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August 2001 - June 2017

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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.
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Heil_Kaiba8921 Offline
It's also a gun.

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Post: #1
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

My first and most recent evidence:
Quote:23:04:20] Chanku [] has set mode +bb *!* *!*@F4ACC5BC.A2B9633A.B2C41F2D.IP

The first host is mine, while the second is the host of a Duelix who couldn't even talk while he was in there, which served no real purpose in my opinion since it let him stay in the chat and watch us talk until he gets bored and leaves.

This is from around 11pm Eastern time, I had just gotten back on the irc after watching one of my shows. I had not been given a voice in a respectable amount of time, by the person that usually notices someone joining, Chanku, or any other operators that were talking.

Here is some evidence from the day I first got banned:
Quote:[00:37:20] Ban listing for #SchoolSurvival: *!* (set by Chanku! on Fri Feb 28 20:43:16 2014)

Notice any certain similarities between that banned host and the one from today? Both times I have been banned were by Chanku, and both times were a host ban. So the only way around it would have been for me to change my host like Duelix keeps doing.

Some random bits of evidence:
Quote:[20:29:53] You have been kicked from #SchoolSurvival by xcritter []: xcriteria

This kick was due to me changing my nickname to xcriteria for a short amount of time, in a time when the chat was just screwing around and having fun changing names. Even Chanku changed his name to "xcritter" right before he kicked me.

Quote:[20:29:41] Chanku [] is now known as xcritter

Quote:[23:04:40] Chanku [] has set mode +b *!*

[23:05:02] RealPotato [] has been kicked from #SchoolSurvival by Chanku []: Don't test me foo! TASTE THE BANHAMMER!

[23:05:13] Chanku [] has set mode -b *!*

Quote:[20:42:01] PussyEater [] has joined #SchoolSurvival

[20:42:02] <Zatch> Hello PussyEater

[20:42:10] <+lollipopgirl> Duelix?

[20:42:10] <PussyEater> Hey

[20:42:28] <PussyEater> Who's Duelix?

[20:42:36] <+Gwedin> Ich bin Duelix.

[20:42:40] Gwedin [] is now known as Duelix

[20:42:58] <+Duelix> Bow down to your Fuhrer, me!

[20:43:00] <brainiac3397> Nein! NEIN NEIN NEIN!

[20:43:06] <+Duelix> JA!

[20:43:14] Chanku [] has set mode +b *!*

[20:43:30] <brainiac3397> banned who?

[20:43:32] <@HeilKaiba8921> B?

[20:43:40] <+lollipopgirl>

[20:43:40] <+Duelix> wat

[20:43:49] <+Duelix> chanku wat u doin

[20:43:49] PussyEater [] has been kicked from #SchoolSurvival by Chanku []: Serriously? Become mature then return troll. Say hello to the Hammer of Kicking and Banning

Now, I do occasionally join the channel through an app on my phone with a particularly vulgar name, to some people at least...this one was my most vulgar by far, and I did not tell everyone about it. I also do not make a big thing about it, and was in no way trolling the channel under this name.

Quote:[20:30:16] Gwedin [] is now known as xcriteria

[20:30:20] <+xcriteria> Nah brah.

[20:30:22] Chanku [] has set mode +o HeilKaiba8921

[20:30:32] <@HeilKaiba8921> o.0

[20:30:34] <+Hansgrohe> I don't think xcriteria would ever say "brah"

[20:30:37] <+Hansgrohe> Or use pink, lol

[20:30:39] <@MichaelMerging> u know hes been using that handle since '94

[20:30:41] <+xcriteria> Let's all be xcritera!

[20:30:44] xcriteria [] has been kicked from #SchoolSurvival by Chanku []: Only Xcrit is xcriteria

[20:30:46] <@HeilKaiba8921> It's purple on my screen

[20:30:56] <+Hansgrohe> O rly?

[20:31:00] xcriteria [] has joined #SchoolSurvival

[20:31:00] <Zatch> Hello xcriteria

[20:31:02] <+Hansgrohe> That's okay i guess

[20:31:08] xcriteria [] is now known as Gwedin

This evidence is from a time in chat when everyone was wondering where xcriteria was, and at the same time was just having fun. Nobody kept the nickname for long, and I did not get kicked when I changed my nickname to xcriteria, so why would Gwedin be the only one to get kicked?

Quote:19:35:56] <HeilKaiba8921> Hey, try doing the syntax for unbanning someone on me, because apparently +b means you were channel banned

[19:36:08] <Chanku> Um. I dunno the syntax

[19:45:15] <Chanku> I can't figure out how

[19:45:39] <HeilKaiba8921> It's /mode #SchoolSurvival -b HeilKaiba8921!

[19:46:06] <Chanku> there

[19:46:52] <HeilKaiba8921> it still didn't let me in

[19:46:59] <HeilKaiba8921> Gonna try the web chat

[19:49:16] <HeilKaiba8921> It said the nickname was already in I still in the channel?

[19:50:45] <Chanku> no you aren;y

[19:50:55] <Chanku> although it's used in the server

[19:51:23] <HeilKaiba8921> maybe ghosting?

[19:51:46] <Chanku> Well if you are logged on via client, and keep the client open then you are still logged in

[19:51:54] <Chanku> You have to log out of the client first then open the web chat

[19:54:51] <Kaiba> I closed my client and the webchat still says I'm banned

[19:54:57] You have changed your nickname to Guest14732

[19:55:00] <Guest14732> I think we're gonna need to get Soul on this

[19:55:14] <Chanku> Yup

That is from the first time I got banned. Obviously we figured it out, mostly from the help of some kind citizen that hangs out in the rizon help channel. That person had to go into the channel and tell xcriteria what to do to unban me.

So, in the end, I think Chanku has gone power hungry and should be removed from his operator privileges.

A slightly off-topic bit of information follows below:
Hidden stuff:
So Chanku has setup his bot, Zatch, to be able to give operator status to those that are in the list as soon as they join the channel. This is good since we can't always have an operator in the chat and sitting there waiting for another operator to come in so they can leave. This arguement is not about this bot at all, it is actually about being removed from the operator list without being asked, in any way, to defend myself.

I posted one picture about why /r/fiftyfifty is a fun subreddit to visit, while it was indeed NSFW/L (Not safe for work or life), it was also my first real offense in the chat of posting something that wasn't particularly smart to do. During the time I had posted it, I was not an operator because I did not feel it was necessary to be given operator status right upon logging in since there was nothing going on in chat, and SoulRiser was there if anything did happen.

Here is the conversation about removing me from the list of operators:

Quote:[19:12:05] <+HeilKaiba8921> Why do I often visit /r/fiftyfifty? WHY?

[19:13:41] <@Chanku> I don't really use Reddit, I have an account. I just don't use it....

[19:14:11] <+HeilKaiba8921> This is why you should use it more often...

[19:14:26] <+HeilKaiba8921> And then have a look at this for the other reason

[19:14:27] <+HeilKaiba8921>

[19:14:31] <@Chanku> Dude wtf

[19:14:37] <+HeilKaiba8921> Right?

[19:14:41] <@Chanku> No

[19:14:43] <+HeilKaiba8921> Welcome to /r/fiftyfifty

[19:14:47] <@Chanku> -_-

[19:14:51] <@xcriteria> Umm... what is that? (I haven't clicked.)

[19:14:51] <+HeilKaiba8921> The second link is completely SFW

[19:15:00] <@Chanku> DON'T click the first one.

[19:15:04] <+HeilKaiba8921> It's the reason you visit /r/fiftyfifty in public

[19:15:13] <@xcriteria> Don't post messed up links in here. :<

[19:15:17] <+HeilKaiba8921> (hemorhoid infested asshole)

[19:15:24] <@xcriteria> OMG. Why?

[19:15:35] <@Chanku> Ugh

[19:15:51] <@Chanku> I've lost my appatie, and I was having steak tonight

[19:16:02] <@xcriteria> On the topic of rules... that definely breaks them.

[19:16:52] <@Chanku> Hm....should we punish Kaiba?

[19:20:33] <@xcriteria> That's like Duelix behavior.

[19:20:46] <@Chanku> punishing or the link?

[19:20:51] <@xcriteria> The link.

[19:20:54] <@Chanku> ah okay

[19:21:03] <@xcriteria> I mean Duelix on his worst behavior.

[19:21:30] <@Chanku> Should we kick him or ban him for a short period of time?

[19:21:48] <@xcriteria> Maybe just take him off the op list.

[19:22:06] <@Chanku> okay

[19:22:12] <@Chanku> I'll work on that right away

[19:22:16] <@xcriteria> I don't think specific punishments like banning necessarily change behvaior.

[19:22:44] <@xcriteria> It's better to figure out why people do things, and maybe help them learn why not to do horrible things.

[19:22:47] <@xcriteria> Obviously in some cases bans are required.

[19:25:26] <@Chanku> I'm editing the code now

[19:25:46] <@Chanku> Although all it requires is a minor change in of a line of the code

[19:25:58] <@Chanku> Which is also the first time I used the ||(or)) statement

[19:30:27] <@Neue> There, back.

[19:30:48] <@Chanku> Alright so I edited out his name in the lineup

[19:30:51] <@MichaelMerging> so fresh and so clean clean

[19:31:20] <@Neue> The lineup?

[19:31:45] <@Neue> So, Kaiba is no longer an OP, I take it?

[19:32:03] <@Chanku> correct

[19:32:10] <@Chanku> I've just changed Zatch to reflect it

[19:32:14] <@Neue> Okay.

[19:32:37] <@Chanku> And the changes are live

So, while I should have exercised restraint and not posted the link, I feel like it was wrong to not even ask me about my opinions on what sort of punishment should be done.

I am also not really bothered about losing operator status, but I would like, in the future, that people not get a rather strict punishment for screwing up one time.

If the president were to give his wife a black eye while they were golfing because the club slid out of his hand, would they immediately lock him up in Guantanamo bay for the rest of his life?

Thank you for reading.

The less you try to control things, the less you need to.

Boredom is the #1 enemy of learning. Therefore, school is the #1 enemy of learning.

"Bodies fucking fuck."~Night.Artist

[Image: 41433.png][Image: 14362714_1336391025.png]

Hidden stuff:
[Image: asschart.jpg]
Hidden stuff:

"free speech under the constitution only guarantees the government won't stop him saying it and does not guarantee his right to say things and have no consequences at all as a result. also i completely doubt that he is motivated solely by "i'm saying it because i can" and is probably motivated by a more shitheady motive like "i think it's funny to annoy people and Rustle Le Jimmies™ and is just hiding behind the first amendment to try to deflect any consequences or make you realize that being allowed to annoy people is a superior moral right. you can still disdain someone for doing things for dumbarse wankery purposes and you have evne more right to ban and insult them for it" ~Trar's friend about Potato.

Thanks for the diploma… can I have my childhood back?

I’d love to have a battle of wits with you… but I hate to fight the unarmed.
03-03-2014 03:15 PM
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 Thanks given by: Potato
Chanku Offline

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Post: #2
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

(03-03-2014 03:15 PM)Heil_Kaiba8921 Wrote:  My first and most recent evidence:
Quote:23:04:20] Chanku [] has set mode +bb *!* *!*@F4ACC5BC.A2B9633A.B2C41F2D.IP

The first host is mine, while the second is the host of a Duelix who couldn't even talk while he was in there, which served no real purpose in my opinion since it let him stay in the chat and watch us talk until he gets bored and leaves.
First the ban was accidental and I quickly removed it, my IRC client tends to bug out at times
Quote:This is from around 11pm Eastern time, I had just gotten back on the irc after watching one of my shows. I had not been given a voice in a respectable amount of time, by the person that usually notices someone joining, Chanku, or any other operators that were talking.
I was AFK and due to that I can not be held responsible for the things others ops do, or do not, do.
Quote:Here is some evidence from the day I first got banned: [quote][00:37:20] Ban listing for #SchoolSurvival: *!* (set by Chanku! on Fri Feb 28 20:43:16 2014)

Notice any certain similarities between that banned host and the one from today? Both times I have been banned were by Chanku, and both times were a host ban. So the only way around it would have been for me to change my host like Duelix keeps doing.
Again it was a mistake.
Quote:Some random bits of evidence:
Quote:[20:29:53] You have been kicked from #SchoolSurvival by xcritter []: xcriteria

This kick was due to me changing my nickname to xcriteria for a short amount of time, in a time when the chat was just screwing around and having fun changing names. Even Chanku changed his name to "xcritter" right before he kicked me.

Quote:[20:29:41] Chanku [] is now known as xcritter
I just did that because I wasn't sure when xcrit was going to log on.
Quote:[23:04:40] Chanku [] has set mode +b *!*

[23:05:02] RealPotato [] has been kicked from #SchoolSurvival by Chanku []: Don't test me foo! TASTE THE BANHAMMER!

[23:05:13] Chanku [] has set mode -b *!*
He dared me to ban him, in fact I was pretty sure I contacted you, also I was reprimanded and lost op for a while.
Quote:[20:42:01] PussyEater [] has joined #SchoolSurvival

[20:42:02] <Zatch> Hello PussyEater

[20:42:10] <+lollipopgirl> Duelix?

[20:42:10] <PussyEater> Hey

[20:42:28] <PussyEater> Who's Duelix?

[20:42:36] <+Gwedin> Ich bin Duelix.

[20:42:40] Gwedin [] is now known as Duelix

[20:42:58] <+Duelix> Bow down to your Fuhrer, me!

[20:43:00] <brainiac3397> Nein! NEIN NEIN NEIN!

[20:43:06] <+Duelix> JA!

[20:43:14] Chanku [] has set mode +b *!*

[20:43:30] <brainiac3397> banned who?

[20:43:32] <@HeilKaiba8921> B?

[20:43:40] <+lollipopgirl>

[20:43:40] <+Duelix> wat

[20:43:49] <+Duelix> chanku wat u doin

[20:43:49] PussyEater [] has been kicked from #SchoolSurvival by Chanku []: Serriously? Become mature then return troll. Say hello to the Hammer of Kicking and Banning

Now, I do occasionally join the channel through an app on my phone with a particularly vulgar name, to some people at least...this one was my most vulgar by far, and I did not tell everyone about it. I also do not make a big thing about it, and was in no way trolling the channel under this name.
It was inappropriate
Quote:[20:30:16] Gwedin [] is now known as xcriteria

[20:30:20] <+xcriteria> Nah brah.

[20:30:22] Chanku [] has set mode +o HeilKaiba8921

[20:30:32] <@HeilKaiba8921> o.0

[20:30:34] <+Hansgrohe> I don't think xcriteria would ever say "brah"

[20:30:37] <+Hansgrohe> Or use pink, lol

[20:30:39] <@MichaelMerging> u know hes been using that handle since '94

[20:30:41] <+xcriteria> Let's all be xcritera!

[20:30:44] xcriteria [] has been kicked from #SchoolSurvival by Chanku []: Only Xcrit is xcriteria

[20:30:46] <@HeilKaiba8921> It's purple on my screen

[20:30:56] <+Hansgrohe> O rly?

[20:31:00] xcriteria [] has joined #SchoolSurvival

[20:31:00] <Zatch> Hello xcriteria

[20:31:02] <+Hansgrohe> That's okay i guess

[20:31:08] xcriteria [] is now known as Gwedin

This evidence is from a time in chat when everyone was wondering where xcriteria was, and at the same time was just having fun. Nobody kept the nickname for long, and I did not get kicked when I changed my nickname to xcriteria, so why would Gwedin be the only one to get kicked?
I do not remember why I kicked but I think it was for the same reason above, either that or I had gotten in a really pissy mood and didn't feel like joking around.
Quote:19:35:56] <HeilKaiba8921> Hey, try doing the syntax for unbanning someone on me, because apparently +b means you were channel banned

[19:36:08] <Chanku> Um. I dunno the syntax

[19:45:15] <Chanku> I can't figure out how

[19:45:39] <HeilKaiba8921> It's /mode #SchoolSurvival -b HeilKaiba8921!

[19:46:06] <Chanku> there

[19:46:52] <HeilKaiba8921> it still didn't let me in

[19:46:59] <HeilKaiba8921> Gonna try the web chat

[19:49:16] <HeilKaiba8921> It said the nickname was already in I still in the channel?

[19:50:45] <Chanku> no you aren;y

[19:50:55] <Chanku> although it's used in the server

[19:51:23] <HeilKaiba8921> maybe ghosting?

[19:51:46] <Chanku> Well if you are logged on via client, and keep the client open then you are still logged in

[19:51:54] <Chanku> You have to log out of the client first then open the web chat

[19:54:51] <Kaiba> I closed my client and the webchat still says I'm banned

[19:54:57] You have changed your nickname to Guest14732

[19:55:00] <Guest14732> I think we're gonna need to get Soul on this

[19:55:14] <Chanku> Yup

That is from the first time I got banned. Obviously we figured it out, mostly from the help of some kind citizen that hangs out in the rizon help channel. That person had to go into the channel and tell xcriteria what to do to unban me.
I tried to unban you, but I failed to do so.

So, in the end, I think Chanku has gone power hungry and should be removed from his operator privileges.
I think that I shouldn't be removed from Op status because I have not gone power hungry, and infact a lot of the time I accidentally do something because of my client's nature.

Quote:A slightly off-topic bit of information follows below:
Hidden stuff:
So Chanku has setup his bot, Zatch, to be able to give operator status to those that are in the list as soon as they join the channel. This is good since we can't always have an operator in the chat and sitting there waiting for another operator to come in so they can leave. This arguement is not about this bot at all, it is actually about being removed from the operator list without being asked, in any way, to defend myself.

I posted one picture about why /r/fiftyfifty is a fun subreddit to visit, while it was indeed NSFW/L (Not safe for work or life), it was also my first real offense in the chat of posting something that wasn't particularly smart to do. During the time I had posted it, I was not an operator because I did not feel it was necessary to be given operator status right upon logging in since there was nothing going on in chat, and SoulRiser was there if anything did happen.

Here is the conversation about removing me from the list of operators:

Quote:[19:12:05] <+HeilKaiba8921> Why do I often visit /r/fiftyfifty? WHY?

[19:13:41] <@Chanku> I don't really use Reddit, I have an account. I just don't use it....

[19:14:11] <+HeilKaiba8921> This is why you should use it more often...

[19:14:26] <+HeilKaiba8921> And then have a look at this for the other reason

[19:14:27] <+HeilKaiba8921>

[19:14:31] <@Chanku> Dude wtf

[19:14:37] <+HeilKaiba8921> Right?

[19:14:41] <@Chanku> No

[19:14:43] <+HeilKaiba8921> Welcome to /r/fiftyfifty

[19:14:47] <@Chanku> -_-

[19:14:51] <@xcriteria> Umm... what is that? (I haven't clicked.)

[19:14:51] <+HeilKaiba8921> The second link is completely SFW

[19:15:00] <@Chanku> DON'T click the first one.

[19:15:04] <+HeilKaiba8921> It's the reason you visit /r/fiftyfifty in public

[19:15:13] <@xcriteria> Don't post messed up links in here. :<

[19:15:17] <+HeilKaiba8921> (hemorhoid infested asshole)

[19:15:24] <@xcriteria> OMG. Why?

[19:15:35] <@Chanku> Ugh

[19:15:51] <@Chanku> I've lost my appatie, and I was having steak tonight

[19:16:02] <@xcriteria> On the topic of rules... that definely breaks them.

[19:16:52] <@Chanku> Hm....should we punish Kaiba?

[19:20:33] <@xcriteria> That's like Duelix behavior.

[19:20:46] <@Chanku> punishing or the link?

[19:20:51] <@xcriteria> The link.

[19:20:54] <@Chanku> ah okay

[19:21:03] <@xcriteria> I mean Duelix on his worst behavior.

[19:21:30] <@Chanku> Should we kick him or ban him for a short period of time?

[19:21:48] <@xcriteria> Maybe just take him off the op list.

[19:22:06] <@Chanku> okay

[19:22:12] <@Chanku> I'll work on that right away

[19:22:16] <@xcriteria> I don't think specific punishments like banning necessarily change behvaior.

[19:22:44] <@xcriteria> It's better to figure out why people do things, and maybe help them learn why not to do horrible things.

[19:22:47] <@xcriteria> Obviously in some cases bans are required.

[19:25:26] <@Chanku> I'm editing the code now

[19:25:46] <@Chanku> Although all it requires is a minor change in of a line of the code

[19:25:58] <@Chanku> Which is also the first time I used the ||(or)) statement

[19:30:27] <@Neue> There, back.

[19:30:48] <@Chanku> Alright so I edited out his name in the lineup

[19:30:51] <@MichaelMerging> so fresh and so clean clean

[19:31:20] <@Neue> The lineup?

[19:31:45] <@Neue> So, Kaiba is no longer an OP, I take it?

[19:32:03] <@Chanku> correct

[19:32:10] <@Chanku> I've just changed Zatch to reflect it

[19:32:14] <@Neue> Okay.

[19:32:37] <@Chanku> And the changes are live

So, while I should have exercised restraint and not posted the link, I feel like it was wrong to not even ask me about my opinions on what sort of punishment should be done.

I am also not really bothered about losing operator status, but I would like, in the future, that people not get a rather strict punishment for screwing up one time.

If the president were to give his wife a black eye while they were golfing because the club slid out of his hand, would they immediately lock him up in Guantanamo bay for the rest of his life?

Thank you for reading.
Now on this, I didn't come up with the punishment, xcriteria did. I was for a kick or something. This must be taken up with xcriteria. Also if soul wishes she can reinstate you. Also, you posted an NSFWL picture, like Duelix did on the forums, which got him banned on here. You broke the rules. If you had warned that the picture was NSFWL then it wouldn't matter as much. However again xcrit is going to have to explain here.

Pretty Much my only signature...I'm mainly a can find me on the IRC (or on DnE and their IRC).

[Image: USVWSwj.png]
03-03-2014 04:04 PM
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brainiac3397 Offline
Machiavellian Amoeba

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Post: #3
RE: So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

Soul. I want a house next to my name.

Personality DNA Report
(06-14-2013 08:02 AM)Potato Wrote:  watch the fuq out, we've got an "intellectual" over here.

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03-03-2014 04:55 PM
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Post: #4
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.


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03-03-2014 06:32 PM
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Post: #5
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

he kicked me again...

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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03-03-2014 06:49 PM
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Post: #6
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

and again

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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03-03-2014 06:50 PM
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Post: #7
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

and again, and again, and again, and again...13 times and counting

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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03-03-2014 06:53 PM
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Post: #8
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

03-03-2014 06:55 PM
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Post: #9
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

Quote:So, in the end, I think Chanku has gone power hungry and should be removed from his operator privileges.

i couldn't agree more

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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03-03-2014 06:58 PM
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Post: #10
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

Potato you were repeatedly asking for Op even when we told you to stop. Besides it wasn't just me it was also Neue.

Pretty Much my only signature...I'm mainly a can find me on the IRC (or on DnE and their IRC).

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03-04-2014 04:45 AM
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Post: #11
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

Oh god, SS is becoming PMC! D:

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03-04-2014 05:37 AM
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Post: #12
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

This is part of the reason why I don't go on chat.

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03-04-2014 09:49 AM
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Post: #13
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

Hmmm... punishment? On SS? That seems... silly. We all know punishment accomplishes generally jack squat... right?

Just post a warning if you're going to post something gross. Or, even better, ask people if they'd mind you posting it first.

As for the kicking and banning... it's not like any of you are perma-banned like Duelix, so I don't think it's a huge issue... however, the only reason anyone besides me has ops at all is so they can kickban Duelix when he joins (or anyone doing the same thing)... kicking other people isn't necessary at all. Let Potato keep begging, and people do whatever, as long as they're not disrupting a conversation. If they are... either they or the people having the conversation should use a seperate channel for it.


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03-04-2014 07:29 PM
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Potato Offline

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Post: #14
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

Chanku Wrote:Potato you were repeatedly asking for Op even when we told you to stop. Besides it wasn't just me it was also Neue.

no i came on and asked once before you kicked me the first time, eventually you were kicking me even though i was muted. i ain't mad though, because i knew you would. it's funny seeing how you get such a huge power trip from kicking people on an IRC. it's a good thing that you have no power in real-life.

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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(This post was last modified: 03-04-2014 07:55 PM by Potato.)
03-04-2014 07:50 PM
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Post: #15
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

Quote:You're such a cunt, if you don't like it here then fuck off.

bitch stfu. i'd call you a retard but that would be insulting to retards

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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03-04-2014 11:56 PM
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Potato Offline

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Post: #16
RE: So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

(03-04-2014 11:57 PM)Sad Ario Wrote:  
(03-04-2014 11:56 PM)Potato Wrote:  
Quote:You're such a cunt, if you don't like it here then fuck off.

bitch stfu. i'd call you a retard but that would be insulting to retards

Then what would you call me?

bitch you better stfu or i'm gona go to your house and i'm gona suck yo dick homie

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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03-05-2014 12:00 AM
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Post: #17
RE: So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

(03-05-2014 12:04 AM)Sad Ario Wrote:  
(03-05-2014 12:00 AM)Potato Wrote:  
(03-04-2014 11:57 PM)Sad Ario Wrote:  
(03-04-2014 11:56 PM)Potato Wrote:  
Quote:You're such a cunt, if you don't like it here then fuck off.

bitch stfu. i'd call you a retard but that would be insulting to retards

Then what would you call me?

bitch you better stfu or i'm gona go to your house and i'm gona suck yo dick homie

You didn't answer the question.

no shit i didn't answer the question. you want a medal for figuring that out?

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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03-05-2014 12:10 AM
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Post: #18
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.


"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
03-05-2014 12:16 AM
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Post: #19
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

i don't get it

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
03-05-2014 12:31 AM
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Potato Offline

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Post: #20
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

didn't you want to start a flame war?

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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03-05-2014 12:42 AM
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xcriteria Offline

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Post: #21
RE: So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

(03-04-2014 09:49 AM)DoA Wrote:  This is part of the reason why I don't go on chat.

Seeing this makes me sad. So does the above exchange between Ario and Potato, but that's a different kind of sad.

DoA, we've had (and continue to have) many substantive, meaningful conversations in chat that I think you'd have a lot to contribute to, and get a lot out of.

Beyond just "chatting," these are also steps toward creating content (including this documentary series concept, videos and texts for the site, a site focused on parents, possible print publications like the book you've had in mind and so on.) In other words, things that could encourage others to engage in more substantive discussion about transforming education, and building "joyful learning communities."

(03-04-2014 07:29 PM)SoulRiser Wrote:  Hmmm... punishment? On SS? That seems... silly. We all know punishment accomplishes generally jack squat... right?

Just post a warning if you're going to post something gross. Or, even better, ask people if they'd mind you posting it first.

I agree regarding punishment. My suggestion to remove Kaiba from the op list wasn't intended as a "punishment," so much as my idea that posting disgusting photos is (1) not something for this channel to begin with, and (2) not something ops should be doing.

We can discuss that further, but personally I don't think gross-out images have any place in SS chat, warning or not. What Kaiba posted parallels what Duelix posted on the forums. It's just completely unnecessary, and it creates an unsupportive, counter-productive environment where people have to question every link they click on, and every conversation they jump into.

Likewise, coming in with vulgar names creates a negative, disruptive environment that will turn some people away. Of course, adding any rules about such things will bring charges of "being uptight," "stamping out fun" and "crushing free speech." That's a whole conversation in itself... but creating a hostile environment also "crushes free speech."

One solution is to have multiple channels (and places on the Internet) with different purposes, as we've discussed. The question is then what the main SS channel should be about, and what's appropriate there (especially if we succeed at getting more new visitors to the site.)

Thoughts on that?

(03-04-2014 07:29 PM)SoulRiser Wrote:  As for the kicking and banning... it's not like any of you are perma-banned like Duelix, so I don't think it's a huge issue... however, the only reason anyone besides me has ops at all is so they can kickban Duelix when he joins (or anyone doing the same thing)... kicking other people isn't necessary at all. Let Potato keep begging, and people do whatever, as long as they're not disrupting a conversation. If they are... either they or the people having the conversation should use a seperate channel for it.


We've already begun doing that with separate, themed channels. But, my hope is that the main channel not be primarily a "basement," given that it's the place most people go to first, and it's the easiest place to hang out when there's not an active conversation going.

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03-05-2014 01:36 AM
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xcriteria Offline

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Post: #22
RE: So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

(03-05-2014 12:44 AM)Sad Ario Wrote:  
(03-05-2014 12:42 AM)Potato Wrote:  didn't you want to start a flame war?

I figure smart people have more important things to do than flame a below average, stupid idiot of a 14 year old.

Ario, your comment to Potato above was quite harsh... I think in his mind, that opened the door to a harsh exchange ("flame war.")

(03-04-2014 11:48 PM)Sad Ario Wrote:  You're such a cunt, if you don't like it here then fuck off.

I can see why you wanted to make a critical response to what Potato said, but this is where the idea of "constructive criticism vs. verbal abuse" comes into play.

Calling people harsh names and speaking to them in that tone tends to cause a lot more problems that it can solve. It could hurt people's feelings, but more likely it will just escalate the conflict or send people into "I'm in a flame war" mode.

Where does that get any of us?

@Potato, you've got to realize that you're causing a nuisance. Why are you doing that?

My guess is you have a mix of motivations. In part, you're just being silly and alleviating boredom, and in part, you're trying to make a potentially valid point. Approaching a conversation with the purpose of tearing others down is unlikely to help any valid point you have.

In short, SoulRiser added multiple ops primarily to combat Duelix disrupting the chat. Since then, people have used ops to combat other disruptions. There's the question of what is a legitimate use of "power" in the chat, and in communities and in life in general. Why not discuss that, calmly, rationally, and respectfully?

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03-05-2014 01:48 AM
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Potato Offline

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Post: #23
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

Quote:@Potato, you've got to realize that you're causing a nuisance. Why are you doing that?

My guess is you have a mix of motivations. In part, you're just being silly and alleviating boredom, and in part, you're trying to make a potentially valid point. Approaching a conversation with the purpose of tearing others down is unlikely to help any valid point you have.

In short, SoulRiser added multiple ops primarily to combat Duelix disrupting the chat. Since then, people have used ops to combat other disruptions. There's the question of what is a legitimate use of "power" in the chat, and in communities and in life in general. Why not discuss that, calmly, rationally, and respectfully?

"In part, you're just being silly and alleviating boredom, and in part, you're trying to make a potentially valid point."

i sometimes try to make valid points, but you've got to realize, making valid points on the internet doesn't help anyone accomplish anything worthwhile with their life, so the final answer to every question of "why is someone doing this or that on the internet" is almost always to alleviate boredom. if you're talking about ario and i, there was no valid points to be made there. ario pmed me, and implied that he was trying to bait me into a flame war so he could have somebody to curse at. idk why he backed out though.

"There's the question of what is a legitimate use of "power" in the chat, and in communities and in life in general. Why not discuss that, calmly, rationally, and respectfully?"

yea why not. you can start. it's a pretty broad topic imo

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

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(This post was last modified: 03-05-2014 02:21 AM by Potato.)
03-05-2014 02:16 AM
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1312 Offline
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Post: #24
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

Oh god, can you all chill out haha.
03-05-2014 02:23 AM
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Post: #25
So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

i have a thousand important things to do and i'm still procrastinating here because i'm as bored as fuq

"I never said half the shit people say i did." -Albert Einstein

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."-Stephen Hawking

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
03-05-2014 02:27 AM
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1312 Offline
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Post: #26
RE: So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

(03-05-2014 02:27 AM)Potato Wrote:  i have a thousand important things to do and i'm still procrastinating here because i'm as bored as fuq

Then get your shit together and do something better.Razz

I should, too.(But I don't have/want anything better to do.... oh god, what has my life become?)
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2014 02:28 AM by 1312.)
03-05-2014 02:28 AM
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brainiac3397 Offline
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Post: #27
RE: So here are my thoughts on Chanku's abuse of power in the irc.

(03-05-2014 03:33 AM)Sad Ario Wrote:  
(03-05-2014 01:48 AM)xcriteria Wrote:  I can see why you wanted to make a critical response to what Potato said, but this is where the idea of "constructive criticism vs. verbal abuse" comes into play.

Calling people harsh names and speaking to them in that tone tends to cause a lot more problems that it can solve. It could hurt people's feelings, but more likely it will just escalate the conflict or send people into "I'm in a flame war" mode.

Where does that get any of us?

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(06-14-2013 08:02 AM)Potato Wrote:  watch the fuq out, we've got an "intellectual" over here.

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(This post was last modified: 03-05-2014 03:39 AM by brainiac3397.)
03-05-2014 03:39 AM
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