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school fire drills
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starlight Offline

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school fire drills

Well, each term our school does the annual fire drill. In preparation for the real thing of course.
Our last fire drill was set off at last period, in the pouring rain. Everyone trudges out from their classes, most people grinning (it is like 15mins). I find the fire drill more like...a social thing. No one ever goes to their tutor, everyone goes off finding friends they haven't seen since lunchtime.

On Friday, there was another fire drill. This time, it was the real thing! Actually, lol, I wasn't at school (injury!!). Yep, people who directed their heads towards C block saw the plumes of smoke billowing from the girls toilets. haha, someone set a sanitary pad on fire. The fire brigade arrived and yet again it was raining when people got evacuated.
To cut this short story shorter, the school still stands and the one remaining toilet that worked in C block no longer works.

So, id like to hear about your fire drills...
08-19-2007 12:03 PM
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Darthmat Offline

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Post: #2

our school does it every fuckign annoying.

even if it freezing out, no time to get coat or wtvr.

i think i know it by now.

I highly suggest Mobb Deep's albums The Infamous and Hell on Earth, if you have not listened to it yet.
08-19-2007 12:08 PM
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SoulRiser Offline
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Post: #3
Re: school fire drills

starlight Wrote:To cut this short story shorter, the school still stands and the one remaining toilet that worked in C block no longer works.

That sucks.

I can't remember any of my school's fire drills... I just remember the ones in the college hostel... being woken up at 3AM and then having to run down 12 flights of stairs while half asleep is... er... sort of amusing. Almost Razz

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08-19-2007 12:11 PM
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Suicidal-kun Offline

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Post: #4

I think we have them once in awhile, but they aren't that big of a deal.
08-19-2007 12:34 PM
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udontmatter Offline

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Post: #5

hate them so much

i think i was putting on ym pants once had to go out without my shoes and in my socks

so annoying

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08-19-2007 01:03 PM
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Thought Criminal Offline
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Post: #6

udontmatter Wrote:hate them so much

i think i was putting on ym pants once had to go out without my shoes and in my socks

so annoying

you might try gym next time
08-19-2007 01:05 PM
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Darthmat Offline

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Post: #7

udontmatter Wrote:hate them so much

i think i was putting on ym pants once had to go out without my shoes and in my socks

so annoying


underwear. pls tell me u had underwaer.

how old wer u?

I highly suggest Mobb Deep's albums The Infamous and Hell on Earth, if you have not listened to it yet.
08-19-2007 01:06 PM
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Suicidal-kun Offline

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Post: #8

udontmatter Wrote:hate them so much

i think i was putting on ym pants once had to go out without my shoes and in my socks

so annoying
08-19-2007 01:06 PM
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Thought Criminal Offline
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Post: #9

my fire drills are kind of like what starlight said its more of soical time then an actual fire drill.
08-19-2007 01:08 PM
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udontmatter Offline

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Post: #10

ok let me explain idiots

i was changing after gym on the locker room i finished outting on my pants and went out in my shoes.

i was in like 6 or 7 grade

now that that is clear

they suck ass

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08-19-2007 01:44 PM
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Eidolon Away

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Post: #11

I enjoy my fire drills.

They're a nice break from all that bad stuff.
08-19-2007 03:58 PM
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bearclawx Offline

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Post: #12

At my school we had fire drills 2 or 3 times a month.It pisses down rain 80% of the time here wich sucks. And almost every time it was raining . Sometimes living in a temperate rainforest can suck

Sometimes i wonder if it is the education system itself that is flawed or the people that work in it.
08-19-2007 04:18 PM
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HerHipness Offline

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Post: #13

Ours were always really slow, and we always had to do them a couple times over per month because we needed to beat a certain time or something. (Aha, I can talk about school in the past tense now Biggrin ).

The faculty made everyone pretty much stay in line. They tried to make a "quiet rule" once, but it was impossible to enforce.

One time though, when it was snowing (and it hardly ever snows during school here), the alarm sounded so we all went outside expecting it to be a 10 minute thing. We were out there for about an hour, most of us freezing our butts off because we left our coats inside/in lockers. Turns out someone was smoking a joint in one of the boy's bathrooms with with friend for the first time and he thought someone was coming, so he freaked out and threw it in the trashcan. I saw the trashcan later that day, the thing was melted and holey and stuff Laugh . We have security cameras, so the kid was caught, and the entire school hated him for a while because we had to freeze for his stupidity.


[Image: herhipnessditasig.gif]
sorry guys...a lot of crap has been going on. i'll be lurking from time to time, but not too much :(
08-20-2007 12:54 AM
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Darthmat Offline

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Post: #14


I highly suggest Mobb Deep's albums The Infamous and Hell on Earth, if you have not listened to it yet.
08-20-2007 01:15 AM
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NiteRaidah Offline

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Post: #15

In middle school, "the good ole days", the alarm system of the school found new and exciting ways to fuck up each year, so we would have 2 or 3 non-scheduled drills a year. Once, it happened when it was about 20 degrees out with a nice, freezing wind. The entire school was outside for about half an hour while they decided how to fix it. Good time had by all.

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08-20-2007 11:34 AM
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Suicidal-kun Offline

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Post: #16

NiteRaidah Wrote:In middle school, "the good ole days", the alarm system of the school found new and exciting ways to fuck up each year, so we would have 2 or 3 non-scheduled drills a year. Once, it happened when it was about 20 degrees out with a nice, freezing wind. The entire school was outside for about half an hour while they decided how to fix it. Good time had by all.
My middle school's alarm would get set off 1-2 times a day, it got annoying but eventually I learned to ignore it.
08-20-2007 12:08 PM
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Darthmat Offline

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Post: #17


I highly suggest Mobb Deep's albums The Infamous and Hell on Earth, if you have not listened to it yet.
08-21-2007 04:26 AM
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Marlena403 Offline
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Post: #18
school fire drills

Year 6 (my primary school):

1. My first ever fire drill. I don't remember what happened in there.

Year 7:

2. A girl in 7Blue (Now in 9Blue) pressed the fire alarm button and I had NO music lesson thanks to her. The girl who pressed it was excluded for a day. (She told me herself a few months later that it was her).

3. I had a fire drill and missed music again. And thanks to that, we didn't watch Frozen.

4. In summer term we had another fire drill. I was mad because I MISSED SCIENCE!

5. Two days later, an idiot (not the same girl again) pressed the fire alarm button at Period 4 (PSHE) and wasted 20 minutes of Period 5 (DT Textiles). Even my DT teacher called that student an idiot. Many kids thought that there was a real fire in the DT food class (Which used to be next to DT Textiles class until it was moved to C block).

6. Five days later, someone silly set fire to the toilet paper in the boys toilet in A block. I have missed maths (which I didn't like back then but I do now). The boy got permanently excluded from school and people who were in A block had to stay on the playground for longer. I didn't have to stay because I was in E block.

7. Two days later, an idiot pressed the fire alarm again. I missed math again and the Headteacher threatened to get the student arrested.

Year 8:

8. There was a fire drill after breaktime and my science lesson was shorter.

9. A bulb exploded in the drama room in M block and there was a fire. People who had lessons in M block had to stay on the playground for longer. I was supposed to be in S block and have science. Even though my class was dismissed from the playground and the fire was in M block and not in S block, we couldn't get inside S block until the bell stopped ringing. So instead of learning what we were supposed to learn, we have been excercising, measuring our pulse rates and playing splish splash splosh (a game that my science teacher played at the swimming pool when she was little. She chose whether we had to say splish, splash or splosh and then we had to say that word when she said either splish, splash or splosh until she changed the word. If we said something else, we were out).

10. A fire alarm went off in the school canteen. There was a short-circuit (which unfortunately happens a lot in the canteen) and because the fire alarm went off at lunchtime, we had ten extra minutes of lunchtime.

11. A member of staff accidentally pressed a fire alarm. I was supposed to be in a meeting, so I missed English anyway. I was also told off for waving and staring at my favourite English teacher (she doesn't teach me, never did and I bet she never will no matter how bad I want her to teach me). Worst of all, the teacher from the meeting told me NOT TO go to the playground EVEN if it's a real fire in the block that I was in. I went anyway.

Year 9 (The Year I'm currently in):

12. There was a fire in B block. I don't know what happened, but some kids blamed ME for causing the fire WHEN I SERIOUSLY DIDN'T DO IT! I have missed English (which I used to like until my current English teacher started treating me like a dog), but I didn't have to stay in the playground because English class is in A block. At lunchtime, after I finished eating my food, I went to the library instead of going to the Learning Support. (Learning Support is in B block and Library is in E block)

13. There was a gas leak in M block. I had maths in there, so I had to stay longer on the playground for the very first time. I don't know what else happened besides that my pastoral leader wanted to keep Younes from 9Violet in detention for misbehaving in French and telling me to take off my Math teacher's headscarf the day before.

14. Yesterday, the fire alarm went off when it was hometime. We had to go to a playground, but the Headteacher didn't tell us why there was a fire. We had to go out of school through the back gate, and if we were going to use the front gate, we had to wait for the bell to stop ringing.

15. Today at Period 5, there was a short-circuit in the canteen again. I have missed nearly a whole hour of Key Skills (I was removed from PSHE forever because of homework). Since I ran out of time, I refused to do my English essay about lynching. I also refused to do it because it's hard and boring. Instead, I decided to stick over my new timetable (I had a new timetable because I was removed from PE forever). I stuck pieces of paper over my English teacher's initials and the room number and wrote on the pieces of paper, so that it says CVN instead of PDS and AF11 instead of AF9. That was before the fire alarm went off. After we were dismissed from the playground, I was teaching the lesson FOR my Key Skills teacher. I told her to write about what would happen if I moved to my favourite English teacher's class. I was writing too. Well, at least thanks to the fire alarm, I didn't have to write a boring English essay.

Sorry if this is too long.
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2016 08:40 AM by Marlena403.)
11-24-2016 08:32 AM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #19
RE: school fire drills

we just had a fire drill at work. a nice cold november rain that poured down when we were all standing outside.

now we know...

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11-29-2016 01:45 PM
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Marlena403 Offline
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Post: #20
school fire drills

16: A few months ago, someone pressed the fire alarm button when there was no fire. It was nearly the end of lunchtime.

17. When I had an exam, someone pressed the fire alarm button in M block because someone was burning rubbish outside.

05-23-2017 09:20 AM
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James Comey Away
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Post: #21
school fire drills

I hated fire drills back in the day.


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05-23-2017 10:42 AM
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Depression101 Offline
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Post: #22
RE: school fire drills

M block sounds like something in a prison.

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05-24-2017 05:00 PM
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