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August 2001 - June 2017

The School Survival Forums are permanently retired. If you need help with quitting school, unsupportive parents or anything else, there is a list of resources on the Help Page.

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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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The Ban Game
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #2191
The Ban Game

If you ban me now, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

banned for thinking you can ban the unbannable
03-18-2017 08:35 AM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2192
The Ban Game

banned for being an arrogant kitty

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-18-2017 11:25 AM
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Geicosuave Offline
Gay Ass Demon

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Post: #2193
The Ban Game

banned for banning someone

well would you look at the time its time to gay
03-18-2017 12:01 PM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #2194
RE: The Ban Game

banned for being a preachy old fart

Purity is to Believe only that which deserves it.
Wisdom is to follow only the Opinion which makes the best use of evidence.
Excellence is to be mindful of all these things in Living.
Follow me on Twitter!
03-18-2017 12:31 PM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2195
The Ban Game

banned for being anal

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-19-2017 01:34 AM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #2196
RE: The Ban Game

banned for doing anal

Purity is to Believe only that which deserves it.
Wisdom is to follow only the Opinion which makes the best use of evidence.
Excellence is to be mindful of all these things in Living.
Follow me on Twitter!
03-19-2017 10:04 AM
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brainiac3397 Offline
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Post: #2197
The Ban Game

Banned for being a prude

Personality DNA Report
(06-14-2013 08:02 AM)Potato Wrote:  watch the fuq out, we've got an "intellectual" over here.

Hidden stuff:
[Image: watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme-240x180.png]
Brainiac3397's Mental Health Status Log Wrote:[Image: l0Iy5HKskJO5XD3Wg.gif]
03-19-2017 10:21 AM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2198
The Ban Game

Banned for being a hick

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-20-2017 01:21 AM
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James Comey Away
Banished Oldfaf in Exile

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Post: #2199
The Ban Game

Banned for using a generic avatar from the 90s


[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]

Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it

Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA

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[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
[Image: mg_michelle_2020.png]
03-24-2017 06:16 AM
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Alucard483 Offline
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Post: #2200
RE: The Ban Game

And your banned for being a tit

Whilst some work diligently there are those who ask why. I am one of them
(\__/) This is Bunny. Paste Bunny into your signature
(='.'=) to help him gain world domination.
Soul#2: I already have a grip. Doc:and a porno mag and a tube of lube I'm sure"
Lifes a bitch, then you marry one
This has been a test of the emergency pointless argument system. Had this been a real pointless argument, someone would have been called a facist.
Ceiling Cat: For that you need to wear a fursuit, though.

Inside sources say that Carla Franklin has had more dick in her than a public urinal.
03-24-2017 06:29 AM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2201
The Ban Game

banned for being named after a shitty anime

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-24-2017 09:13 AM
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James Comey Away
Banished Oldfaf in Exile

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Post: #2202
The Ban Game

Banned for dedicating your username to the authority


[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]

Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it

Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA

Hidden stuff:

[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
[Image: mg_michelle_2020.png]
03-24-2017 11:08 AM
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 Thanks given by: Alucard483
The man Offline
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Post: #2203
The Ban Game

Banned because

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-24-2017 08:05 PM
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James Comey Away
Banished Oldfaf in Exile

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Post: #2204
The Ban Game

Banned cuz


[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]

Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it

Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA

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[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
[Image: mg_michelle_2020.png]
03-25-2017 04:15 AM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2205
The Ban Game

banned for not peeing on your dog

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-25-2017 05:26 AM
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James Comey Away
Banished Oldfaf in Exile

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Post: #2206
The Ban Game

Banned for not having a previous legitimate ban reason before


[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]

Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it

Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA

Hidden stuff:

[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
[Image: mg_michelle_2020.png]
03-25-2017 08:35 AM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2207
The Ban Game

banned for hypocrisy

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-25-2017 10:02 AM
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Gwedin Offline
dumb shithead

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Post: #2208
The Ban Game

banned because you remind me of superkamiguru
03-25-2017 11:33 AM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2209
The Ban Game

Banned because you remind me of You

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-25-2017 12:04 PM
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Gwedin Offline
dumb shithead

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Post: #2210
The Ban Game

jej you literally are superkami

banned for being superkamiguru
03-25-2017 12:46 PM
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James Comey Away
Banished Oldfaf in Exile

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Post: #2211
The Ban Game

banned for making us have anxiety attacks


[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]

Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it

Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA

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[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
[Image: mg_michelle_2020.png]
03-25-2017 12:50 PM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2212
RE: The Ban Game

(03-25-2017 12:46 PM)Gwedin Wrote:  jej you literally are superkami

banned for being superkamiguru

Banned for this.

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-25-2017 11:54 PM
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James Comey Away
Banished Oldfaf in Exile

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Post: #2213
The Ban Game

Banned for pimping at day time


[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]

Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it

Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA

Hidden stuff:

[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
[Image: mg_michelle_2020.png]
03-26-2017 08:24 AM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2214
The Ban Game

Banned for being Mr.Grandma.

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-26-2017 12:35 PM
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Subb Offline
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Post: #2215
The Ban Game

Banned for having a gif as your avatar

Sub's Mental Log!
We've had a lot of fun, guys.
Fulltime Member, 2013-2014

03-26-2017 04:49 PM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2216
The Ban Game

Banned for

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-27-2017 12:49 AM
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James Comey Away
Banished Oldfaf in Exile

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Post: #2217
The Ban Game

Banned for being banned


[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]

Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it

Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA

Hidden stuff:

[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
[Image: mg_michelle_2020.png]
03-27-2017 03:49 AM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2218
The Ban Game

Banned for being a whiny grimderp emo faggot.

their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-27-2017 05:12 AM
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James Comey Away
Banished Oldfaf in Exile

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Post: #2219
The Ban Game

Banned for referencing cultural trends of the early to mid 2000s.


[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]

Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it

Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA

Hidden stuff:

[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
[Image: mg_michelle_2020.png]
03-27-2017 07:20 AM
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The man Offline
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Post: #2220
The Ban Game


their pee should hv been shot out like a ki blast breaking the rocks

oh and also No one has any rights. We're free, rights create invisible restrictions. But we live in a society where the majority accepts rights to be true.
03-27-2017 09:16 AM
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