like 1 shot

but it fucked up the comp so i had to get rid of it

but he just gets on my dman nerves talkin bout hey got hacked get me sum shit for my damn game


hes like a level 98 i think

Freya Stark - “There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.”

[Image: untitled-4.jpg]
10-15-2006 02:38 AM
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Freak Offline

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Post: #6

Not bad, I remember when Nick first got his account, he got the name and pass, from a song called "Nasty Girl"
-I gotta lotta money, ma nasty giiiirl. Uhoh

[Image: ambnh8.jpg]
10-15-2006 05:07 AM
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WildFire Offline

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Post: #7

that freaks me out. and my neighbor STILL wants one of his abbysal whips. i keep telling him no. i just changed my password and appealed the offense anyway, and i think i got unbanned. But im probably permantly muted. thats what happened to this guy on my buddy list, he made anew account to talk to me.

Doesnt he change the password, recovery questions or anything?

[Image: ninjawarrior.jpg]
10-15-2006 05:13 AM
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Demonic Pyro Offline

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Post: #8

BTW Pyro_Rebel
If my account getts hacked I'm blaming you Razz

and what did you do with my Rune Plateskirt? Scratchchin

That is all.
10-15-2006 12:09 PM
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Freak Offline

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Post: #9

Demonic Pyro Wrote:BTW Pyro_Rebel
If my account getts hacked I'm blaming you Razz

and what did you do with my Rune Plateskirt? Scratchchin
AHHH!!!! RUNESCAPE NERDS!!!! RUN FOR IT!!!! I like rune, looks teh perty BLOOOEEE!!!
But dragon is better, my bro got the boots a little while ago, too. Mwahaha
There's more, trust me, there is. Evil Upyours

[Image: ambnh8.jpg]
10-15-2006 01:34 PM
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xXThe Damnation ProjectXx Offline

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Post: #10

so there isnt an autominer that can actually work and shit?

Freya Stark - “There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.”

[Image: untitled-4.jpg]
10-15-2006 05:22 PM
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Freak Offline

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Post: #11

No, unless you want to get banned. Rolleyes

[Image: ambnh8.jpg]
10-16-2006 04:51 AM
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Demonic Pyro Offline

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Post: #12

freak-of-nature14 Wrote:
Demonic Pyro Wrote:BTW Pyro_Rebel
If my account getts hacked I'm blaming you Razz

and what did you do with my Rune Plateskirt? Scratchchin
AHHH!!!! RUNESCAPE NERDS!!!! RUN FOR IT!!!! I like rune, looks teh perty BLOOOEEE!!!
But dragon is better, my bro got the boots a little while ago, too. Mwahaha
I've got Guthix, I'm a non member

That is all.
10-16-2006 06:16 AM
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Freak Offline

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Post: #13

So does my brother!
Believe he has about 500 mill
And a few party hats.

[Image: ambnh8.jpg]
10-16-2006 06:34 AM
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WildFire Offline

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Post: #14

Demonic Pyro Wrote:BTW Pyro_Rebel
If my account getts hacked I'm blaming you Razz

and what did you do with my Rune Plateskirt? Scratchchin

i hardly was on that account. And iof i recall, it wasnt rune, it was guthix. i havent done anthing with it. i dont do things like that. If you think i transferred to my file, your wrong. My defence isnt high enough to wear rune or guthix.

i havent done anytihng, im not lying.

[Image: ninjawarrior.jpg]
10-16-2006 11:43 AM
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Demonic Pyro Offline

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Post: #15

pyro_rebel Wrote:
Demonic Pyro Wrote:BTW Pyro_Rebel
If my account getts hacked I'm blaming you Razz

and what did you do with my Rune Plateskirt? Scratchchin

i hardly was on that account. And iof i recall, it wasnt rune, it was guthix. i havent done anthing with it. i dont do things like that. If you think i transferred to my file, your wrong. My defence isnt high enough to wear rune or guthix.

i havent done anytihng, im not lying.
I'm not tring to be mean or anything...
and I'm talking about the rune one that was in my bank...
I probably just put it in one of my storage accounts....
Sorry I believe you, its just I thought you said your sister wanted the skirt...

That is all.
10-17-2006 08:21 AM
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Freak Offline

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Post: #16

Pyro can't lie, her goodie-goodie genes won't allow her.
And, I don't even think she can WEAR rune, or her sister.

....god you guys are such nerds. Mwahaha
I mean I am too, sure, but you guys like RUUNNNEEESSSCCAAAPPPEE!!

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10-17-2006 12:08 PM
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Demonic Pyro Offline

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Post: #17

I use to like it, I got bored of it though
See that's why I was letting Pyro use it

That is all.
10-17-2006 12:20 PM
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death to school Offline

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Post: #18
want free accs.

if u have a acc i can have sent the name and pass to hart123@walla

ill take all i can get Tripleevil Fu Upyours

school can SUCK ASS Tripleevil Fu Upyours

thank u Biggrin :biggrin: Bigeek
11-22-2006 03:03 AM
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Post: #19

I used to use a Runescape autominer. Then Runescape got boring.
11-22-2006 10:33 AM
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WildFire Offline

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Post: #20

yah, kinda.

[Image: ninjawarrior.jpg]
11-22-2006 11:23 AM
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