RIP School Survival Forums
August 2001 - June 2017
The School Survival Forums are permanently retired. If you need help with quitting school, unsupportive parents or anything else, there is a list of resources on the Help Page.
If you want to write about your experiences in school, you can write on our blog.
To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.
I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.
I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.
I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.
I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.
Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.
Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.
The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with.
My contact details are here.
Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.
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i hate school so much..
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i hate school so much..
I used to live in central america and im half asian half latin
I was raised there and i was born in central america and so i moved to the states 3 months ago and i started school like in the middle of it. I really liked going to school back in central america but now since i moved to the states i really hate it so much that i sometimes want to kill myself. At first it was really hard to make friends since everybody already had their friends but i did make some friends. I have lunch buddies but they're not that close to me i just sit there and keep quiet. i dont talk at all.
my math class is an applied math. its for those who failed. im a freshman and all of the ones in applied math are juniors and seniors i feel so uncomfortable because im the only freshman and im literally learning word problems i should be learning algebra. i talked to my guidance counselor but she hasn't changed my math schedule so idk what to do anymore.
when i recently started school i felt really depressed for some reason but i dont know why but i knew that i didn't like school i hate it so much. i wanted to go back home and hug my friends. im barely passing my math class. I've talked with many people about this but they keep saying im going to be used to it and that its always like that when you recently move to another country and start all over again. but i really hate school, i hate taking the bus to school, i hate the classes, i hate the school lunch. the only time im happy is when im taking the bus way home. and then i get home and then i get all depressed thinking about how tomorrow theres school. i really want to kill myself.
02-28-2017 10:42 AM |
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i hate school so much..
Hey, you should reach out for professional help dude. And saying whats on your mind. To our parents, counselor, police. Hotline. Yeah, police. I said that. They can help too. If you got an ipod and like listening to music, listen during school. Sing, if you like. Play games on your phone. Draw, etc. Like just dont give a care in the world what others think about doing stuff you like. To make being in school a tiny bit more easy.
('_') School sucks ass. Seriously. Making new friends is tough and sucks. So hang in there man. But i do highly recommend seeking help. Venting and stuff does help release stuff. But its not enough.
02-28-2017 01:41 PM |
the Analogist
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RE: i hate school so much..
why did your family move here? do you have the kind of relationship with them that you can ask? do they know how you feel?
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02-28-2017 02:49 PM |
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i hate school so much..
Quote:why did your family move here? do you have the kind of relationship with them that you can ask? do they know how you feel?
This. Talk to your parents first before talking to counselors and such (though you should try that too, if your parents aren't helpful).
What are the main differences between the school in central america that you liked, and how things are in the US?
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03-02-2017 12:26 AM |
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