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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.
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Leon Kinotolian Offline

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Post: #91
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

If a guy friend squeezed your breast, how would you react?

Hidden stuff:
The Desert Fox Wrote:
Rebelnerd Wrote:Avatar was an inside job.
For $9.11 I'll give you an inside job.
BaronVonStrangle Wrote:fox you should take everything mystery says with a pinch of salt

and by pinch of salt i actually mean you need to build a fucking salt processing plant so you have enough salt to dispell the bullshit
11-24-2009 11:13 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #92
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Depends on the guy friend, one of my best guy friends, I know they're joking, so I'd laugh, the other perverts would get a smacking.

11-24-2009 10:59 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #93
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Will you drag your lazy ass to the Fight Club?

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
12-03-2009 08:45 AM
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Leon Kinotolian Offline

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Post: #94
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Would you smack ME if I squeezed your breast? (I probably wouldn't, being against the law at my age, plus gentlemanly tendencies FTW)
Ed, Al, or Roy?
Can you complete this statement? All female officers will be required to wear ____________!
Have you ever had the intense urge to punch someone in the face?
Are you on a boat?
Would you play me at Checkers?

Hidden stuff:
The Desert Fox Wrote:
Rebelnerd Wrote:Avatar was an inside job.
For $9.11 I'll give you an inside job.
BaronVonStrangle Wrote:fox you should take everything mystery says with a pinch of salt

and by pinch of salt i actually mean you need to build a fucking salt processing plant so you have enough salt to dispell the bullshit
12-03-2009 08:57 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #95
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

The Desert Fox Wrote:Will you drag your lazy ass to the Fight Club?

Leon Kinotolian Wrote:Would you smack ME if I squeezed your breast? (I probably wouldn't, being against the law at my age, plus gentlemanly tendencies FTW)
Ed, Al, or Roy?
Can you complete this statement? All female officers will be required to wear ____________!
Have you ever had the intense urge to punch someone in the face?
Are you on a boat?
Would you play me at Checkers?

Probably not, can't hurt another SS person, except maybe TA.
Ed, short midgets are fun. Though Al is a close second (my brothers favorite character.)
All the time, especially in class.
Of course!

12-03-2009 09:30 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
Waging war with conviction

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Post: #96
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Why is the face now a meme?

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
12-03-2009 09:41 AM
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Leon Kinotolian Offline

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Post: #97
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Does Moriko-chan have MSN/Windows Live?
Will she chat with me over it sometimes?
Out of curiosity, why are you a lesbian? It's preference, I know, but were you always inclined to your own sex? I've never heard the story is all.
Would you rather own a cat that wanted attention 24/7, or own a Walmart goldfish that DIDN'T die and was always hungry for fishfood?

Hidden stuff:
The Desert Fox Wrote:
Rebelnerd Wrote:Avatar was an inside job.
For $9.11 I'll give you an inside job.
BaronVonStrangle Wrote:fox you should take everything mystery says with a pinch of salt

and by pinch of salt i actually mean you need to build a fucking salt processing plant so you have enough salt to dispell the bullshit
12-03-2009 09:52 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #98
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

The Desert Fox Wrote:Why is the face now a meme?
Because the face owns your fucking soul!
Leon Kinotolian Wrote:Does Moriko-chan have MSN/Windows Live?
Will she chat with me over it sometimes?
Out of curiosity, why are you a lesbian? It's preference, I know, but were you always inclined to your own sex? I've never heard the story is all.
Would you rather own a cat that wanted attention 24/7, or own a Walmart goldfish that DIDN'T die and was always hungry for fishfood?
Maaaybe. (yes.)
Hm, well I believe it to be more of a genetic thing, I've liked girls since preschool, so it's something my Mom knew about before me.
Already own a cat that always wants attention! Actually....3/5 are like that.

12-03-2009 10:25 AM
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Leon Kinotolian Offline

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Post: #99
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

MorikoElven Wrote:Already own a cat that always wants attention! Actually....3/5 are like that.
Try having four, three of which want attention lots and lots, one of those three often being unable to actually decide WHEN she wants attention. Oh, and one is a long hair, and another is partially retarded in the brain. Have fun!

Hidden stuff:
The Desert Fox Wrote:
Rebelnerd Wrote:Avatar was an inside job.
For $9.11 I'll give you an inside job.
BaronVonStrangle Wrote:fox you should take everything mystery says with a pinch of salt

and by pinch of salt i actually mean you need to build a fucking salt processing plant so you have enough salt to dispell the bullshit
12-03-2009 10:26 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #100
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Here is a guide to my cats.

1) Buttons the oldest, skinny ex-farm cat, orange tabby, drooly and lazy, will randomly decide he needs attention and droll on you, he usually chooses either A)while you're making food or B)when you are walking to the washroom. He's the alpha-cat.

2) Rosie, black and white cat, she's the princess, she always wants attention and is rivals with Bones, jumps on bed whenever you open the door to grab something, which means I have to run around to grab her in one arm so I can close the door.

3) PJ, the burn victim, he's all black and the sweetest cat ever, he'll lay in your arms and purr, not the playing type, more cuddly and huge eyes. He's the best cat, although he will follow you into the shower. He has a crush on Bones.

4) Tora, fatcat, chubchub, chubbers, he's fat, gray and fun, and huge and loud, he loves to dash into the basement so you have to chase him back up the stairs, he's actually quite friendly and will demand attention by meowing like a kitten and rubbing against you. PJ and Tora are best friends.


5) Bones, the newest member to the cat clan. A stray cat brought home from the restaurant, loud, and annoying at times, she has a major mooching habit, she'll beg for food, or steal it, either way. Her and Tora get along, but she prefers PJ/

12-03-2009 10:45 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
Waging war with conviction

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Post: #101
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

MorikoElven Wrote:Here is a guide to my cats.

1) Buttons the oldest, skinny ex-farm cat, orange tabby, drooly and lazy, will randomly decide he needs attention and droll on you, he usually chooses either A)while you're making food or B)when you are walking to the washroom. He's the alpha-cat.

2) Rosie, black and white cat, she's the princess, she always wants attention and is rivals with Bones, jumps on bed whenever you open the door to grab something, which means I have to run around to grab her in one arm so I can close the door.

3) PJ, the burn victim, he's all black and the sweetest cat ever, he'll lay in your arms and purr, not the playing type, more cuddly and huge eyes. He's the best cat, although he will follow you into the shower. He has a crush on Bones.

4) Tora, fatcat, chubchub, chubbers, he's fat, gray and fun, and huge and loud, he loves to dash into the basement so you have to chase him back up the stairs, he's actually quite friendly and will demand attention by meowing like a kitten and rubbing against you. PJ and Tora are best friends.


5) Bones, the newest member to the cat clan. A stray cat brought home from the restaurant, loud, and annoying at times, she has a major mooching habit, she'll beg for food, or steal it, either way. Her and Tora get along, but she prefers PJ/

So, I see you have the plotline for a story all laid out? Rolleyes

Hidden stuff:
(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
12-03-2009 10:48 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #102
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Heheh, no no, no story, just summing up how they interact. PJ and Bones cuddle together, Rosie and Bones fight all the time, Tora and PJ laze around. you know, summing it up.

12-03-2009 11:01 AM
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Loxor Offline

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Post: #103
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

MorikoElven Wrote:Here is a guide to my cats.

1) Buttons the oldest, skinny ex-farm cat, orange tabby, drooly and lazy, will randomly decide he needs attention and droll on you, he usually chooses either A)while you're making food or B)when you are walking to the washroom. He's the alpha-cat.

2) Rosie, black and white cat, she's the princess, she always wants attention and is rivals with Bones, jumps on bed whenever you open the door to grab something, which means I have to run around to grab her in one arm so I can close the door.

3) PJ, the burn victim, he's all black and the sweetest cat ever, he'll lay in your arms and purr, not the playing type, more cuddly and huge eyes. He's the best cat, although he will follow you into the shower. He has a crush on Bones.

4) Tora, fatcat, chubchub, chubbers, he's fat, gray and fun, and huge and loud, he loves to dash into the basement so you have to chase him back up the stairs, he's actually quite friendly and will demand attention by meowing like a kitten and rubbing against you. PJ and Tora are best friends.


5) Bones, the newest member to the cat clan. A stray cat brought home from the restaurant, loud, and annoying at times, she has a major mooching habit, she'll beg for food, or steal it, either way. Her and Tora get along, but she prefers PJ/

Why does this remind me of meerkat manor?

Anything that ever happened or will... one condition, it has to be amazing.

I gave her wings but she don't wanna fly no more.

I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
12-03-2009 11:03 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #104
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Can you give me a drawing of the chair?

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
12-03-2009 11:19 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #105
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

The Desert Fox Wrote:Can you give me a drawing of the chair?
Just let me get my last math test!

12-03-2009 11:36 AM
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Loxor Offline

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Post: #106
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

when will you put the chair inta retirement?

Anything that ever happened or will... one condition, it has to be amazing.

I gave her wings but she don't wanna fly no more.

I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
12-03-2009 11:36 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
Waging war with conviction

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Post: #107
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

MorikoElven Wrote:
The Desert Fox Wrote:Can you give me a drawing of the chair?
Just let me get my last math test!

oh dear god...

Hidden stuff:
(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
12-03-2009 11:37 AM
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Loxor Offline

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Post: #108
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

The Desert Fox Wrote:
MorikoElven Wrote:
The Desert Fox Wrote:Can you give me a drawing of the chair?
Just let me get my last math test!

oh dear god...
You interrupted my song with a giggle after reading this.

Anything that ever happened or will... one condition, it has to be amazing.

I gave her wings but she don't wanna fly no more.

I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
12-03-2009 11:38 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #109
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Loxor Wrote:when will you put the chair inta retirement?
When I turn 64.

12-03-2009 11:54 AM
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Loxor Offline

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Post: #110
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

MorikoElven Wrote:
Loxor Wrote:when will you put the chair inta retirement?
When I turn 64.

Beatles eh?

Anything that ever happened or will... one condition, it has to be amazing.

I gave her wings but she don't wanna fly no more.

I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
12-03-2009 11:54 AM
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The Desert Fox Offline
Waging war with conviction

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Post: #111
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Do you have your math test yet?

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(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
12-03-2009 12:02 PM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #112
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Never listened to the beetles.
And not yet, get it back soon i hope, probably failed it.

12-03-2009 12:05 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #113
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

MorikoElven Wrote:And not yet, get it back soon i hope, probably failed it.

Well if there's a chair designed for rape on it, I wouldn't be suprised if you did.

Hidden stuff:
(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
12-03-2009 12:07 PM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #114
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

But it's beautiful! Actually just after discovering the IRC I had a whole page of small chibi characters, including Loxor running from a tentacle chair. I need to find it!

12-03-2009 12:13 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
Waging war with conviction

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Post: #115
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

MorikoElven Wrote:But it's beautiful! Actually just after discovering the IRC I had a whole page of small chibi characters, including Loxor running from a tentacle chair. I need to find it!


Hidden stuff:
(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
12-03-2009 12:17 PM
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Loxor Offline

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Post: #116
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

The Desert Fox Wrote:
MorikoElven Wrote:But it's beautiful! Actually just after discovering the IRC I had a whole page of small chibi characters, including Loxor running from a tentacle chair. I need to find it!


Oh dear god.

Anything that ever happened or will... one condition, it has to be amazing.

I gave her wings but she don't wanna fly no more.

I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
12-03-2009 12:18 PM
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The Desert Fox Offline
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Post: #117
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Do you have some PEELZ HEAR?

Hidden stuff:
(11-27-2011 01:00 PM)psychopath Wrote:  
(11-27-2011 10:52 AM)Efs Wrote:  Our Army is more professional than Amerika. Smile
Except ours isn't allowed to have guns
CrayolaColours Wrote:That post owned. TDF wins post of the year.
Faby Wrote:
krissy Wrote:dessert fox
Mmm, flambéed vulpine.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
12-09-2009 06:03 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #118
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

The Desert Fox Wrote:Do you have some PEELZ HEAR?
Only on caturdays!

12-09-2009 07:57 AM
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sandflow Offline

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Post: #119
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

Do you have a cat? =D
12-09-2009 08:04 AM
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MorikoMisa Offline

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Post: #120
Re: Interview me, ask silly questions, it amuses me.

sandflow Wrote:Do you have a cat? =D
Five of them!

12-09-2009 10:31 AM
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