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The School Survival Forums are permanently retired. If you need help with quitting school, unsupportive parents or anything else, there is a list of resources on the Help Page.

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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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The Ban Game
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Ceiling Cat Offline

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Post: #991
Re: The Ban Game

If killing zombies together was flirting, I'd be gay long ago.

Banned for not watching your PEELZ HEAR.

Problem, officer?
Hidden stuff:
TrueAnarchist Wrote:and to think, i could be yiffing a hot vixen right about now
CrayolaColours Wrote:He just admitted today that he spent two hours...errr... shaking hands with the Bishop afterwards.
The Desert Fox Wrote:I thought when I downloaded it it was already emulated.
zagix Wrote:I'm stuck to the fagarena because I'm a fag
CrayolaColours Wrote:Woman up, will you? Grow a damn pussy and get over yourselves.
04-16-2010 08:02 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #992
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because I always watch my PEELZ HEAR.

And yes, you are gay then.

Hidden stuff:
(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-17-2010 01:29 AM
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Leon Kinotolian Offline

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Post: #993
Re: The Ban Game

Banned for not pissing on Duelix's corpse.

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The Desert Fox Wrote:
Rebelnerd Wrote:Avatar was an inside job.
For $9.11 I'll give you an inside job.
BaronVonStrangle Wrote:fox you should take everything mystery says with a pinch of salt

and by pinch of salt i actually mean you need to build a fucking salt processing plant so you have enough salt to dispell the bullshit
04-20-2010 09:14 AM
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Sanjuro Offline

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Post: #994
Re: The Ban Game

Banned for BANNANAS!!!!

Napalm Sticks To Kids
04-20-2010 09:33 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #995
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because of that fucking Tank.

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
04-21-2010 09:45 AM
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Post: #996
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because this thread is starting to die

[Image: glorious666.png]
05-02-2010 08:58 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
Waging war with conviction

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Post: #997
Re: The Ban Game

Banned for bumping the thread.

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
05-02-2010 10:20 AM
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Sanjuro Offline

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Post: #998
Re: The Ban Game

Banned for aiding the bump.

Napalm Sticks To Kids
05-02-2010 10:23 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
Waging war with conviction

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Post: #999
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because wut?

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
05-02-2010 10:25 AM
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Sanjuro Offline

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Post: #1000
Re: The Ban Game

Banned for questioning my logic!

Napalm Sticks To Kids
05-02-2010 10:26 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #1001
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because YOU'RE A FUCKING MOD?!

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
05-02-2010 10:28 AM
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Sanjuro Offline

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Post: #1002
Re: The Ban Game


Napalm Sticks To Kids
05-02-2010 10:33 AM
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CrayolaColours Offline

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Post: #1003
Re: The Ban Game

Ellis Wrote:Banned because I always watch my PEELZ HEAR.

And yes, you are gay then.
You wish.

Banned because OMG EWW

[Image: True-Blood-Banner-true-blood-2196368-500-82.jpg]
Faith o' Meter
Quote:Riddle me this, riddle me that. Give me a straight answer, you pain in the ass cat.
05-02-2010 10:44 AM
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Sanjuro Offline

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Post: #1004
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because WTF CRAY IS A MOD TOO?

Napalm Sticks To Kids
05-02-2010 10:45 AM
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CrayolaColours Offline

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Post: #1005
Re: The Ban Game


[Image: True-Blood-Banner-true-blood-2196368-500-82.jpg]
Faith o' Meter
Quote:Riddle me this, riddle me that. Give me a straight answer, you pain in the ass cat.
05-02-2010 10:49 AM
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Sanjuro Offline

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Post: #1006
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because THAT'S HAWT!

Napalm Sticks To Kids
05-02-2010 10:50 AM
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CrayolaColours Offline

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Post: #1007
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because WUT?

[Image: True-Blood-Banner-true-blood-2196368-500-82.jpg]
Faith o' Meter
Quote:Riddle me this, riddle me that. Give me a straight answer, you pain in the ass cat.
05-02-2010 10:53 AM
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Sanjuro Offline

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Post: #1008
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because POWER FETISH Razz

Napalm Sticks To Kids
05-02-2010 10:55 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #1009
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because wut?

Hidden stuff:
(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
05-02-2010 01:26 PM
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Sanjuro Offline

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Post: #1010
Re: The Ban Game

Banned cos geocacheing

Napalm Sticks To Kids
05-02-2010 10:11 PM
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Ceiling Cat Offline

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Post: #1011
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because YOUR FACE.

Problem, officer?
Hidden stuff:
TrueAnarchist Wrote:and to think, i could be yiffing a hot vixen right about now
CrayolaColours Wrote:He just admitted today that he spent two hours...errr... shaking hands with the Bishop afterwards.
The Desert Fox Wrote:I thought when I downloaded it it was already emulated.
zagix Wrote:I'm stuck to the fagarena because I'm a fag
CrayolaColours Wrote:Woman up, will you? Grow a damn pussy and get over yourselves.
05-02-2010 11:18 PM
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AWOL Offline
The Spooning Bard

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Post: #1012
Re: The Ban Game

Banned for the lam chav/jock-style insult. And because you're a feminazi.

[Image: 9be30a7.png]
[Image: LyingFloraBanner.jpg]
05-03-2010 12:39 AM
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Proudsadist Offline

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Post: #1013
Re: The Ban Game

Banned for being an asshole.
05-03-2010 12:43 AM
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AWOL Offline
The Spooning Bard

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Post: #1014
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because I find morals to be pointless, and hence the concept of assholishness, and it's application towards myself, is meaningless in it's entirety. Ohyeah, and because you trolled this place a week or two ago and it was lulzy.

[Image: 9be30a7.png]
[Image: LyingFloraBanner.jpg]
05-03-2010 12:45 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #1015
Re: The Ban Game


05-03-2010 03:30 AM
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AWOL Offline
The Spooning Bard

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Post: #1016
Re: The Ban Game

MorikoElven Wrote:BANNED BECAUSE lol?

Banned because you must be pretty envious of your favorite FMA character.

[Image: 9be30a7.png]
[Image: LyingFloraBanner.jpg]
05-03-2010 03:33 AM
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Proudsadist Offline

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Post: #1017
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because you don't have multiple dicks.
05-03-2010 03:49 AM
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AWOL Offline
The Spooning Bard

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Post: #1018
Re: The Ban Game

Proudsadist Wrote:Banned because you don't have multiple dicks.

Banned because I assume you don't fap to lolicon.

[Image: 9be30a7.png]
[Image: LyingFloraBanner.jpg]
05-03-2010 03:50 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #1019
Re: The Ban Game

AWOL Wrote:
MorikoElven Wrote:BANNED BECAUSE lol?

Banned because you must be pretty envious of your favorite FMA character.
Banned because Envy is my sin, sir.

05-03-2010 04:09 AM
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AWOL Offline
The Spooning Bard

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Post: #1020
Re: The Ban Game

Banned because it's page 69.

[Image: 9be30a7.png]
[Image: LyingFloraBanner.jpg]
05-03-2010 04:09 AM
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