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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


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Life of an Attention Whore
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #241
Life of an Attention Whore

feel like a bit of a dick when i say "no" to going out or drinking or partying with other ppl but fuck i just don't wanna do that shit.

normal people pfffft

fuck em

i spent a good hour or two discussing polidicks and culture with some liberal bloke that lives here. that was kinda fun i guess idk. there's this one far right guy that lives here that i've discussed politics with a few times and it isn't as enjoyable as talking with the liberal bloke was. guy was up his own arse and refused to consider opinions that weren't his own or just shrugged off stuff you say without good reason or whatever. liberal bloke disagreed with me a lot and gave reasoning why. that's the kinda shit i prefer.

i think the funniest part with teh far right guy was when i explained why i don't like p00tin. gosh did that send him into a ramble about why he's great or blah blah blah why im wrong etc etc which of course held no substance and he just changed the subject in the end

at least i wasn't called a leftist jew kike or whatever. he does think i'm right wing tho so w/e

i wonder which people actually read this shitty blog
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2017 07:43 PM by Gwedin.)
06-11-2017 07:40 PM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #242
RE: Life of an Attention Whore

i do

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06-12-2017 03:32 AM
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NiteRaidah Offline

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Post: #243
RE: Life of an Attention Whore

(06-11-2017 07:40 PM)Gwedin Wrote:  feel like a bit of a dick when i say "no" to going out or drinking or partying with other ppl but fuck i just don't wanna do that shit.

normal people pfffft

fuck em

well said. socialization should be made illegal.

Quote:i wonder which people actually read this shitty blog

probably no one.

"All these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you."

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06-12-2017 09:07 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #244
Life of an Attention Whore

got my shit for the student allowance finally sent off since i had a day off work (sick) and could to the place during its opening hours

also booked my driving test for july 18. kinda nervous about that but we'll see how that goes.

i'm gonna quit work a week before the course starts because fuck you i need a fucking break
06-12-2017 01:32 PM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #245
RE: Life of an Attention Whore

breaks are good

Purity is to Believe only that which deserves it.
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06-12-2017 06:47 PM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #246
Life of an Attention Whore




06-13-2017 05:36 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #247
Life of an Attention Whore

im clumsy and dropped my sugar container Smile

glass and sugar everywhere Smile
06-13-2017 06:59 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #248
Life of an Attention Whore


at least 80 dollars to get this fucking shit unregistered

fucking talked to two doc receptionists and they're the most annoying fucking women on the planet jfc

serves me right for being a fuckwit that didn't register for a doctor

this shitty facefuck meme is me

[Image: my-will-to-live-minor-inconvenience-3149674.png]
(This post was last modified: 06-13-2017 07:35 AM by Gwedin.)
06-13-2017 07:31 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #249
Life of an Attention Whore

oh and it just started raining :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

can't wait to walk to this fucking doc's place for over an hour Biggrin
06-13-2017 09:57 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #250
Life of an Attention Whore

back to work yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...
06-15-2017 04:21 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #251
Life of an Attention Whore

almost out of alcohol ffs
06-15-2017 06:35 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #252
Life of an Attention Whore

im out of alcohol

now wat

i cant do marathons they take so long

lemme exert myself for a short time and reap the fruits of that instead. this work for life shit is fucking gay and exhausting

im not sustainable
(This post was last modified: 06-15-2017 06:45 AM by Gwedin.)
06-15-2017 06:42 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #253
Life of an Attention Whore

the collapse!

i think
06-15-2017 06:56 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #254
Life of an Attention Whore

i got more alcohol dw fellas

i hate myself
06-15-2017 10:51 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #255
Life of an Attention Whore

ashamed, guilty blah blah blah

never a positive feeling is there

room smells of vomit despite me airing it out and cleaning the bucket
06-16-2017 08:52 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #256
Life of an Attention Whore

you should all fucking die
06-16-2017 12:45 PM
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Subb Offline
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Post: #257
Life of an Attention Whore

How about no

Sub's Mental Log!
We've had a lot of fun, guys.
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06-16-2017 01:53 PM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #258
RE: Life of an Attention Whore

Ill died when Im good and ready, fuck off

Purity is to Believe only that which deserves it.
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06-16-2017 02:09 PM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #259
Life of an Attention Whore

hair's getting to the point where it starts to go off in every fucking direction kinda curled like. absolutely HAVE to get a haircut during that week off imma take

going to work tomorrow. hopefully won't be fired. hopefully the supervisors understand that im a massive sperg with mental issues that i can't properly cope with
rather, i hope they're so desperate for workers that they actually need me there despite the unexplained two days off.
06-18-2017 04:16 PM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #260
Life of an Attention Whore

i alternate between an overwhelming love for humanity and complete apathy for it

why can i not be consistent? this bothers me slightly.
06-18-2017 07:20 PM
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Post: #261
RE: Life of an Attention Whore

"overwhelming love for humanity" ???
shit outta here nigga
06-18-2017 08:44 PM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #262
Life of an Attention Whore

i come to work and my main supervisor is all like "you ok???" and "nah it's fine we all need time off sometimes" and fucken "you need anything just tell me mate"
and everybody i work with on my rotation is like "MATE WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" ALL of them.

fucking bizarre.
06-19-2017 03:57 PM
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Shurpeh Offline

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Post: #263
RE: Life of an Attention Whore

That's what normal people do, yeah Razz
06-19-2017 05:32 PM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #264
Life of an Attention Whore

ew normal ppl everybody should be a robot and have no emotions!! or some equally stupid bullshit only gwedin would say

only a day into the workweek and i wanna neck myself already. shameful. i have no will and feel as though all of my energy is sapped.

i like to think when i die i'll just be watching the world go on about its business as a kinda ghost like figure but like, not present on earth as a ghost is. like i could just open my cloud viewing screen thing and zoom in on a random part of the earth or call up bookmarked people whose lives i've taken an interest in.

im gonna go sleep now bye homos
(This post was last modified: 06-19-2017 07:27 PM by Gwedin.)
06-19-2017 07:24 PM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #265
Life of an Attention Whore


Watch on YouTube

im so stupid

how dare they giggle at my hose antics!

i feel inadequate

how do i become absolutely off-the-rails insane?
(This post was last modified: 06-20-2017 05:33 PM by Gwedin.)
06-20-2017 05:28 PM
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the Analogist Offline
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Post: #266
RE: Life of an Attention Whore

stare down strangers while walking directly towards them and begin jacking off during this process

Purity is to Believe only that which deserves it.
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06-20-2017 06:56 PM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #267
Life of an Attention Whore

i already do the first half sometimes

there's thiis one chinese fucker (there's actually three) here i make a habit of staring down every time i see them. but this one in particular irks me for some odd reason. he's like a pathetic worthless puppy and i hate that he is able to walk standing up and not hunched over like a rotten soul like him should do.

the other two are just fucking cunts who ought to be shot
06-20-2017 07:01 PM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #268
Life of an Attention Whore

i want to fall asleep at work

i want to sleep forever but i would be plagued by dreams and that is a scary thought

don't think peter likes me any more.

i don't care. this is my house. i am the dominant character here. move aside lower beings

i should go bald and become phat and get a nice phat ass

(This post was last modified: 06-20-2017 07:15 PM by Gwedin.)
06-20-2017 07:13 PM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #269
Life of an Attention Whore

06-21-2017 02:50 AM
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Gwedin Offline
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Post: #270
Life of an Attention Whore

17 days of work left

can i do it? i've already lost a shitload of skin off of finger joints since the sick week, my toe somehow has a cut on it which stings and is going to make the already very uncomfortable process of standing even worse and i'm still tired as fuck and drinking coffee half an hour before bed certainly does not help you addicted fucking idiot

i was gonna drink myself to sleep tonight but decided it takes to much effort to drink

i didnt bother wash my arms when leaving work today so they're covered in blood and i don't even care

i ate dinner with bloody arms and i will sleep with bloody arms. i am a slaughterman and the slaughterman is me, dead lambs are my life, i know nothing but the dead lamb, i am the worst nightmare of the dead lamb.

i am not a person, i am a meat worker. that is my identity. i find no solidarity in non meat workers, with other meat workers i am home, we understand our mutual hatred for our job, our tiredness, we are the meat workers, we are not people, we are meat workers. we know nothing but the art of meat working.

i love how everyone on our rotation is either planning on quitting soon or aiming to become a butcher.

we have the worst rotation in the slaughterhouse im pretty sure of it. "if you can do that rotation, you can do anything" - some meat inspector next to our rotation
(This post was last modified: 06-21-2017 07:03 PM by Gwedin.)
06-21-2017 06:57 PM
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