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To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

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At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?
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avrillavigne12251 Offline

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Post: #61
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

iI always hated school, except for like, kindergarten. In grade 1 it was "i am surrounded by idiots"
then by grade 2 it was "too much homework"
grade 3 was probably my best year. i *miraculously* hung out with the popular clique, and we had a really cool teacher.
the time i really thought it was wrong was around 4th grade, right before christmas. i was 9.
what happened was, i had been sick at home for a few days, and when i came back we were rehearsing for the christmas concert, and I, being sick, had no clue what the hell they were doing, and i cant say anyone tried to help me out. anyways, my lovely homeroom teacher was watching them dance and pulls me out and starts yelling at me because i wasnt doing anything and im trying to explain to her that i had no. fucking. clue. what to do, and i tried to explain that i hadnt been here for any of the days and shes just like "thats unacceptable...blah, blah, blah..." and generally bitching out at me just because i have no clue what to do and no one even tried to help me, this bitch just came and started yelling at me. i got mad, because she wasnt even listening to me, so i finally got so pissed, i screamed at her. and she said probably the most traumatic thing someone has ever said to me: "you sound like bowen!" bowen has a severe case of austism, and she basically just called me a retard and also probably would of offended bowen if he was in earshot.
also, again that day, she got mad at me for correcting her on the answer to a math question "you dont correct a teacher, that's very disrespectful."
how? I'd probably say letting a person run around like an idiot is alot worse.
well, no ones going to stand for that kind of shit, are they? so i went home after school that day and told my mom and we went to the shitty principal and she is like "Mrs. Gjosund denies saying that, and i have every confidence she isnt lying. i go to the school after being bullied by a freaking teacher, and you assume im the liar? who the fuck rallies their parents and goes to the school office to LIE about a teacher. and Mrs. G had never done anything that bad before, i almost liked her as a teacher. after that, i basically adopted a fuck it all attitude, i was smarter then most of my classmates, reading at a grade 11 level according to the gates tests they forced on us every year, i didn't really need this shitty education. teachers have tried to get me to "pick up my socks" or whatever, but i never really cared. i did pass every grade though, because even though i never did any homework, i would actually ace the tests without trying. i wasn't honor roll or anything, but all things considered, i did pretty well.

now, im probably going to keep higher grades when im almost graduated, because my goal in life is to become a politician and change this whole fucked up system, but what college/university is going to check my 8th grade marks? So its just screw it all, its so pointless.

and actually, i got my revenge on that shitty teacher, i gave her such a hard time, she retired halfway through the year O.O

Honesty is the best policy, but Insanity is a much better defense.
12-29-2011 06:09 AM
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NeuroSmog Offline

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Post: #62
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I'll admit that I was super brainwashed up until the end of my Freshman year in high school.
I was that stereotypical Asian kid who knew everything and got high grades in every single goddamn class because my parents threatened to beat me or kick me out if I got below an A. Then after a certain incident I became depressed. My grades dropped and I realized how stupid school was for making me go through its bullshit when I was not in the right mental state to achieve.
Then I read John Taylor Gatto's essays. Then I found this website. And now I'm writing this rant when I should be applying for colleges.
12-29-2011 05:38 PM
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RammsteinFearFactory Offline
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Post: #63
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

Around 10 proper. Didn't mind parts of school, still don't now, but I hate how everyone treats it as the only way to get a life and wealth. Since when did I need a diploma that says "I wasted my life from 4 to 18 here" to get a record contract or start a small business? Since when do all people need to become scientists, mathematicians, historians and politicians? Since when will I use RE or PE? My current school is a "special" school so it is open-ish, you can ask teachers questions and get replies, and the most punishing thing they'd do is remove the monitor from the computer at your desk (lol). I started being mostly against school around 11, but ironically I see that year as the most fun I had socially and in school. I had a teacher who was basically the type of person you'd expect to see here, he'd help us protest if we wanted to, and listen to RATM on YouTube in class in between lessons.
01-06-2012 07:26 AM
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Dirtbikemike Offline
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Post: #64
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

Age 13, last year. My hate for school and knowledge of how wrong it is has grown since.

EDIT: On second thought, I knew it was wrong in 6th grade, but now I know HOW wrong.

Balls of Steel:
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(01-13-2012 10:37 AM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Mike you deserve an SS medal. Here, be proud:
[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
Congrats for doing something I never had the balls to do.
If you have kids, save them from the bullshit you are forced to go through.
(01-25-2012 05:36 AM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Balls of steel re-awarded. 
(02-07-2012 03:22 PM)flann Wrote:  Balls of Tungsten, now.

I found a picture for tungsten balls

(02-14-2012 03:17 PM)Maelstrom Wrote:  Your balls are denser than white dwarf star matter.
(03-13-2012 08:27 PM)M3116 Wrote:  Balls of steel re-re-reawarded Nutter

(05-14-2013 03:01 PM)Prince Darkstar Wrote:  Dirtbikemike is the only guy I know of on here who won an argument with a teacher.
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2012 06:00 PM by Dirtbikemike.)
01-06-2012 07:30 AM
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Unwilling_Authority Offline

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Post: #65
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I think most people had a semi-enjoyable exoerience during the early years of school most kids don't know any better until they reach about 12-13 and they see how oppresive the school system is , and they develop their own views , tastes , and beliefs , but then when they go to school their induvidual views and such don't matter their identity is taken from them by force and they become a number , a number only separated from the other numbers by more numbers that then determene their quality of life in the future , its fucking wrong , so wrong.

Put me in a room full of people, how the fuck can I be lonely ?
01-06-2012 02:28 PM
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Prince Rilian Offline
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Post: #66
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

(12-06-2011 08:34 AM)aCol Wrote:  At about the age of 10. I failed the entrance exam to the "higher" school (called "Gymnasium") at 1/2 point. And I was sick at the day I was writing it, pumped up with strong medicine because those a...holes didn't allow you to take the test later. Retards. Had to go a year onto the lowest ("Hauptschule") so I could try again next year, which finally worked. I mean, come on, if they'd just had said "Well yeah you are half of a point off - you pass though it was reaaaaally a bit over the edge - but its less trouble for both of us" I would have had a very, very different and way more motivated school carrier.

Being so demotivational on small children, its a pity. I hate how they try to manipulate everybody.

God, you failed by half a point? I've learned about the system in germany, in my german classes, and it seems fucking stupid. Like, if you fail the test then maybe you just never ever ever get to go to college? I didn't know you even would get a second chance, so it's not as bad as I thought.

Life is good. Jeta është e mirë. Goingcrazy
Die lewe is goed.
Het leven is goed.

Zoidberg: What is it, already? What's the cause of your anger?
Leela: I guess I would have to say, I hate you!
01-06-2012 02:49 PM
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Dirtbikemike Offline
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Post: #67
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

(01-06-2012 02:28 PM)utopiafrets Wrote:  ...and they become a number , a number only separated from the other numbers by more numbers that then determene their quality of life in the future , its fucking wrong , so wrong.

You nailed the part about numbers. We have to memorize our special number for the school lunches. It also helps their lazy ass find our name if we're late to school and they have to mark it in the grading system. They can't just type our full name in anymore.

Balls of Steel:
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(01-13-2012 10:37 AM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Mike you deserve an SS medal. Here, be proud:
[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
Congrats for doing something I never had the balls to do.
If you have kids, save them from the bullshit you are forced to go through.
(01-25-2012 05:36 AM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Balls of steel re-awarded. 
(02-07-2012 03:22 PM)flann Wrote:  Balls of Tungsten, now.

I found a picture for tungsten balls

(02-14-2012 03:17 PM)Maelstrom Wrote:  Your balls are denser than white dwarf star matter.
(03-13-2012 08:27 PM)M3116 Wrote:  Balls of steel re-re-reawarded Nutter

(05-14-2013 03:01 PM)Prince Darkstar Wrote:  Dirtbikemike is the only guy I know of on here who won an argument with a teacher.
01-06-2012 03:19 PM
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Dirtbikemike Offline
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Post: #68
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

(07-21-2011 10:54 AM)Prince Rilian Wrote:  I liked some of my classes. I liked german. But most of the others in there didn't, and I didn't blame them. This was when I was 14-16.

I would LOVE German class if my teacher wasn't so god damn boring with it. He talks in monotone and translates everything because we haven't learned much of it yet. He's a bad teacher in general.

Balls of Steel:
Hidden stuff:
(01-13-2012 10:37 AM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Mike you deserve an SS medal. Here, be proud:
[Image: BallsofSteel2.png]
Congrats for doing something I never had the balls to do.
If you have kids, save them from the bullshit you are forced to go through.
(01-25-2012 05:36 AM)UnschoolShqiponjë Wrote:  Balls of steel re-awarded. 
(02-07-2012 03:22 PM)flann Wrote:  Balls of Tungsten, now.

I found a picture for tungsten balls

(02-14-2012 03:17 PM)Maelstrom Wrote:  Your balls are denser than white dwarf star matter.
(03-13-2012 08:27 PM)M3116 Wrote:  Balls of steel re-re-reawarded Nutter

(05-14-2013 03:01 PM)Prince Darkstar Wrote:  Dirtbikemike is the only guy I know of on here who won an argument with a teacher.
01-06-2012 03:27 PM
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Mælstrom Offline

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Post: #69
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I've always harbored a general distaste for school, and am proud to admit that I was brought there kicking and screaming. I found this website in late 2009, and now hate school more than house centipedes.

If you're reading this, I killed myself.
01-06-2012 03:38 PM
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Unwilling_Authority Offline

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Post: #70
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

(01-06-2012 03:19 PM)dirtbikemike204 Wrote:  
(01-06-2012 02:28 PM)utopiafrets Wrote:  ...and they become a number , a number only separated from the other numbers by more numbers that then determene their quality of life in the future , its fucking wrong , so wrong.

You nailed the part about numbers. We have to memorize our special number for the school lunches. It also helps their lazy ass find our name if we're late to school and they have to mark it in the grading system. They can't just type our full name in anymore.

Sort of the same number system where im at , except if any piece of work is of any 'importance' we have put our number instead of our name , pisses me off everytime.

Put me in a room full of people, how the fuck can I be lonely ?
01-07-2012 02:43 AM
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aCol Offline
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Post: #71
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

(01-06-2012 02:49 PM)Prince Rilian Wrote:  God, you failed by half a point? I've learned about the system in germany, in my german classes, and it seems fucking stupid. Like, if you fail the test then maybe you just never ever ever get to go to college? I didn't know you even would get a second chance, so it's not as bad as I thought.

Yep, half a point, that half point gave me a way longer way out of hell. We don't really have college, and the whole system has as much holes as a switzerland cheese. I didn't know that back then, but if you fail the test, you just basicly can go to the next "worse" form of school, get through there and then take another, easier test and get through. But nobody tells you that, until one day, you look at a scheme and say ... WAAAAIIIT, why the fuck did I do that to me, I could have done this this this and had better results in a shorter time period...

And yes, it was half a point without a second chance. Fuck em. Hard. Had to repeat a year because of that.



01-07-2012 11:55 AM
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Lung_Drac Offline
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Post: #72
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

My sub-conscious began to tell me something was wrong by the time I got to Middle school. But when I discovered SS, I took it in gratefully. Now I'm not so much of a slave to everyone now Smile
02-03-2012 07:22 AM
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M3116 Offline
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Post: #73
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

Just recently. Sadly before then I used to think it was myself who was always wrong, making me try to become everything I said I never would be and creating a huge source of problems. I'm only glad I didn't die.
02-06-2012 05:19 PM
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The Offline
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Post: #74
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

(02-06-2012 05:19 PM)M3116 Wrote:  Just recently. Sadly before then I used to think it was myself who was always wrong, making me try to become everything I said I never would be and creating a huge source of problems. I'm only glad I didn't die.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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02-06-2012 09:15 PM
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NightThoughts Offline
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Post: #75
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

Day 1 of Kindergarten. Dimly in my little unpolluted mind I realized that this was so slow and stupid, and I learned more from my books. Then we moved and I was homeschooled for two blissful years. Coasted through 3-5 while hating it, and began to question the system when I found this site in year 6. Here in 7th grade, it's developed into full-blown loathing. If you're reading this, The, I responded to your comment that all girls are retarded.

I'd put a pithy quote here, but I'd rather speak for myself.

Superpowers aren't just flying and lifting several tons. Whatever you're good at, that's your superpower. Learn to deal with it.
02-09-2012 11:37 AM
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proud-scene-kid Offline

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Post: #76
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

Hmmm... 2nd grade I think. I would get bullied every day and no one would believe me. I started hating teachers, then other people my age, then school. Yep. I got bullied in 2nd grade cause I was fat.

(\__/) This is Bunny. Paste Bunny into your signature
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[Image: n3rs4k.jpg]
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02-10-2012 02:00 AM
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Avi-Bird Offline
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Post: #77
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

freshman year
02-14-2012 07:45 AM
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IamNoone Offline
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Post: #78
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I never really cared until I found the site, at about age 13.
My goal in life right now is to see the system overturned before I die, but I'm not sure how to start yet.

The purpose of life is a life with a purpose
So I’d rather die for a cause than live a life that is worthless
I don’t need the circus or the day of national observance
I need you to think for you and stop being a servant
-Immortal Technique, The Martyr, The Martyr
02-18-2012 02:55 AM
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Artyom Offline

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Post: #79
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I was very brainwashed until the year I turned 16. That was when I started to take an interest in life in general: our purpose as a species, religion, history etc. All of that philosophical shit. I realized that people I didn't know or respect told me what to do on a daily basis and I became aware of just how miserable I really was. I had been wearing a fake face for the sake of not getting into trouble from adults with no real power over me. After that, I stopped giving a shit about them or the work they set out for me. It caused my family a lot of distress as well as giving me a reputation in school but I was being honest with myself and I felt free. It might not be happiness or enlightenment but at least I'm my own person now, that's all the truly matters, to me at least.
02-19-2012 02:47 AM
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The Offline
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Post: #80
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

In 1st grade. I didn't want to go, but I had to go. I didn't want to do the projects they made me do, but I had to. They werent teaching me anything useful anyway, I asked if I could learn multiplication and division since i had mastered addition and subtraction, but the teacher said, "That's very grown-up stuff that you're not ready for." Then I said, "Bitch, please. Ive known this plus and minus shit for years!" Then she said, "How adorable!"

I didn't actually swear, but she did say, "how adorable."

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02-19-2012 03:06 AM
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Teini Offline

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Post: #81
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I had problems with school since I was young. Second grade was rough for me so I was homeschooled when I was in 3rd grade. Then in 4th grade I went to a catholic elementary school and had crying spells every night from the bad environment there. Went to public school up until 7th grade, which was when I went to boarding school. Didn't last there either. 10th grade I started at a virtual charter school. I never thought schools were actually.. Bad. I thought it was just the school I was at, but around 9th grade I came to the form conclusion (finally) that it wasn't the specific schools I was at. I started to fully understand just how pointless and ineffective all the shit i had to do was. Now being in 11th grade I still hold the same opinion. Its gotten to the point where the many tests and things i have to do in school and could care less about are driving my anxiety up the walls. Now I find myself being as far as HATING school.. My bad experience with different types of school with the same basic 'teaching' methods has driven me to this point. The added pressures of going to college and Being hounded by teachers and guidance counselors every day to make decisions about my future now have added to my negative attitude. My guidance counselor has been continuously trying to push me to look into 4 year universities because they're "better" after I reiterated the fact that I didn't want to many MANY times.
I feel like a sheep being herded towards a pit of fire when I'm in school.

Jesus I rambled lol
02-29-2012 09:38 AM
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carnivalofme Offline

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Post: #82
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

(04-19-2011 05:52 PM)___________________ Wrote:  8th grade. Until I moved to England I had a universal belief that school was great for you and if you kept to your studies you can do anything you want to. Then (after watching little miss sunshine... irony) I realized that because I was colorblind I could not fly jets which was my childhood dream.

After initiating fuck everything mode I discovered how truly worthless school is. Moving back to America only enlightened me further.

Sorry to hear your dream was destroyed. My cousin is also colorblind and wanted to fly.
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2012 09:00 AM by carnivalofme.)
03-03-2012 09:00 AM
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Superkamiguru Offline
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Post: #83
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

(07-21-2011 12:54 PM)Phrozen_Soul Wrote:  Aside from the usual "School sucks work sucks i hate getting up" I really started questioning school in 6th grade when some of my essays questioning school "disappeared" and i got an F in English.

I really started to loathe school this year when I was called up to the office after another essay was "lost" and they blatantly told me to stop. I wrote one more an they started questioning me about my mental state after referencing columbine.
They're the ones whos mental state should be questioned.[/i]

Hidden stuff:
"CONSENSUAL incest is not wrong. (Abuse victims: being abused by a relative does not make it wrong for others to have consensual incest, any more than rape by a stranger makes all sex wrong. Sex and assault/molestation are two different things.) An aversion became common in humans that aided in population growth as one disease couldn't wipe out the human race. That's not a problem anymore.

Consensual incest is very common. You know people who have been involved, whether you know it or not.

There is no rational reason for keeping laws or taboos against consensual
incest that is consistently applied to other relationships. Personal disgust or religion is only a reason why one person would not want to personally engage in what I call consanguinamory, not why someone else shouldn't do it. An adult should be free to share love, sex, residence, and marriage with ANY consenting adults. Youthful experimentation between close relatives close in age is not uncommon, and there are more people than you'd think out there who are in lifelong healthy, happy relationships with a close relative. It isn't for everyone, but we're not all going to want to have each others' love lives, now are we? If someone thinks YOUR love life is disgusting, should you be thrown in prison?

Some people try to justify their prejudice against consanguineous sex and
marriage by being part-time eugenicists and saying that such relationships inevitably lead to “mutant” or “deformed” babies. This argument can be refuted on several fronts. 1. Some consanguineous relationships involve only people of the same gender. 2. Not all mixed-gender relationships birth biological children. 3. Most births to consanguineous parents do not produce children with significant birth defects or other genetic problems; while births to other parents do sometimes have birth defects. 4. We don’t prevent other people from marrying or deny them their reproductive rights based on increased odds of passing along a genetic problem or inherited disease. It is true that in general, children born to consanguineous parents have an increased chance of these problems than those born to nonconsanguineous parents, but the odds are still minimal. Unless someone is willing to deny reproductive rights and medical privacy to others and force everyone to take genetic tests and bar carriers and the congenitally disabled and women over 35 from having children, then equal protection principles prevent this from being a justification to bar this freedom of association and freedom to marry.

Some say "Your sibling should not be your lover." That is not a reason. It begs the question. Many people have many relationships that have more than one aspect. Some women say their sister is their best friend. Why can’t their sister be a wife, too?

Some say “There is a power differential.” This applies least of all to siblings or cousins who are close in age, but even where the power differential exists, it is not a justification for denying this freedom to sex or to marry. There is a power differential in just about any relationship, sometimes an enormous power differential. To question if consent is truly possible in these cases is insulting and demeaning.

Some say “There are so many people outside of your family." There are plenty of people within one’s own race, too, but that is no reason to ban interracial marriage. So, this isn't a good reason either. Let consenting adults love each other the way they want!"-Keith Pullman

01-13-2017 09:26 PM
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HSHARK Offline

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Post: #84
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I began my disappointment in school in 9th grade. It is because I realized that the current mode of schools are not making people become successful in their careers, it just tells them to get a job and pay the bills.
01-15-2017 03:58 AM
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Superkamiguru Offline
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Post: #85
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

(02-06-2012 05:19 PM)M3116 Wrote:  Just recently. Sadly before then I used to think it was myself who was always wrong, making me try to become everything I said I never would be and creating a huge source of problems. I'm only glad I didn't die.

Hidden stuff:
"CONSENSUAL incest is not wrong. (Abuse victims: being abused by a relative does not make it wrong for others to have consensual incest, any more than rape by a stranger makes all sex wrong. Sex and assault/molestation are two different things.) An aversion became common in humans that aided in population growth as one disease couldn't wipe out the human race. That's not a problem anymore.

Consensual incest is very common. You know people who have been involved, whether you know it or not.

There is no rational reason for keeping laws or taboos against consensual
incest that is consistently applied to other relationships. Personal disgust or religion is only a reason why one person would not want to personally engage in what I call consanguinamory, not why someone else shouldn't do it. An adult should be free to share love, sex, residence, and marriage with ANY consenting adults. Youthful experimentation between close relatives close in age is not uncommon, and there are more people than you'd think out there who are in lifelong healthy, happy relationships with a close relative. It isn't for everyone, but we're not all going to want to have each others' love lives, now are we? If someone thinks YOUR love life is disgusting, should you be thrown in prison?

Some people try to justify their prejudice against consanguineous sex and
marriage by being part-time eugenicists and saying that such relationships inevitably lead to “mutant” or “deformed” babies. This argument can be refuted on several fronts. 1. Some consanguineous relationships involve only people of the same gender. 2. Not all mixed-gender relationships birth biological children. 3. Most births to consanguineous parents do not produce children with significant birth defects or other genetic problems; while births to other parents do sometimes have birth defects. 4. We don’t prevent other people from marrying or deny them their reproductive rights based on increased odds of passing along a genetic problem or inherited disease. It is true that in general, children born to consanguineous parents have an increased chance of these problems than those born to nonconsanguineous parents, but the odds are still minimal. Unless someone is willing to deny reproductive rights and medical privacy to others and force everyone to take genetic tests and bar carriers and the congenitally disabled and women over 35 from having children, then equal protection principles prevent this from being a justification to bar this freedom of association and freedom to marry.

Some say "Your sibling should not be your lover." That is not a reason. It begs the question. Many people have many relationships that have more than one aspect. Some women say their sister is their best friend. Why can’t their sister be a wife, too?

Some say “There is a power differential.” This applies least of all to siblings or cousins who are close in age, but even where the power differential exists, it is not a justification for denying this freedom to sex or to marry. There is a power differential in just about any relationship, sometimes an enormous power differential. To question if consent is truly possible in these cases is insulting and demeaning.

Some say “There are so many people outside of your family." There are plenty of people within one’s own race, too, but that is no reason to ban interracial marriage. So, this isn't a good reason either. Let consenting adults love each other the way they want!"-Keith Pullman

01-15-2017 04:10 AM
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Ilija.m Offline

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Post: #86
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

When I was 6 grade I started to question my education institution because until 5 grade I was a very good student it all started back then a lot of my teachers and professors failed me in school/college but that only mentioned that I was strong enough for that situation and even in college but then again I destroy half of the administration hopes and dreams to make me go back to the 2 year just because I was a lawyer to my self and I was saving my self from the bad situation the system is lying a lot more than it should be done i wish one day that they would abolish the system and my advice if you fail stand up and be your own lawyer that way school cannot do anything about you when in college what I think is there is no creativity the education there is scripted and only test obedience no matter what school teaches obedience.
01-15-2017 10:56 PM
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Marlena403 Offline
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Post: #87
At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I hated it when I lived in Poland, but I like it now.

06-24-2017 03:17 AM
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RoundAndRound Away

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Post: #88
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I've always hated it since 1st grade, but in my 2nd time in 2nd grade (yes, I was held back,) I was pretending to like it to avoid the pressure. The only reason I really hated it back then was because "it was boring."

At about 12 years old, this website taught me the truth about school, and thus, I really knew why to hate it now. "14 good reasons why school sucks" was the first thing I have read, and I've agreed fully.

Comparing students by their personality is like comparing a blanket to the sun, in terms of which one produces more light. Comparing students is just an excuse to exploit their weaknesses.
06-24-2017 03:56 AM
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Avatar Korra Offline
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Post: #89
At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

I've always loved being liked by other people, so I used to obey my teachers and work really hard to continue receiving their approval. When my classmates acted up, I'd feel primarily bad for the teachers(mainly because they were very kind). Over time, I started seeing my classmates side a little. I didn't really question school myself, but I was in silent agreement with my more rebellious classmates. Around this time, I started slacking on school work a little. Uncreative writing assignments, and anything else needing intense effort was either put off for hours or days. I remember being very stressed in 5th grade because I did work at or past midnight, trying(and failing) to sleep for a few hours, then waking up to work, sleeping for a few more hours, and waking up to work. When I failed and chose to sleep the whole night, I'd wake up with extreme anxiety about how the teacher would react.

Surprisingly, I still didn't question the necessity of the work that was torturing me.
I think I felt that it wasn't good, but believed I was in the wrong for being harmed by it.

From 7th grade through the beginning of 10th grade(this year) I was depressed. 9th grade was the peak. I half-assed all of my writing assignments because the class drained my love for writing, I cried and wanted to die every day after school, I was possessed by constant anxiety, I longed to go back to summer camp(the only place I truly felt happy), and I started slacking on shit I both cared and didn't care about. In 10th grade, I wasn't really depressed, but I was emotionally unstable and full of resentment. I stopped doing most of my assignments to the point where the majority of my teachers disliked me for the first time in my life, but I refused to give a shit. I didn't want to give a single fucking shit. I only liked P.E, Literature(only because our teacher was legendary for reasons I don't feel like saying now), and Drama class. The future was hopeless and my past free spirit was gone for ever. I feared adulthood so much(still do), and pretty much expected to die before the time could ever come.

Now I'm online schooled, but that is a different story.
I'd say I gradually realized the harm of school, with highschool consisting of in depth research into unschooling youth rights, etc, along with becoming conscious of the psychological harm school was causing me.

"I’M BEGGING YOU, PRINCE ZUKO! It’s time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big question: who are you and what do YOU want?"
" While it is always best to believe in one’s self, a little help from others can be a great blessing"
-Uncle Iroh(Avatar: the Last Airbender)
06-24-2017 07:01 AM
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thewake Offline

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Post: #90
RE: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ?

My mom acts like I enjoyed school in like kindergarten. But by 2nd grade I was having fantasies of a prison break style gtfo action. I found ss in like 2007 when I was in middle school and it gave me cognizant reason to hate school, along with my discovering of libertarianism. And I'm not some sort of slacker, I always did well and graduated with a 3.9 GPA (out of 4.0 for those non-American in here, so I did well). I was one of those kids who could kind of not work too hard and get almost straight A's. Graduating high school was sort of an anti-climatic liberation, but I'd never wanna go back to the place. I don't understand people who think being a kid or in high school are the golden days they want to go back to. We're where we are now, and that is that.

My undergrad was not perfect, but it was a vast improvement over the high school era. I don't look back on it unkindly at all. But being in a PhD program for a year made me start to see the limits of higher education's modus operandi. I loathed it, the stress in particular. Nobody tells you that PhD students have rates of depression multiple times higher than the population at large. I'll be starting a Masters degree in the fall and I hope it goes well, I can't imagine after going through the first year of a PhD program that it'll be that bad.

[Image: nAOqYk7.png]

[Image: USVWSwj.png]
06-24-2017 08:40 AM
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