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I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.
I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.
I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.
I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.
Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.
Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.
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STFU about "evil corporations"
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STFU about "evil corporations"
I'm getting a little tired of hearing people bitch about corporations and how they fuck with politics. We are just teenagers, we haven't been out "in the real world", most of us haven't had jobs. Do you guys believe it or are you just spewing a bunch of hipster nonsense for kudos? You show the same lack of problem solving skills that you blame the corporations for.
Your computer most likely comes from a corporation, your car, TV service, lots of your food, clothes, If all this went away, would life be this super happy pipe dream? no, a society can strive without it but the transition would most likely suck ass. And if you're a socialist, then you're all Hypocrite. (you know since corporations are just multiple people working as one to distribute goods and services.)
If you want something to point fingers at, how about the fact that merely 300-200 years ago people were burnt at the stake by Christians. Society is not fully secular, and while it may have made big leaps towards the secular. We still have so many barbaric, authoritarian ways of going about things.
Is that a little more logical, or am I a nut?
Who are the brain police?
07-05-2008 12:34 PM |
Happy Camper
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
I was totally with you up until the christian stake thing. I don't know what you're trying to say about that. I think it may just be because I've put up with so much anti-christian bullshit lately that I'm a little sensitive to any mentioning of the word christian in a negative context. There are contexts where such negativity is appropriate but still...
Yeah, I was kind of thinking about that today while I was stuck in the parade. I may have been begruding throughout the whole thing but I still stopped to pause and think. It's kind of nice that there is a government to take care of the basic things like roads and schools. Even if they don't always do a good job of it. Most people have jobs, most people get by okay. So nothing in American history is ever pure and I don't look back on most of it fondly. But still...some credit is due. There's so much ungratefulness in this world.
And yes, there is corruption. But let's problem-solve then. Not bitch.
I might note that I'm not so mature and grateful that I could bear to hold the american flag and wave it. I stuck it in my ponytail so the people could be happy and I wouldn't have to be aware of my somewhat present feelings of humiliation. Out of sight, out of mind.
Um...rambling much? My oven timer went off. Time for supper.
Let's do the time warp again!
07-05-2008 01:08 PM |
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
Yeah, I'm sorry for throwing my anti-Christian bias at you like that, thanks for the criticism. I now realize that many of the witch hunters and those in angry mobs were also Hindus, Scientists, and even renaissance humanists, the dark ages is a bunch of hype (never happened), The inquisition is evolutionist propaganda, Galileo was greeted with open arms, and nobody shoots up abortion clinics.
I'm not spewing any anti-Christian messages, just referring to history. Like I said, I'm just a teenager, I'm not out in the real world, I don't see what goes on these days. But I have just as much access to history as those out and about, and what I have read is that we are not yet fully secular.
Who are the brain police?
07-05-2008 01:30 PM |
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Happy Camper
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
Zombie Wrote:Yeah, I'm sorry for throwing my anti-Christian bias at you like that, thanks for the criticism.
I didn't particularly mean to criticize. Just say what immediately came to mind in hopes of clarification of what your intent/point was.
So what would you define as a completely secular culture?
Let's do the time warp again!
07-05-2008 01:42 PM |
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
A society centered around/accepting of all secular pursuits. Thats not all of it though, back then government was totalitarian, children were raised on obedience, it was a tough world. I forgot to mention that, I guess I do have an anti-Christian bias. LOL.
Oh and criticism isn't bad, it's how we better ourselves.
Who are the brain police?
07-06-2008 03:18 AM |
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Bob Dole
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
Zombie: Just an FYI, Hippocrates was an ancient Greek physician. You're looking for the word hypocrite.
07-06-2008 03:28 AM |
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
Who are the brain police?
07-06-2008 04:57 AM |
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Happy Camper
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
Zombie Wrote:A society centered around/accepting of all secular pursuits. Thats not all of it though, back then government was totalitarian, children were raised on obedience, it was a tough world. I forgot to mention that, I guess I do have an anti-Christian bias. LOL.
Oh and criticism isn't bad, it's how we better ourselves.
Secular pursuits like science, arts, equality, and a religion-free government? Okay.
I wasn't sure if you meant that or a completely secular society as in eliminating religion. I don't want religion to be the center of society and I don't even want it to affect government. But I do think it has some value in society. If for no other reason, diversity of beliefs and opinions.
Let's do the time warp again!
07-06-2008 05:56 AM |
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
You are compleatly right. A few months ago I was milling about the local downtown on my way to the Hooka Cafe. I pass by the college campus on my way and would have facepalmed had I not laughed so hard. It was a protest going on and it was rather lulzy. Mabey I posted about it befor, later that day some of them got arrested for harrassing people. Its a bunch of late highschool to college age hippies all ranting about 'evil' corrperations, the peticulares being the ones with asian sweatshops makeing shoes which is why they had the freedom walk. However the speech before hand was more funneh then the arrest. As priorly stated it was a speech against the 'tyrany' of corrperation. No less than half of them had starbucks in thier hands. A great many had Ipod headphones hanging out of pockets. Because it was a barfoot walk I counted several people wearing those adidas flip-flops so they could take them on and off quickly. Almost all of the girls had on those fugly gucci glasses and gucci hadbags. They guy with the megaphone had on old jacket with band names and and apple logo sewn on. The kid probably writeing about if for the local rag paper had an apple laptop, van skater shoes and probably designer jeans. I LOLed and got many dirty looks.
Whilst some work diligently there are those who ask why. I am one of them
(\__/) This is Bunny. Paste Bunny into your signature
(='.'=) to help him gain world domination.
Soul#2: I already have a grip. Doc:and a porno mag and a tube of lube I'm sure"
Lifes a bitch, then you marry one
This has been a test of the emergency pointless argument system. Had this been a real pointless argument, someone would have been called a facist.
Ceiling Cat: For that you need to wear a fursuit, though.
Inside sources say that Carla Franklin has had more dick in her than a public urinal.
07-10-2008 05:49 AM |
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
i think the idea of large corporations is definitely not a good thing and people should protest them. but i agree, it always is funny to watch those idiots "fight capitalism" while drinking starbucks or wearing those damn Che shirts.
I think Buenaventura Durruti is a pretty cool guy. eh kills fascists and doesnt afraid of ruins.
The quickest way to kill a revolution is to wait for it.
07-10-2008 06:34 AM |
Bob Dole
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
Rebelnerd: I love the psuedo-intellectual left-tards that wear the Che shirts. They are walking examples of stupidity and irony.
It looks like Alucard got to run into a bunch of the idiots who only protest because it's fashionable.
However, I do believe a small amount of regulation is required with corporations, lest they grow too large and become a monopoly. There are sweatshops out there that need to be done away with, too.
07-10-2008 07:00 AM |
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
i think we should just do away with large economic entities in general. stick to small businesses or else you risk powerful trusts and/or monopolies (but no socialism either!).
I think Buenaventura Durruti is a pretty cool guy. eh kills fascists and doesnt afraid of ruins.
The quickest way to kill a revolution is to wait for it.
07-10-2008 02:12 PM |
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Re: STFU about "evil corporations"
Corporations are good, but greedy corporations are just bad.
Just look at the whole Net Neutrality issues, Bell, AT&T, Comcast, Verizon and a bunch of other internet providers want to destroy net neutrality to be able to:
-Charge us fees for every website we visit, video we watch etc...
-Have total control on what goes through our connections
-Threatening websites to give them huge fees so they don't get slowed on people using the service
-Forcing you to go on a certain place that pays them(exemple: Veoh pays Comcast, so comcast makes it that when you go on Youtube, you get redirected to Veoh)
-Charge us more money for the internet
-Destroying every fucking website by putting them on the very slow line because they doesn't pay them.(that includes this site)
This kind of issues is just really, really bad, we should not fall down for this kind of crap. I'm bitching about this because this is horrible, awful and making rich people making way more money than they need and gain a shitload of control over us, the normal people and making us more poor.
Apart from that, i'm not complaining about the rest.
07-10-2008 02:32 PM |
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James Comey
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RE: STFU about "evil corporations"
(07-05-2008 12:34 PM)Zombie Wrote: I'm getting a little tired of hearing people bitch about corporations and how they fuck with politics. We are just teenagers, we haven't been out "in the real world", most of us haven't had jobs. Do you guys believe it or are you just spewing a bunch of hipster nonsense for kudos? You show the same lack of problem solving skills that you blame the corporations for.
Your computer most likely comes from a corporation, your car, TV service, lots of your food, clothes, If all this went away, would life be this super happy pipe dream? no, a society can strive without it but the transition would most likely suck ass. And if you're a socialist, then you're all Hypocrite. (you know since corporations are just multiple people working as one to distribute goods and services.)
If you want something to point fingers at, how about the fact that merely 300-200 years ago people were burnt at the stake by Christians. Society is not fully secular, and while it may have made big leaps towards the secular. We still have so many barbaric, authoritarian ways of going about things.
Is that a little more logical, or am I a nut?
This whole thread is pretty solid.
The only issue is that corporations get fucking greedy and really want to fuck with out lives where they shouldn't. The issue of net neutrality has been coming up and that's really fucking scary. Also we've had issues of corporations fucking around with foreign policy as well (just look at the Iraq War).
So overall I agree with the thread, though of course we need regulation. It seems "pure" ideas like libertarianism or anarchism seem to mostly fail (at least on large scales) because they assume that all humans think for the best of others and the world, which unfortunately isn't true.
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Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA
05-24-2017 05:44 AM |
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STFU about "evil corporations"
the whole "you can't criticize capitalism cause you simultaneously exist in a capitalist society" argument doesn't hold any water
(03-20-2013 05:08 PM)brainiac3397 Wrote: Stand up with pride and say "No! I will not be a McDonalds employee. I WILL BE A GARBAGE MAN!"
05-24-2017 09:33 AM |
Machiavellian Amoeba
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STFU about "evil corporations"
You don't need to get raped to know that rape happens and that it sucks and that it's illegal. Arguing that talking about corporate rape is invalid because you haven't been raped by corporations yet is silly
Personality DNA Report
(06-14-2013 08:02 AM)Potato Wrote: watch the fuq out, we've got an "intellectual" over here.
Brainiac3397's Mental Health Status Log Wrote:![[Image: l0Iy5HKskJO5XD3Wg.gif]](
05-24-2017 09:57 AM |
James Comey
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RE: STFU about "evil corporations"
(05-24-2017 09:33 AM)Alistoriv Wrote: the whole "you can't criticize capitalism cause you simultaneously exist in a capitalist society" argument doesn't hold any water
![[Image: Nas-One-Love.jpg]](
Stop jerking off to porn and whining and do something about it
Make School Survival Great Again - MSSGA
05-24-2017 02:40 PM |
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dumb shithead
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STFU about "evil corporations"
i'm an adult that has a job is my opinion on corporations suddenly more valid? i don't feel as though my experiences working have enlightened me in any way on corporations and the way they fit into our society and how they influence politics.
that aside, the idea that because corporations produce all this shit i use and rely on i suddenly can't critique them is a fucking ridiculous one
also the notion that shitting on corporations could be called "hipster nonsense" is so painfully american it makes me want to genocide that shitty country twice
and then you have the nerve to say... Quote:Oh and criticism isn't bad, it's how we better ourselves.
wah wah stop criticizing corporations but oh pls keep criticizing
wtf are you even saying here
why am i arguing against a nine year old post
fuck whoever bumped this
05-24-2017 06:26 PM |
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RE: STFU about "evil corporations"
(05-24-2017 02:40 PM)Hansgrohe Wrote: (05-24-2017 09:33 AM)Alistoriv Wrote: the whole "you can't criticize capitalism cause you simultaneously exist in a capitalist society" argument doesn't hold any water
I think capitalism is good, but that's a fairly bad argument. I mean, might as well say you're not allowed to criticize school because you're in it.
On the other hand, maybe it is a good argument because you can always move to North Korea for some true anticapitalist glory
05-24-2017 06:29 PM |
dumb shithead
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RE: STFU about "evil corporations"
your first line is perfect but the second is braindead, if it was meant to be tongue in cheek then ignore everything im about to write.
why would anybody want to move to north korea it's fucking shit
the people criticizing corporations or capitalism or whatever the fuck want to make their country better (whether their remedies actually would make it better or not is irrelevant, it's about intentions here) so why the flying fuck would they move to a shithole out of ideological contrarianism when there's no doubt that their ideology doesn't match juche or whatever that insane shit is in any way
hurr all anti capitalists are the same
gosh i'm a supporter of capitalism but fuck off all of you
because people are simply NOT allowed to bring new ideas to the table folks we must all abide to the simple worldview of democracy and capitalism or not capitalism and oppression
or something
fuck off i should go to bed
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2017 06:44 PM by Gwedin.)
05-24-2017 06:40 PM |
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STFU about "evil corporations"
(05-24-2017 06:40 PM)Gwedin Wrote: your first line is perfect but the second is braindead, if it was meant to be tongue in cheek then ignore everything im about to write.
why would anybody want to move to north korea it's fucking shit
the people criticizing corporations or capitalism or whatever the fuck want to make their country better (whether their remedies actually would make it better or not is irrelevant, it's about intentions here) so why the flying fuck would they move to a shithole out of ideological contrarianism when there's no doubt that their ideology doesn't match juche or whatever that insane shit is in any way
hurr all anti capitalists are the same
gosh i'm a supporter of capitalism but fuck off all of you
It was semi-tongue-in-cheek, North Korea being the most extreme version of how far anticapitalism can get.
(05-24-2017 06:40 PM)Gwedin Wrote: because people are simply NOT allowed to bring new ideas to the table folks we must all abide to the simple worldview of democracy and capitalism or not capitalism and oppression
or something
fuck off i should go to bed
Most of these "new" ideas have already been tried by various countries and they caused little other than grief and death.
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2017 06:59 PM by sswbm.)
05-24-2017 06:51 PM |
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dumb shithead
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RE: STFU about "evil corporations"
(05-24-2017 06:51 PM)Jop Wrote: (05-24-2017 06:40 PM)Gwedin Wrote: because people are simply NOT allowed to bring new ideas to the table folks we must all abide to the simple worldview of democracy and capitalism or not capitalism and oppression
or something
fuck off i should go to bed
Most of these "new" ideas have already been tried by various countries and they caused little other than grief and death.
oh yes i remember that time that small critique of an economic policy that brought about change to said policy which resulted in a small measure of prosperity to the nation in question brought grief and death
it really grinds my gears when people deliberately misinterpret something i say
oh shit no i forgot all new ideas are commufacsism right? new ideas must be BIG, MASSIVE, COMPLETE OVERHAULS OF SOCIETY and not just small changes or reforms or whatever
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2017 07:55 PM by Gwedin.)
05-24-2017 07:53 PM |
the Analogist
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RE: STFU about "evil corporations"
I'm cool with rich people and corporations existing. I just want to see public funds go to public goods instead of bombing hungry children because they live near some shit "we" want.
Also, idle money that just sits needs to be taxed unless it is somehow invested. That is our actual biggest problem, money that is serving no purpose whatsoever except score-keeping amongst richers.
I'm also ok with no minimum wage so long as everybody in the country regardless of age or anything else just received an annual government check of like $15,000. Lets make employers compete with universal basic income since competition is just so fucking good for everybody/everything apparently.
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05-28-2017 01:21 PM |
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