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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


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Nightmares about school
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SoulRiser Offline
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Post: #1
Nightmares about school

I had an interesting conversation with my dad the other day. he said that even many years after finishing school, he still had nightmares about it, and that proves that school is a "nightmarish experience". when in university he had this recurring nightmare that he was suddenly back in school at his current age, and had to write exams on stuff he did years ago, but couldn't remember any of it anymore. if he didn't pass the exam, he'd have to do the year over (in the dream anyway).

i don't have many nightmares in general, but every now and then i still have one about school. it's usually something along the lines of me entering class and suddenly remembering that i didn't do my homework, and then getting all scared and just hoping the teacher wouldn't notice, otherwise they'd punish me.

any of you have any nightmares about school?

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02-08-2003 11:41 PM
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murderedbythesystem Offline

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Post: #2

school is a nightmare
02-10-2003 07:26 PM
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Optik Offline

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Post: #3

Well, it's not a nightmare, per se, but I guess this thread is more appropriate than most for my lovely experiences with school. *cough* Rolleyes

It begins with sixth grade, quite some time before I would become what I am today. (I'm currently a freshman in highschool, as you can see in my lovely title. :biggrin:.) And, considering me being the obediant little homework-busy slave I was, I worked night and day, often working past midnight.

You wanna know what I have to show for that? :biggrin: Nothing! Not a single thing! Well, except for the fact that every night for the next three years, I would constantly worry "Did I do this? Did I do that? Did I remember to bring this?" It didn't matter if I was resting at home, or entering a class at school, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Even now today, I'm still recovering from this problem, and as a result, I have to constantly write notes to remind myself what I want to do on a given day, such as visit this site, or write an article or opinion, or play a game... I have to write it down, or I become restless. So, yeah, that itself is a nightmare. One I have to actually live with.

If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. -Che Guevara[br][br]Anyone in a free society where the laws are unjust has an obligation to break the law.[br]-Henry David Thoreau[br][br]In 1903 the United States Congress passed legislation that banned immigrants who advocated the overthrow of government. Wouldn't that include the Founding Fathers?[br]-bkMarcus
04-03-2004 11:54 AM
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Emie Offline

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Post: #4

Well, in summer i have nightmares about school. Like, i'll wake up on a summer morning feeling horrible and thinking, "Now i have to go to school, this sucks" then i'll realize its summer and i'll feel great about it. this actually isn't a nightmare, more of a bad feeling after i wake up... i used to get them on weekends too, but not so much anymore ^_^ and i had a nightmare before my winter break that i went to sleep and slept through the whole break then i had to get up and go to school >.> it was good to know that didn't really happen though ^_^
04-03-2004 03:15 PM
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Post: #5

Emie Wrote:Well, in summer i have nightmares about school. Like, i'll wake up on a summer morning feeling horrible and thinking, "Now i have to go to school, this sucks" then i'll realize its summer and i'll feel great about it. this actually isn't a nightmare, more of a bad feeling after i wake up... i used to get them on weekends too, but not so much anymore ^_^ and i had a nightmare before my winter break that i went to sleep and slept through the whole break then i had to get up and go to school >.> it was good to know that didn't really happen though ^_^

Ooh, ^_^ I've had that feeling before. Like the day I woke up, thinking I had to go to school, then realized I had gotten an out of school suspension for sending what they considered to be a "threatening" e-mail. I did a little happy dance, then spent the next four days relaxing.

And for those wondering, my e-mail pretty much said this, you can decide whether or not it sounds threatening:

Your ignorance is overwhelming!
And we're tired of being trampled over.
Fascism within school will end.
March 19th, the student voice will erupt.

Does that sound threatening?
04-03-2004 04:59 PM
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Post: #6

Yes. Yes it does
04-04-2004 04:19 AM
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Post: #7

Guest Wrote:Yes. Yes it does


You are being sarcastic...right?
04-04-2004 05:08 AM
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Emie Offline

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Post: #8

O that's cool that u got a suspension for a good reason like that! And no, that email does not sound threatening... u never said that anything bad would happen, just that students will speak out.. and that's not a threat... it sounds like the administration knows they are doing something wrong, and is paranoid that the students were catching on lol.
04-04-2004 09:25 AM
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Krankes Gehirn Offline

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Post: #9
"Why doesn't it snow anymore?" - Mich

Question: Has anyone ever had that nightmare where you're a pot-smoking hippie back in the Vietnam era holding a sign that say's "Ho-Chi-Min Is A-O-K"? And then wake up and feel really relieved to see your "Greens Eat Shit" poster and Republican Elephant bed sheets?

"Your ignorance is overwhelming!
And we're tired of being trampled over.
Fascism within school will end.
March 19th, the student voice will erupt."

You should have added this:

I am rubber and you are glue
I'm going to detonate faster
than a Palestinian and a Jew"

That one is going to get me in trouble with someone or something(most likely the Zok Machine)

Whoops! Two racial comments in one post, oh well. Back to court we go!

- Krankes Gehirn

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." [br]- Aristotle
04-04-2004 05:30 PM
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Post: #10

Hmm, it's probably also the fact I called the school 'fascist'. (I was the one who posted the thing about the e-mail, just forgot to login.) Apparently, the school is well-aware of rebellion and quells it quickly as possible. This has happened in a few cases, though no one ever carried out their plans, nor have I (yet), since I was suspended by the day I had planned to do so.

I had heard that some students, a year before I had gotten to SHS, there was a "class war", so to speak, brewing within the school. A group of students had begun fighting out against the prep and jock kids who considered themselves superior. The "Anti-Preps" used the "circled-A" as their symbol of choice for their group, but I believe the movement has since disbanded. I'm hoping to find the remnants of this group and see whether or not they are interested in learning true anarchist principles and standing beside me in protest.

If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. -Che Guevara[br][br]Anyone in a free society where the laws are unjust has an obligation to break the law.[br]-Henry David Thoreau[br][br]In 1903 the United States Congress passed legislation that banned immigrants who advocated the overthrow of government. Wouldn't that include the Founding Fathers?[br]-bkMarcus
04-06-2004 02:20 PM
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Optik Offline

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Post: #11

Hmm, it's probably also the fact I called the school 'fascist'. (I was the one who posted the thing about the e-mail, just forgot to login.) Apparently, the school is well-aware of rebellion and quells it quickly as possible. This has happened in a few cases, though no one ever carried out their plans, nor have I (yet), since I was suspended by the day I had planned to do so.

I had heard that some students, a year before I had gotten to SHS, there was a "class war", so to speak, brewing within the school. A group of students had begun fighting out against the prep and jock kids who considered themselves superior. The "Anti-Preps" used the "circled-A" as their symbol of choice for their group, but I believe the movement has since disbanded. I'm hoping to find the remnants of this group and see whether or not they are interested in learning true anarchist principles and standing beside me in protest.

If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. -Che Guevara[br][br]Anyone in a free society where the laws are unjust has an obligation to break the law.[br]-Henry David Thoreau[br][br]In 1903 the United States Congress passed legislation that banned immigrants who advocated the overthrow of government. Wouldn't that include the Founding Fathers?[br]-bkMarcus
04-06-2004 02:22 PM
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flcao Offline

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Post: #12
unwanted, unasked for pressure

i used to never have any school dreams that were bad until now - i have this suppressed feeling of failing math because i am graduating early (i'm still unsure of quitting school to unschool myself because of parents, system instillation of success/failure)
04-30-2004 12:23 PM
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Post: #13

The worries of school will probably have some permanate effects on my phylogiocial health, having to worry about grades, homework, siginging s**t with your parents. I always live in this perminate stress of school and I think only a doctor can make it go away!Uhoh
05-05-2004 12:51 PM
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SoulRiser Offline
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Post: #14

hmm yeah that reminds me.

it was kinda funny before tests and stuff my friends were all like "i'm so stressed", and they always asked me "why aren't you stressing?". as far as i could tell, i wasn't stressing because i didn't really give a shit.

on the other hand, maybe i was stressing but just surpressed it really well... hmm. makes you wonder. the long-term side effects of school

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05-06-2004 12:28 PM
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Post: #15

I never have totally failed a test, so I really don't even worry. If I don't study, then I usually ace the test, but if I do, then my grade usually goes down. Bleh, like anyone gives a shit.Upset
05-14-2004 11:43 AM
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Post: #16

school suck's hairy balls
07-07-2004 06:54 AM
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Post: #17

Last night I had a dream that it was the first day of school, but I didn't know anything about where to go, because they hadn't sent out schedules yet. My school has a major problem with sneding out schedules.
08-01-2004 12:57 AM
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returnal Away
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Post: #18
Re: Nightmares about school

I could definitely say I've had nightmares about school, not just the stuff to do, but like murderedbythesystem said, school itself.

(yes I know, 'tis bumped a almost 5 year old thread, but as long as the bump post is contributing, it's alright)

woah dude
dude woah
02-10-2009 08:33 AM
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Post: #19
Nightmares about school

My nightmares about school usually occur on summer break and involve me being trapped in school. I really don't want to be there but if I walk out then I get arrested. Sometimes I realize that it's a dream and then walk out while the school blows up behind me.

06-08-2017 05:33 AM
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Avatar Korra Offline
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Post: #20
Nightmares about school

After I left my school to do an online school, I had multiple dreams that included my classmates and teachers, and they kept happening for weeks. It might be because I left out of nowhere, not getting any closure, and kinda missed my classmates + a few teachers(they were some pretty interesting people).

Also, Benjavez... "while the school blows up behind me."

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06-08-2017 12:49 PM
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Post: #21
Nightmares about school

Lucid dreaming is an awesome thing and leaving the tyrrany of school is great. Also, you do online school now?

I was like Rico from Just Cause 3 in that dream after I realized that I was dreaming.

(This post was last modified: 06-08-2017 04:32 PM by Deleted.)
06-08-2017 04:29 PM
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