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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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If you were a boss battle in a video game?
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aaaaaaasd Offline
Grorious Moddu

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Post: #1
If you were a boss battle in a video game?

What attacks would you have and what cool music would you have in a video game?

I'd have this music:

And I can't think of any attacks right now.

I'll probably think of some later.
07-25-2008 01:53 AM
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liq3 Offline

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Post: #2
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

No music. The screen would go completely black, then two red eyes would appear. Then you'd explode.

Epic win book.
Personal Development for Smart People.
07-25-2008 01:56 AM
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random_name Offline

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Post: #3
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

i would be a person who can hypnotize many people at once, and i cant think of any music.

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"A 'no' uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble." - Mahatma Gandhi

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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
-Ben Franklin

"when I was a kid I used to pray for a bicycle. then I realized that god doesn't work that way. so I stole one and prayed for forgiveness."
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"What is the task of higher education? To make a man into a machine. What are the means employed? He is taught how to suffer being bored." – F W Nietzsche
[Image: s-event.png]
07-25-2008 01:58 AM
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aaaaaaasd Offline
Grorious Moddu

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Post: #4
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

I would attack with the epic ray of GREAT JUSTICE.
07-25-2008 01:58 AM
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Cilaos Offline

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Post: #5
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

Gothy fast paced funeral music.
I'd be a boss who you could only kill with a certain item, you have to kill me to get that item.
Demon tentacles, alien parasites, every kind of kinesis you could imagine, the ability to transform into various creatures or stuff like smoke, time control and reality hacking, super speed, porn star endowment, skill, and stamina.



07-25-2008 02:18 AM
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Alucard483 Offline
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Post: #6
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

Id be somthing that you can only kill by takeing yourself along with me. Grab me and jump of a cliff or somthing. So to beat me you need a fairy in a bottle.

Whilst some work diligently there are those who ask why. I am one of them
(\__/) This is Bunny. Paste Bunny into your signature
(='.'=) to help him gain world domination.
Soul#2: I already have a grip. Doc:and a porno mag and a tube of lube I'm sure"
Lifes a bitch, then you marry one
This has been a test of the emergency pointless argument system. Had this been a real pointless argument, someone would have been called a facist.
Ceiling Cat: For that you need to wear a fursuit, though.

Inside sources say that Carla Franklin has had more dick in her than a public urinal.
07-25-2008 03:13 AM
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Colin Offline

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Post: #7
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

I would be like the player, and everything he stands for, but slowed down, and then sped up.
My music would be soft, but would grow louder, with high notes all the way.

[Image: ubd5511.png]
07-29-2008 02:56 PM
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AWOL Offline
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Post: #8
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

I'd be a sort of shadow clone of the player. I'd have soft fast-paced latinate(lyrics in latin) music. I'd be able to do everything the player can do (swords, fire, ice and speed) however I'd also have the ability to manipulate light, gravity and I could make the screen shake with the cries of my one thousand and one victims. Yeah. You could only beat me with a certain weapon, which I possess (there's a prompting that says disarm, you rip my arms off and take the weapon, I grow my arms and my weapon back. It is then full of promptings like guard, pulse(you send out a burst of speed to counter my magic) and a whole bunch of other crap.

[Image: 9be30a7.png]
[Image: LyingFloraBanner.jpg]
07-29-2008 06:52 PM
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youvebeenthunderstruck Offline

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Post: #9
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

07-29-2008 07:30 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #10
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

I might be a person who has super speed and agility or something, and the ability to jump really high. And once you got me into bad health I'd attack faster and with more power.

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
08-08-2008 11:39 AM
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Slaughter Offline

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Post: #11
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

Name: Revolver Slaughter
Atacks: A modified Mateba auto-revolver that fires uranium-tipped bullets.
A grenade that explodes in a green storm of plasma death.
A AA-12 Auto Shotgun.
Powers: Super-speed (faster than a bullet, but not too much), Higher toughness and strength than normal humans (by a factor of say, 10), non-human acuraccy and "Sniper-Look" (can zoom and aim with his own eyes). Super Gunsling skillz too.
Equipament: A Force-Field that blocks bullets (but is vulnerable to EMPs) and a cool trench coat.
Combat Taunts:
"Suck Uranium bullets!"
"I, Slaughter, will gun you down!"
"Fear the end, for it comes..."
"The last thing you will ever see is the barrel of my revolver firing a bullet at your head... Hey, look at this!"
"You suck" (Gives the finger)
"Luckily, my force-field will protect me!" (a super-hero silver age reference)
"*hums the music Jailbreak, from AC/DC*"
"I am the Revolver and I'll shoot you until you die, *@&$($@!"
"After I kill you, I'll kill my foolish boss and my xanatos gambit will SUCEED! The world will be fixed at once!"
"I'm the gun of justice, those that defy me die!"
"I'm the Alpha of a new age, and the omega that ends your life!"

08-29-2008 01:08 AM
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Abandoning Ship Offline

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Post: #12
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

I'd be Psycho Mantis.
08-29-2008 02:00 AM
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Pinko Offline

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Post: #13
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

I'd be gigantic phallus that drowned the player in cum. My music would be soldier boy.

People give up their lives for many reasons.
For friendship, for love, for an ideal
And people kill for the same reasons.
08-29-2008 01:53 PM
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Dark Soul X Offline

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Post: #14
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

For my appearance, try mixing dark armor with the Spawn pic in my sig, and instead of green eyes, red.

Attacks and Abilities

1. Slash with long sword I got from Sephiroth after killing him (Instant death at close range. Chop right through your ass...)
2. Energy blast
3. Power up (Regain health and increase attack and defensive power.)
4. Sword combo (Instant death if I hit you with each hit at close range, or at least a good enough range for the sword to go through you)
5. Rain lightning down from the heavens
6. Raise fire from Hell
7. Zenith Tide (Imbuing my sword with power, I swing my sword, unleashing a powerful wave. Instant kill.)
8. Other elemental attacks

*After armor is broken*

1. Super speed
2. Barrier (Blocks all attacks)
3. Hellfire Death (A FUCKIN' HUGE ball of fire)
4. Mimicry. I read your mind and learn your attacks, and how to defend against them.
5. Misanthropic Amelioration (Uses super speed and kicks your ass DBZ style with a combo, and as you lie on the ground, stunned, I fly into the air and unleash a massive wave of power with enough force to cut through the earth and leave a huge crater, obviously killing you and just about millions of other people)

*After suit wears off*

1. All the above abilities
2. Omega Fist (Used only when I have 1/2 a life bar left, just think Goku's Dragon Fist)
3. Hate Stare (Used when you're stunned. With one hand, I lift you into the air by your neck. My eyes emit the flames of Hell, and as you look into them, you see the supreme agonies of it and die)
4. Sacrifical Flux (Used after you beat me. A cinematic comes up and I gather up the last of my power and unleash in an attempt to blow you up along with the earth, taking own life in the process. Defend against it and it will cut to you being saved by a previously thought dead ally.)


First Form
1. I am your God! Kneel before me!
2. Your puny attacks are nothing against my armor!
3. *After hitting you at a close enough range for instant death with sword* Another opponent unworthy of battle with me...*Walks away, and you fall to pieces*
4. *Throws energy blast* Try dodging this!
5. *During power up* I WILL DESTROY YOU!
6. *Flying into the air, looking badass while you're stunned* I control the elements, I have The Blade of Legend! I AM A GOD! I AM A DEVIL!
7. *After killing you* hahaha...HaHaHa...HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!
8. *After getting health bar lowered down to the point where my armor starts to break* I've underestimated you.

Second Form
1. You will pay for destroying my precious armor!
2. *Using Hellfire Death* Silence thy, BURN!
3. *Using super speed to evade your attacks* You will never hit me again!
4. *Using mimicry* I know all of your moves...
5. *Still using mimicry* I can see all your faults. Surrender your life!
6.. *Preparing Misanthropic Amelioration* You all show no respect for your new God, your new savior! You all must be punished...DIE!

Third Form
1. *Charging Omega Fist* I'LL KILL YOU!!!
2. *Prying your eyes open for the Hate Stare, changing voice to a distorted demonic one* LOOK INTO MY EYES!!!
3. *Gathering every last spec of power for Sacrificial Flux* I WILL BLOW YOU TO BITS!

Spambot Kill Counter: 33
Spambot Kill Counter as Spambot Hell's Devil: Countless

Buying a high powered computer: 500 bucks
Getting gift wrap: 10 bucks maybe
Seeing the horror on that special someone's face once they tear off the gift wrap and see a Windows 98: Priceless.

[Image: Spawn_Classic.jpg]

I'll see you in Hell....AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!
09-07-2008 03:56 PM
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Decoy Offline

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Post: #15
Re: If you were a boss battle in a video game?

I'd be that boss that is located near the beginning of the game, and yet is the most frustrating boss.
09-08-2008 04:07 AM
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