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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.
I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.
I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.
I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.
I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.
Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.
Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.
The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with.
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What do you look for in a
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యూజర్ పేరు
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What do you look for in a
multiplayer map for a first-person shooter game?
In other words, what do you think makes an MP map in an FPS good?
06-17-2010 12:04 PM |
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Re: What do you look for in a
Seriously the maps I liked the best were unreals.
![[Image: WARZONES_subs_hostility.png]](
image hosting jpg
06-17-2010 12:08 PM |
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Re: What do you look for in a
One where camping opportunities are minimal(if not non-existent)
I also like places where there are places for short and long range fighting(ie. not a network of small rooms).
06-17-2010 12:25 PM |
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Re: What do you look for in a
Lots of weapons. Lots and lots of weapons. Adjustable look sensitivity. Realistic violence. RPG elements, such as character customization (entirely cosmetic) and the opportunity for the player to decide where the story goes. Map editors. Online play with anti-hack protection.
06-17-2010 12:27 PM |
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Re: What do you look for in a
I like big, open spaces where everyone tries to be uber badass by using a sniper rifle. Because usually only about 5% of them are actually decent snipers and the rest are in denial because they think snipers are cool. This means I can use an SMG or assault rifle and just cruise around the map hunting them down in their little hidey holes until they realize that their strategy isn't working, which usually takes a VERY long time.
I think Buenaventura Durruti is a pretty cool guy. eh kills fascists and doesnt afraid of ruins.
The quickest way to kill a revolution is to wait for it.
06-17-2010 01:00 PM |
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The Desert Fox
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Re: What do you look for in a
Depends. Are we talking about a military-style FPS or Left 4 Dead?
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
06-17-2010 01:57 PM |
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యూజర్ పేరు
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Re: What do you look for in a
A military-style FPS.
06-18-2010 12:53 PM |
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Blood Demon
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Re: What do you look for in a
ones that are small so that way you don't have to spend forever looking for someone to shoot.
06-18-2010 03:20 PM |
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The Desert Fox
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Re: What do you look for in a
I like medium-sized maps which are mostly outdoors but have a decent amount of structures and whatnot in them. And there shouldn't be identical sides in different colors for each team. Those are okay, but there's far too much of that. Having a side passage or two is preferred, but again, never the same design for both of them.
Also, putting more than one-two horribly exposed ways to get from one side to the other (besides the side passages, and assuming that this has teams spawning on either side of, like, let's say, a small river) is definitely preferred so you have to have a better defense than just spam a million bullets every time you see movement in that choke point.
Also, no ammo dumps and always have at least two entrances to every opportunistic building, even if you have to put a hole in the (accessible) roof.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
06-18-2010 11:48 PM |
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The Desert Fox
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Re: What do you look for in a
anonymous2 Wrote:I like a bunch of erotic video rooms.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
06-19-2010 12:02 AM |
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Grorious Moddu
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06-19-2010 05:21 AM |
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Ceiling Cat
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Re: What do you look for in a
Huge, complex, asymmetrical, without fillers, with a good variety of theme consistent materials and making good use of radiosity lighting. (dynamic ain't going good with source amirite)
Ingame object placement is also crucial, make sure spawns are hard to camp, weapons as easy to get as they're worth, equally distributed between teams and spawn points. Make sure to keep the strongest weapons out of play for the very first minutes, by either making them hard to access or script an event to reveal them later.
And NO CHEAP DEATHS, ever. If I see anyone making bottomless pits over badly placed trigger_push... for fuck's sake, lrn2jumppads.
Problem, officer?
06-19-2010 06:20 AM |
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The Desert Fox
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Re: What do you look for in a
Also preferably with a handful of wide, open spaces for the reason Rebelnerd said.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
06-19-2010 06:26 AM |
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Re: What do you look for in a
It really all depends. Is it a ToW style map? Objective ToW? Objective? CTF? Deathmatch? TDM?
In a Tug of War style map
1) Big map with a taper to the final objective.
2) Fixed spawn as well as spawn on shoulder for invaders.
3) Select your spawn as well as spawn on shoulder for defenders.
4) 2:1 teams ratio with man advantage to attackers.
5) Defenders win by time out or deplete enemy reinforcments and all remaining players.
6) Attackers win by objective cap or deplete enemy reinforcments and all remaining players.
7) Lots of choke points, that are destructable.
8) Defenders get a head start to get to defenses, while the attackers get time to coordinate the attack.
9) Waved reinforments for attackers, time delay for defenders.
10) Asymetrical
11) Mixed terrain
In an Objective Tug of War style map
1) Medium size map
2) Hold points can be camped, but not easily.
3) Waved reinforcments
4) Symetrical
5) Lots of flanking routs
6) Choke points located on either side of middle flag and outside bases.
7) 1:1 Team ratios
8) Fixed spawns
9) Rugged Urban Terrain
In an Objective style map
1) Small map
2) Hold points can camped, but not easily
3) Time delay spawn
4) Asymetrical
5) Random spawn
6) Urban Terrain
In a CTF style map
1) Medium size map
2) Hold points can be camped, but not easily.
3) Waved reinforcments
4) Symetrical
5) Lots of flanking routs
6) Choke points located on either side of middle and outside bases.
7) 1:1 Team ratios
8) Fixed spawns
9) Mixed Terrain
In Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch style maps
1) Medium size map
2) Hold points can be camped, but not easily.
3) Time delay reinforcments
4) Symetrical (TDM) Asymetrical (DM)
5) Mixed Terrain
6) Choke points located on either side of middle and outside bases.
7) 1:1 Team ratios
8) Fixed spawns as well as spawn on shoulder
Whilst some work diligently there are those who ask why. I am one of them
(\__/) This is Bunny. Paste Bunny into your signature
(='.'=) to help him gain world domination.
Soul#2: I already have a grip. Doc:and a porno mag and a tube of lube I'm sure"
Lifes a bitch, then you marry one
This has been a test of the emergency pointless argument system. Had this been a real pointless argument, someone would have been called a facist.
Ceiling Cat: For that you need to wear a fursuit, though.
Inside sources say that Carla Franklin has had more dick in her than a public urinal.
06-19-2010 10:03 AM |
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యూజర్ పేరు
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Re: What do you look for in a
Using what you guys told me, I'm working on a new MP map for Call of Duty 4, which I may likely port to Call of Duty: Black Ops once the mod tools for it come out.
Basically it's going to be a medium-sized impound lot with a few buildings around the edges.
06-20-2010 06:18 AM |
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The Desert Fox
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Re: What do you look for in a
BobManPerson Wrote:Using what you guys told me, I'm working on a new MP map for Call of Duty 4, which I may likely port to Call of Duty: Black Ops once the mod tools for it come out.
Basically it's going to be a medium-sized impound lot with a few buildings around the edges.
If the cars are going to explode-able, please don't make it so that one shot will cause the whole place to go up in flames.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
06-20-2010 06:30 AM |
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Ceiling Cat
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Re: What do you look for in a
Need any help from someone who's been using Radiant for almost 5 years?
Problem, officer?
06-20-2010 07:03 AM |
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యూజర్ పేరు
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Re: What do you look for in a
Ceiling Cat Wrote:Need any help from someone who's been using Radiant for almost 5 years?
I'm actually pretty skilled with Radiant myself ( here are some examples of past works), but if you want to help that would be nice.
If you have CoD4 and the mod tools for it, it would make everything easier. But if you don't, just be sure to caulk all the textures if you send anything to me.
I'm following a layout I drew, so if you want to help I can send you the layout and tell you what I could use help with.
06-20-2010 08:04 AM |
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The Spooning Bard
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Re: What do you look for in a
Large suburban maps. Or anything in Counterstrike. Counterstrike maps were heavily critiqued, so only the best maps were left.
![[Image: 9be30a7.png]](
06-20-2010 06:25 PM |
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The Desert Fox
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Re: What do you look for in a
City 17. 'Twas ported to L4D and is epic.
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
07-01-2010 03:21 AM |
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యూజర్ పేరు
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Re: What do you look for in a
Here's what I have right now:
For those who don't know, green is detail, grey is structural, orange is non-colliding, pink are models, and red are dynamic models. Not that it makes much of a difference, though.
07-01-2010 06:10 AM |
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The Desert Fox
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Re: What do you look for in a
Looks good man.  Is that overpass accessible?
"There is no enemy, there is no victory, only boys who lost their lives in the sand."
07-01-2010 06:12 AM |
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యూజర్ పేరు
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Re: What do you look for in a
The Desert Fox Wrote:Looks good man. Is that overpass accessible?
No. It's mostly for scenery to prevent players from seeing the edge of the world, hence the reason it's non-colliding.
07-01-2010 06:12 AM |
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యూజర్ పేరు
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Re: What do you look for in a
Someone critique the layout of the map, if possible. Later tonight I'll upload a better overhead view.
07-01-2010 06:13 AM |
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Thought Criminal
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Re: What do you look for in a
I love suburban maps. A great example is that level in MW2 where you need to recover the VIP from a safe room. It gives plenty of places to hid but it's sprawled out enough to where camping is pretty much pointless. It's good when there are some derbies thrown out in the street and lawns to block bullets when your moving from house to house too but not so much to where its a simple stroll across the street.
Your map is definatly something I would play. It's open but there are plenty of buildings.
07-01-2010 06:22 AM |
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The Spooning Bard
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Re: What do you look for in a
![[Image: 9be30a7.png]](
07-02-2010 12:34 AM |
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Grorious Moddu
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Re: What do you look for in a
07-02-2010 12:45 AM |
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యూజర్ పేరు
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Re: What do you look for in a
Preliminary screenshot:
I'm going to change a lot of stuff.
07-03-2010 01:38 PM |
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Re: What do you look for in a
Dude, don't use cargo containers. They're almost as unoriginal as wooden crates and exploding red barrels.
I think Buenaventura Durruti is a pretty cool guy. eh kills fascists and doesnt afraid of ruins.
The quickest way to kill a revolution is to wait for it.
07-03-2010 01:46 PM |
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Thought Criminal
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Re: What do you look for in a
Rebelnerd Wrote:Dude, don't use cargo containers. They're almost as unoriginal as wooden crates and exploding red barrels.
A few are alright but it would be cooler if you did like crushed cars stacked on top of each other.
07-03-2010 04:39 PM |
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