RIP School Survival Forums
August 2001 - June 2017

The School Survival Forums are permanently retired. If you need help with quitting school, unsupportive parents or anything else, there is a list of resources on the Help Page.

If you want to write about your experiences in school, you can write on our blog.

To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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It's 2013. The Time Has Come.
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GamerGurl Away
"Queen of Cosplay"

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Post: #1
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

For those of you who don't me, I was formerly HomicidalWhales.

Anywho, I think the time for change of this retched school system is long overdue. Though it's been over a century since the first state made attendance for public school legal, I think it's time we have this movement become just as popular as KONY 2012 or Gangnam Style (I apologize for using Gangnam Style as I couldn't think of anything else xD).

I got my GED near the beginning of December, and though I was forced to, at least I'm out of the freakin' school system. My friend told me how I'd be back in it if I ever went to college, but there's two things wrong with what he said:
  • College isn't mandatory, though you should really get some sort of diploma or trade to better yourself (I'll put it that way).
  • You can go do online college since many colleges are now implementing online programs. "Online programs would make communication impersonal," some would say (something like that), but I don't mind it at all. I'm more introverted anyways.
I've had to deal with pessimistic parents who called the cops on me TWICE, who yelled at me for always doing nothing, and for telling me I would end up nowhere in life if I didn't go to school (mainly because they didn't want to try an online homeschooling program, assuming it would cost thousands of dollars). They took me to court, took me to a psychologist and we'd argue so much about this. After I finally got my GED, now they're like they love me, and oh so proud of me, and it's like almost nothing ever happened. I'm responding by pushing them away, trying not to show any affection, and just sometimes being slightly nasty because they've put me through so much. I don't care if my parents are my immediate family because I didn't deserve to be put through what I was put through.

I even worry about two other family members of mine—my sister, and my cousin.

My little sister has an IEP. Look it up if you don't know what it is, because it's a bit too much to explain. It's a learning disorder, but nothing to make the person be handicapped or being incapable of functioning in normal society (ugh, I hate that word "normal" sometimes). She has to deal with a very condescending photography teacher every B-Day, and she has to wake up so early to a fucking hellhole where a majority of the high school's population just cares about sex, smoking pot, or just people of such a lower class. By lower class, I mean people who are blackheads (like those who only care about pot and sex); in no way, shape or form am I referring to the people in poverty. Additionally, many of the teachers there... *shrug*.

My little cousin, who's only 4 years old, will get very sad and emotional (not whiny!) if you tell her what she's doing is wrong (like picking her nose). You have to try and cheer her up as best you can afterwards. She's even talked to me saying how she's afraid of getting in trouble if anyone tells her what she is doing is wrong. I can't believe people this young would be affected by such an institution! She's afraid of making mistakes! But then again who isn't? It's just that no child should get the way she does. It's quite saddening. Additionally, she told me the teacher gave her a timeout once. I'm guessing timeouts aren't that good, but then again when do educational institutions do anything good? Like fucking never. None

I'm only 16. On the last website I joined before quitting after the floods of negative remarks, one of the posters could only note the failures of my life; such as failing the 10th grade, and being so young that I'm very far from being mature and from even making any kind of argument. I find it purely disgusting how people such as himself would only be able to make such degrading, humiliating, and sadistic (a little bit of hyperbole doesn't hurt Razz) remarks just to prove how it's us—and not the system—with the problems. However, I do find it funny at the same time; how this website's 14 Reasons Why School Sucks section and the whole anti-school movement can really work up a lot of people. I'm glad I got those seeds planted, SoulRiser! Razz

The guy's posts: Additionally, even the moderators took his side. I mean, the posts are problematic. I kept replying trying to state how it's very off-topic, trying to calm the crowd and yet the Sieabah guy continued to degrade me and post his condescending posts. Moderators shouldn't be like that, but guess they are in that forum so that's why I quit that website. Full of BS after the merge, I swear.

Well the whole website BS that happened doesn't have to do with this, but I'm also planning to create a Facebook page about all the stuff I like. My new community will include the anti-school movement, whether people like it or not. It'll be my community, and I'll do what I want with it. If I see peeps getting mad over this anti-school movement, I'll be sure to link it to you guys. Wink

It's time this movement starts evolving. Execute Order 66. Hahaha, I just had to. I'm sorry but as a Star Wars geek I had to. Razz

I really hope we can come up with some more ideas. I could even make this a machinima on the Halo video game engine! I plan to really kick this movement into high gear, and even though the Federal and State governments have more to worry about, we must keep pushing this until they at least amend those attendance laws.

Hopefully I can also become a lawyer and politician, and I can help with the movement inside their ranks. Evil

Well, cheers my friends, allies and colleagues! To another year of hating the school system! Smile

Seven crappy hours of our lives.
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2013 04:26 AM by GamerGurl.)
01-03-2013 11:30 AM
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AtheistLGBTQAnarchist Offline
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Post: #2
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

When I heard the phrase, "kids these days" I gtfo of there I was so enraged.

Congratulations humanity,because you refuse to let go of the old and evolve you actually make people believe in 2012. Not only that, but you're the only species on Earth that were able to make it possible, now we get to sit until we die because we couldn't get to Mars. We have failed as a society and don't deserve our gifts to survive for this long. Maybe this is why dinosaurs are extinct, we sure aren't any better than the dirt you say we're created from.! Noo

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither."
-Benjamin Franklin
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2013 01:23 PM by AtheistLGBTQAnarchist.)
01-03-2013 01:22 PM
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AtheistLGBTQAnarchist Offline
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Post: #3
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.


POST THE LINK TO THESE FORUMS (regardless if you get banned from those snooty jerks) AND WATCH THEM SPAM SO WE CAN GET ARGUMENTS AGAIN! (Although the chance of them actually coming is a 1 to 100 chance.)
01-03-2013 01:30 PM
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Asder Miller The Second Offline
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Post: #4
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

interesting post,i agree with the anti school revolution,but the government is busy
they have to do all this
1:impose gun laws
2:stop us from rioting
3:put martial law on us this year
4:implant us with chips
5:plus they dont give a **** about us

sorry man but THEY DONT CARE,and the government has school like this FOR A REASON,to keep us brainwashed and believing what they say you will be labaled "nutjob" and the media will soon attack your group with tons of insults and viral media

School isnt as bad as you think
01-03-2013 01:37 PM
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Phyrophobia Offline

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Post: #5
RE: It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

(01-03-2013 01:30 PM)AtheistSpartanAnarchistPower Wrote:  HEY I HAVE AN IDEA:

POST THE LINK TO THESE FORUMS (regardless if you get banned from those snooty jerks) AND WATCH THEM SPAM SO WE CAN GET ARGUMENTS AGAIN! (Although the chance of them actually coming is a 1 to 100 chance.)

We're already here.

I don't really know why I invite the pain upon myself of visiting these forums which, I might add, function in a similar manner as a cult; but here I am.

Are there problems in the school system (the American one in particular)? There are massive problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible for the betterment of the students, but you don't care about those. You're all experiencing extremely misplaced juvenile rebellion and misguided distrust of adults (the wrong ones at that). Nothing anyone will say could dissuade you from your path; at least until the rest of life catches up to you.

You will say that I am blinded by "love" of the school system, or that I am unwilling to question my beliefs. Neither of these statements are true. I ruthlessly question everything I hold dear, to the point of such intense cynicism that I struggle to place value upon anything in life. I despised school while I was in it, as all students do. The difference between the lot of you and I is that I recognized it as being a function for something greater. Ignoring even the classes, schools expose you to new ideas. The very nature of them (well... most of them) can challenge your world view if you let them.

As can be imagined, I won't be posting here again. I felt the urge to directly expose some of you to dissent that can't be so easily walked away from. I recognize that some of you here have honest intention, misguided though they may be. To the clear-minded among you a offer an apology for the brash language. To the other 95% of you I offer nothing. If you need me, I'll be over at MachinimaUnion.
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2013 05:35 PM by Phyrophobia.)
01-03-2013 03:37 PM
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Luizao876 Offline
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Post: #6
RE: It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

(01-03-2013 03:37 PM)Phyrophobia Wrote:  
(01-03-2013 01:30 PM)AtheistSpartanAnarchistPower Wrote:  HEY I HAVE AN IDEA:

POST THE LINK TO THESE FORUMS (regardless if you get banned from those snooty jerks) AND WATCH THEM SPAM SO WE CAN GET ARGUMENTS AGAIN! (Although the chance of them actually coming is a 1 to 100 chance.)

We're already here.

I don't really know why I invite the pain upon myself of visiting these forums which, I might add, function in a similar manner as a cult; but here I am.

Are there problems in the school system (the American one in particular)? There are massive problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible for the betterment of the students, but you don't care about those. You're all experiencing extremely misplaced juvenile rebellion and misguided distrust of adults (the wrong ones at that). Nothing anyone will say could dissuade you from your path; at least until the rest of life catches up to you.

You will say that I am blinded by "love" of the school system, or that I am unwilling to question my beliefs. Neither of these statements are true. I ruthlessly question everything I hold dear, to the point of such intense cynicism that I struggle to place value upon anything in life. I despised school while I was in it, as all students do. The difference between the lot of you and I is that I recognized it as being a function for something greater. Ignoring even the classes, schools expose you to new ideas. The very nature of them (well... most of them) can challenge your world view if you let them.

As can be imagined, I won't be posting here again. I felt the urge to directly expose some of you to dissent that can't be so easily walked away from. I recognize that some of you here have honest intention, misguided though they may be. To the clear-minded among you a offer an apology for the brash language. To the other 95% of you I offer nothing. If you need me, I'll be over at MachinimaUnion.

If you want to actually find people that can debate go to
01-03-2013 03:40 PM
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AtheistLGBTQAnarchist Offline
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Post: #7
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

I'm kind of busy right now, I'm trying to convince some people being LGBTQ is ok. They're from Texas so it might take a while. I think 2013 is there year for the LGBTQ community. Now back to what we were talking about.

Everyone learns in a different way. Having one set way to the point where almost no one knows the others limits us, and having to be forced to get an education is something I don't find necessary. I believe we should have more freedom and choice to have an education or not, I don't care about my full potential, I just care about being happy and free in my life. You don't need to have an education to be useful, that's like saying you need to be straight to be successful. I want to feel free to have thoughts that are carried out without the need to have any of my rights to be human taken away.

One of my favorite quotes of all time is "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein

Congratulations humanity,because you refuse to let go of the old and evolve you actually make people believe in 2012. Not only that, but you're the only species on Earth that were able to make it possible, now we get to sit until we die because we couldn't get to Mars. We have failed as a society and don't deserve our gifts to survive for this long. Maybe this is why dinosaurs are extinct, we sure aren't any better than the dirt you say we're created from.! Noo

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither."
-Benjamin Franklin
01-04-2013 02:51 AM
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 Thanks given by: GamerGurl
GamerGurl Away
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Post: #8
RE: It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

(01-03-2013 03:40 PM)Luizao876 Wrote:  
(01-03-2013 03:37 PM)Phyrophobia Wrote:  
(01-03-2013 01:30 PM)AtheistSpartanAnarchistPower Wrote:  HEY I HAVE AN IDEA:

POST THE LINK TO THESE FORUMS (regardless if you get banned from those snooty jerks) AND WATCH THEM SPAM SO WE CAN GET ARGUMENTS AGAIN! (Although the chance of them actually coming is a 1 to 100 chance.)

We're already here.

I don't really know why I invite the pain upon myself of visiting these forums which, I might add, function in a similar manner as a cult; but here I am.

Are there problems in the school system (the American one in particular)? There are massive problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible for the betterment of the students, but you don't care about those. You're all experiencing extremely misplaced juvenile rebellion and misguided distrust of adults (the wrong ones at that). Nothing anyone will say could dissuade you from your path; at least until the rest of life catches up to you.

You will say that I am blinded by "love" of the school system, or that I am unwilling to question my beliefs. Neither of these statements are true. I ruthlessly question everything I hold dear, to the point of such intense cynicism that I struggle to place value upon anything in life. I despised school while I was in it, as all students do. The difference between the lot of you and I is that I recognized it as being a function for something greater. Ignoring even the classes, schools expose you to new ideas. The very nature of them (well... most of them) can challenge your world view if you let them.

As can be imagined, I won't be posting here again. I felt the urge to directly expose some of you to dissent that can't be so easily walked away from. I recognize that some of you here have honest intention, misguided though they may be. To the clear-minded among you a offer an apology for the brash language. To the other 95% of you I offer nothing. If you need me, I'll be over at MachinimaUnion.

If you want to actually find people that can debate go to
The members here can debate. It's funny how many of those that oppose our views or find us completely bizarre because of this movement tend to result to insults after the waves of anti-schoolers reply. Razz

Seven crappy hours of our lives.
01-04-2013 03:58 AM
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AtheistLGBTQAnarchist Offline
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Post: #9
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.



Congratulations humanity,because you refuse to let go of the old and evolve you actually make people believe in 2012. Not only that, but you're the only species on Earth that were able to make it possible, now we get to sit until we die because we couldn't get to Mars. We have failed as a society and don't deserve our gifts to survive for this long. Maybe this is why dinosaurs are extinct, we sure aren't any better than the dirt you say we're created from.! Noo

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither."
-Benjamin Franklin
01-04-2013 04:53 AM
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AtheistLGBTQAnarchist Offline
Peace Loving Blood Lover

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Post: #10
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

you know what screw this im not going to try to type the same thing a million times to the point of insanity
01-04-2013 04:55 AM
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GamerGurl Away
"Queen of Cosplay"

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Post: #11
RE: It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

(01-03-2013 01:37 PM)Spartan117 Wrote:  interesting post,i agree with the anti school revolution,but the government is busy
they have to do all this
1:impose gun laws
2:stop us from rioting
3:put martial law on us this year
4:implant us with chips
5:plus they dont give a **** about us

sorry man but THEY DONT CARE,and the government has school like this FOR A REASON,to keep us brainwashed and believing what they say you will be labaled "nutjob" and the media will soon attack your group with tons of insults and viral media
I created this thread for one purpose: to make the government start caring. I'm really hoping that 2013 will be the turning point in my life, because 2012 was such a horrid year for me. Not only do I want 2013 to be a turning point in my life, but I want 2013 to be the anti-school year—so I guess I better get started.

Seven crappy hours of our lives.
01-04-2013 08:53 AM
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GreenLamp Offline
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Post: #12
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

I am not trying to aggressively challenge pro-schoolers. I want to bring up a few points in a rather lengthy passage. It would be awesome if they could tell me why I might be wrong, or what they think I am missing. I want to expand my knowledge, so of course I want to hear different opinions. Please don't hesitate!

This is my school experience timeline

> Elementary school (K- 2nd):
I really did love learning. I remember trying to get better at math; not for grades, but for personal benefit. Multiplication was especially intriguing. I also liked reading. Again, I did not read for grades. I read because I observed the world around me. Words were everywhere. All the adults I knew could read and write with ease. I looked at them with jealousy, and longed for their skills.

At the same time, I hated school. I was terrified of teachers. I cried at even the simplest of scoldings. I got a lot of emotional trauma from the gym teachers, who bullied me to dance when it really embarrassed me. What they did to me back then has not helped me at all in life. I had to do it simply because they told me to. I was very sensitive. I'm still sensitive.

Elementary school (3rd- 5th)
Almost nothing they gave me to do was challenging. I wasted years of my life. I could've grown a lot faster left to myself. I got put into this advanced math group, which didn't teach me anything new. I felt very out of place and "different". I wrote dozens of stories on my own, without instruction. I had no one-on-one time with any teachers, which is what I really wanted. An instructor that could treat me like an equal, not a dumb kid.

Now (7th grade)
Now is when I get to look back on my childhood. I'm sad.

So much time wasted doing what I would've done on my own. No one seems to realize that children love learning. People think they would otherwise sit at home and do nothing. School effectively killed most of my curiosity until now. I discovered many concepts on my own that I wouldn't have learned otherwise. I spent hour upon hour reading without being forced to, which is the only reason I can read and write like I do now. I discovered the concept of the atom on my own in 2nd grade (not the structure Razz) I was observing fabric one day when I noticed all the little threads come together to make one big piece. I thought about how small the threads could possibly get, so I asked my parents. Sex was also a self-discovery (lol). I would spend every Sunday watching this show called Nature on channel 13. Those shows were awesome, btw. Well, footage of animals courting and mating was always being shown. Then I raised caterpillars to butterflies, and kept them alive long enough to see them having sex. Soon after, they laid eggs. That's when I made the connection... long story short, natural human curiosity guided me to discoveries I thought were quite fascinating at the time. No one forced these things on me.

I have my curiosity back, so I'm working intensely on development. I'm going to start from scratch. First Spanish and math, then science and social studies. From there, my curiosity will branch out into less broad fields. Can't wait to get to the juicy stuff at the end of my educational journey.

Until now, I was a complete zombie. I actually consciously worked on improving more robot-like qualities in myself, to please my teachers. School was my life. I mastered every subject, and felt proud of it.

Now I realize the school part wasn't necessary. What I'm getting at is that education has nothing to do with authority. School runs on authority. I'm not talking about casual discipline; I mean authority packed into every aspect of every day. I see it every day, and it sickens me. I ask students if they think school is the only way to an education. They always say "yes". The concept of self-development and learning for personal benefit is alien to them.

School has destroyed the joy of learning. It literally makes it a chore. There is no stopping to enjoy the experience. Everything is rushed. It is hardly enlightening or challenging. Some basic skills may be useful in the future, but it otherwise leaves huge gaps in its wake. Example: today in math class, the teacher was rushing us to finish some worksheets. So, instead of rushing I just forgot about her and went at normal pace, no matter how slow or quick each problem took. Guess what? I loved it. I removed the "forced" feeling and allowed myself to do my own thing. I actually remembered what was being taught.

I do this with every class now. I forget about the teachers, I just work how I want to. I've actually retained some useful stuff, once I focus more on myself and less about pleasing others. If something is irrelevant, I will not bother with it. I've finally figured out how to make school more bearable, and it works because I destroy its main ingredient: authority.

I don't know what the posters on the other forum were talking about. They speak of teachers like they are the wise elders of society. My teachers have never been like that. Always rushing, demanding, scolding. They always manipulate reluctant students, hinting at detention or an email to mom and dad. How much value will students retain from a lesson they don't want?

Learning is supposed to be natural and fluid. Curiosity takes a student where they want to go, and they love it. Nothing forced will ever grab anyone's attention.

I'm sure I'll be ridiculed on the other forum. Either way, pro-schoolers, feel free to poke as many holes as required and correct any grammatical errors, as I'm working on my writing skills, too. Peace Biggrin
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2013 09:46 AM by GreenLamp.)
01-04-2013 09:03 AM
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GreenLamp Offline
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Post: #13
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

(01-03-2013 03:37 PM)Phyrophobia Wrote:  You're all experiencing extremely misplaced juvenile rebellion and misguided distrust of adults (the wrong ones at that).

Please do not judge without knowing. I love my parents to the ends of the Earth, and I wish I could feel the same about teachers. If you look around a little, you may find that kids here do try to peacefully talk to their parents about things, just to be rejected and scolded. It happened to me, too.
01-04-2013 10:11 AM
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GamerGurl Away
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Post: #14
RE: It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

(01-04-2013 10:11 AM)GreenLamp Wrote:  
(01-03-2013 03:37 PM)Phyrophobia Wrote:  You're all experiencing extremely misplaced juvenile rebellion and misguided distrust of adults (the wrong ones at that).

Please do not judge without knowing. I love my parents to the ends of the Earth, and I wish I could feel the same about teachers. If you look around a little, you may find that kids here do try to peacefully talk to their parents about things, just to be rejected and scolded. It happened to me, too.
Sadly I don't think I could ever forgive my parents. :|

Additionally, those peeps at MachinimaUnion are so full of it. I haven't decided to go back because they were so judgmental. It just wasn't worth it. I'm not going to waste my time with them, but if they decide to come here (especially that Sieabah guy), I'll be ready.

Seven crappy hours of our lives.
01-04-2013 11:19 AM
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Ky Offline

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Post: #15
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

If you guys are going to keep this shit up, I'm siding with the motherfucking pro-schoolers.

Public Service Announcement: First world problems are still problems.
01-05-2013 10:04 AM
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Luizao876 Offline
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Post: #16
RE: It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

I agree. While I don't agree on their views, they can actually make a argument.
01-05-2013 12:42 PM
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AtheistLGBTQAnarchist Offline
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Post: #17
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

If you read the 2 quotes of my sig:

The first is what we're all about, and what America fails to understand.

The second is what we're against, and what America fails to realize.

Congratulations humanity,because you refuse to let go of the old and evolve you actually make people believe in 2012. Not only that, but you're the only species on Earth that were able to make it possible, now we get to sit until we die because we couldn't get to Mars. We have failed as a society and don't deserve our gifts to survive for this long. Maybe this is why dinosaurs are extinct, we sure aren't any better than the dirt you say we're created from.! Noo

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither."
-Benjamin Franklin
01-05-2013 01:11 PM
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GamerGurl Away
"Queen of Cosplay"

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Post: #18
It's 2013. The Time Has Come.

DoA amd Luizao—you guys are choosing to read my threads, posts, and threads and posts similar to my structure. Simply ignore it if you can't take it.

Additionally, you don't speak for everyone. I can make a debate, but I won't waste my time on some guy who thinks he can justify himself on just belittling and harassing me, also utilizing his knowledge of advanced vocabulary. If, however, he decides to tread into this territory—my territory—I will be ready.

Seven crappy hours of our lives.
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2013 01:24 PM by GamerGurl.)
01-05-2013 01:23 PM
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