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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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Proof that school doesn't have to fail. But at what cost?
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Ceiling Cat Offline

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Proof that school doesn't have to fail. But at what cost?

Compulsion. This is the very cancer of education. I'm not trying to brag that I'm in a better place now, but seriously. Trimming down the classes to < 15 people who come of their own free will, cutting down on pointless rules like 'no food or drinks during class' or 'no sitting inside class at a break'. It's all about numbers, really - and while I'm essentially attending a brainwashing facility(it changes people to worse thanks to the loads of 'therapy' they impose on you as it is mainly for junkies), I'm appreciating every ounce of the fact I can just call the teacher in the morning and say "I don't feel like coming today, I promise I'll make up for that sometime else", and I'm staying home for the day without any phone calls to parents or anything like that. This 2h therapy once a week is nothing if you don't need it, and is a perfect opportunity to troll everyone which I do with pleasure. There are some bad things, they give out detentions like candy(while detentions are something new here) but by getting 20 or more signatures from students I can call people to the "forum" in which students can debate with teachers on a topic and correct the rules at will - and I'm going to do so tomorrow in attempt to wipe out the illegal detention punishment before people get used to it. (I didn't get a single denial of signing the request yet, the disagreement is 100%)

My point is, compulsion. I mean, seriously now. Half these people will be asses in their life anyway. Just let them go and do whatever they want, and these semi-prisons may actually serve their purpose, as this example shows. I'm attending a rather shitty place, which is ironically the best just because it's less populated. I also noticed the difference in mindset between those who chose that place or were relocated by law there, and those who were forced by their parents. The latter are completely useless, won't succeed there and so far have only pissed me off beyond sanity with their ageism and lack of any purpose in life besides fucking and drugs. (don't get me wrong, I love weed and would have some once in a while only if this place wasn't authorized to do cannabis tests at will)

Problem, officer?
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TrueAnarchist Wrote:and to think, i could be yiffing a hot vixen right about now
CrayolaColours Wrote:He just admitted today that he spent two hours...errr... shaking hands with the Bishop afterwards.
The Desert Fox Wrote:I thought when I downloaded it it was already emulated.
zagix Wrote:I'm stuck to the fagarena because I'm a fag
CrayolaColours Wrote:Woman up, will you? Grow a damn pussy and get over yourselves.
09-21-2010 02:01 AM
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Absnt Offline

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Post: #2
Re: Proof that school doesn't have to fail. But at what cost?

Very interesting. The whole "no child left behind" idea is ridiculous. Before, anyone who actually took the time to get through high-school could get a pretty decent job. Then it was anyone who went to college could get a job, now it's anyone who goes to college and get's their Ph.D who is ensured a job.

Seriously, if the people who don't want to learn shit aren't forced to go through high-school then the value and quality of schools would be so much higher. Just about anyone, "educated" or not can work on a farm, become a janitor, type shit into a computer, and a plethora of other jobs, why should you have to have a high school diploma which basically means you sat through shit entirely irrelevant to your job to do these jobs?

Leave the schooling to those who want to get into a specific field. It's typically not necessary elsewhere.

The only issue I see is having uneducated masses trying to maintain the government. What could we do to ensure people are aware of important things such as how the government is run?

Blog I post to now: -- An organization for more freedom in education.
09-21-2010 05:31 AM
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Thought Criminal Offline
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Post: #3
Re: Proof that school doesn't have to fail. But at what cost?

The whole system is corrupt. They force you to go so you are there with a bunch of people who don't give a flying fuck about their education the actual curriculum is total fucking shit. You don't learn anything at all and the shit that you do learn is mediocre at best. On top of all tht shit even if it was possible to get a good education in the public school system there is no money to fund it. Occasionally a politician will throw a few bucks at it just to make people think he cares about the children so he gets reelected. It's just all so fucked up.
09-21-2010 06:26 AM
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HeartofShadows Offline

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Post: #4
Re: Proof that school doesn't have to fail. But at what cost?

Thought Criminal Wrote:The whole system is corrupt. They force you to go so you are there with a bunch of people who don't give a flying fuck about their education the actual curriculum is total fucking shit. You don't learn anything at all and the shit that you do learn is mediocre at best. On top of all tht shit even if it was possible to get a good education in the public school system there is no money to fund it. Occasionally a politician will throw a few bucks at it just to make people think he cares about the children so he gets reelected. It's just all so fucked up.

Don't forget about big business and their ties to public education(Real good scheme in that works are trained to be their pawns and they barely spend a dime if any).

To me even home schooling is a joke as your still learning what the government requires you to learn and still going down the same path(inb4 bobman!).

Also I don't see what kind of morons thought bushs no child left behind was truly benefiting was them.

Sure its good for business as they have more of a selection but to the little man it means more competition.

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09-21-2010 10:07 AM
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Psychoqueen Offline

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Post: #5
Re: Proof that school doesn't have to fail. But at what cost?

I'm disappointed that many people in my year who would have left at the end of the year will not be able to. Now they have to wait until the end of next year or the beginning of the year after before they can leave, which is kind of stupid considering that most of them are looking to go in to jobs where you don't really need to know most of the stuff that they try to teach us.
09-21-2010 04:30 PM
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psychopath Offline

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Post: #6
Re: Proof that school doesn't have to fail. But at what cost?

lolwut you're not dead?
09-21-2010 06:13 PM
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SoulRiser Offline
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Post: #7
Re: Proof that school doesn't have to fail. But at what cost?

So... wait, what is this place and how did you end up in it?

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09-23-2010 07:24 AM
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Ceiling Cat Offline

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Post: #8
Re: Proof that school doesn't have to fail. But at what cost?

It's a mix between a high school, a nuthouse and junkie rehab. The best way to spend your last compulsory year, and it's ONLY because of low numbers - while you could expect such a place to be a near-prison. I seem to be treated even more loosely based on the fact I'm not ingesting any funny chemicals, and that I came there by myself. Also, a lot of whores and obedient dogs to troll. I love doing that.
Why does this place WORK? Because they are forced (by law) to treat us like humans, despite half the staff hating the idea either way. Excuse me now, you're calling fundamental rights special care? Bitch please.
I only hate that this is in fact a brainwash facility, exploiting stockholm syndrome. That's where 'obedient dogs', as I call them, come from. Everyone who has a dim will and spends there a year or more, starts ignoring the problems still being present and eventually defends schooling. But that's more of a human problem, forgiving too easily.

A bit of the half-truths from the website.
Quote:School for people, not for clones mass produced by modern schools. We emphasize individuality. Classes start 9AM.
Yeah, umm. Nice promises but it's not THAT good in there, because it's "free" only compared to 'normal' school. But I'd expect the same thing to be everywhere if groups were at least halved. That'd be a good start for every place. But for that to happen, fuck compulsion. It's only lowering everyone to lowest common denominator.

Problem, officer?
Hidden stuff:
TrueAnarchist Wrote:and to think, i could be yiffing a hot vixen right about now
CrayolaColours Wrote:He just admitted today that he spent two hours...errr... shaking hands with the Bishop afterwards.
The Desert Fox Wrote:I thought when I downloaded it it was already emulated.
zagix Wrote:I'm stuck to the fagarena because I'm a fag
CrayolaColours Wrote:Woman up, will you? Grow a damn pussy and get over yourselves.
09-24-2010 02:46 AM
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