RIP School Survival Forums
August 2001 - June 2017

The School Survival Forums are permanently retired. If you need help with quitting school, unsupportive parents or anything else, there is a list of resources on the Help Page.

If you want to write about your experiences in school, you can write on our blog.

To everyone who joined these forums at some point, and got discouraged by the negativity and left after a while (or even got literally scared off): I'm sorry.

I wasn't good enough at encouraging people to be kinder, and removing people who refuse to be kind. Encouraging people is hard, and removing people creates conflict, and I hate conflict... so that's why I wasn't better at it.

I was a very, very sensitive teen. The atmosphere of this forum as it is now, if it had existed in 1996, would probably have upset me far more than it would have helped.

I can handle quite a lot of negativity and even abuse now, but that isn't the point. I want to help people. I want to help the people who need it the most, and I want to help people like the 1996 version of me.

I'm still figuring out the best way to do that, but as it is now, these forums are doing more harm than good, and I can't keep running them.

Thank you to the few people who have tried to understand my point of view so far. I really, really appreciate you guys. You are beautiful people.

Everyone else: If after everything I've said so far, you still don't understand my motivations, I think it's unlikely that you will. We're just too different. Maybe someday in the future it might make sense, but until then, there's no point in arguing about it. I don't have the time or the energy for arguing anymore. I will focus my time and energy on people who support me, and those who need help.


The forums are mostly read-only and are in a maintenance/testing phase, before being permanently archived. Please use this time to get the contact details of people you'd like to keep in touch with. My contact details are here.

Please do not make a mirror copy of the forums in their current state - things will still change, and some people have requested to be able to edit or delete some of their personal info.

Search Results
Post Author Forum Replies Views Posted [asc]
  Thread: I'm fucked.
Post: RE: I'm fucked.

(06-06-2016 06:47 AM)Cybercat Wrote:  I know I'm doing computer science, since I love to use computers and code stuff. (06-07-2016 01:10 AM)SoulRiser Wrote:  Pick whatever you think you'l...
Will School Talk 5 4,232 06-09-2016, 07:28 PM
  Thread: If Valedictorian Speeches Were Honest
Post: If Valedictorian Speeches Were Honest Time and time again I see that this is social commentary has to happen. The commentator mus...
Will School Talk 8 8,577 11-12-2015, 11:29 PM
  Thread: A documentary about competition and discrimination in the French school system
Post: A documentary about competition and discrimination...

The whole thing in French Summary and trailer in English
Will News 0 2,089 11-12-2015, 11:18 PM
  Thread: Time for my Rant and emotional turmoil
Post: Time for my Rant and emotional turmoil

Systemic changes in the school take too long to enough to have a noticeable impact on you while you're in school. But life does get much less horrible after your metaphorical prison sentence ends, at ...
Will Youth Rights 7 5,749 08-05-2015, 11:45 PM
  Thread: Once-active SS-user is now conventionally successful. Discuss.
Post: RE: Once-active SS-user is now conventionally succ...

I think I need to surround myself with people who respect my accomplishments and are also very into school and have no idea that my views on schooling are what they are. Specific news on me
Will School Talk 8 6,315 07-31-2015, 10:00 AM
  Thread: Once-active SS-user is now conventionally successful. Discuss.
Post: RE: Once-active SS-user is now conventionally succ...

Thanks for the responses! Quote:I almost kind of wish I looked more un-respectable at first glance so that I could get stupid reactions out of people (like the old "you'll never get anywhere"), so th...
Will School Talk 8 6,315 07-30-2015, 03:13 PM
  Thread: Once-active SS-user is now conventionally successful. Discuss.
Post: Once-active SS-user is now conventionally successf...

Life got much less horrible for me after I moved away from home for uni. I now appear to be successful in a very conventional sense. I have saved enough money for retirement. I am somewhat famous wit...
Will School Talk 8 6,315 07-27-2015, 05:42 PM
  Thread: Depression and school
Post: Depression and school

I read lots of education research years ago, and I found the papers in this field to be of particularly variable soundness compared to those in other fields. That is, I found really good stuff, really...
Will School Talk 22 18,510 07-27-2015, 05:13 PM
  Thread: Answers needed!
Post: Answers needed!

I want to answer, but signing in to Yahoo is way too much work.
Will School Talk 9 2,792 01-13-2015, 08:49 AM
  Thread: My view of the world as of late
Post: My view of the world as of late

I've been out of school for a few years, and I'm up late unable to sleep. So I thought I'd write a bit about some things that I might have liked to have heard ten years ago. Here are some things that ...
Will Psychology - Life, Love & Learning 3 2,340 10-11-2014, 11:19 AM
  Thread: Feel Like Crying
Post: Feel Like Crying

And crying is great, so you should do that! Hide in your bed and pretend you're sleeping if you don't want your parents to see.
Will School Talk 5 2,353 05-08-2014, 04:54 PM
  Thread: Feel Like Crying
Post: RE: Feel Like Crying

:sadhug: It's great if you can come up with a way around school, but that's also really scary to even talk about when everyone is so caught up in it. People might make it seem otherwise, but not doi...
Will School Talk 5 2,353 05-08-2014, 04:52 PM
  Thread: Hi again
Post: Hi again

I've hardly posted anything in the past five years! Or really more like seven. I want to post something but I don't know where to start; here's something brief Life has generally turned out better wh...
Will Welcome! 6 2,338 05-08-2014, 04:28 PM
  Thread: SS Generations
Post: SS Generations

I'm always insanely curious as to what everyone is up to now. I think I stopped using the forums much when I did because it was during a wave of stupidity and because I'd moved out of my parents' hou...
Will General Talk 96 29,560 10-17-2013, 04:30 PM
  Thread: Running out of fucks to give about school
Post: RE: Running out of fucks to give about school

:hug: All will be well if you can avoid getting stressed about it. You seem to be somewhat relaxed now, so just try to ignore the stressful/mean things that people are surely telling you. :)
Will School Talk 11 6,658 10-17-2013, 04:10 PM
  Thread: What Are You Going To Do When You Finish School?
Post: RE: What Are You Going To Do When You Finish Schoo...

I already graduated from uni. Most of my friends from my prestigious university who have jobs are working on farms or in restaurants. It makes a bit of a statement when we do something mundane: We sup...
Will General Talk 43 77,668 12-13-2011, 04:25 PM
  Thread: I can't endure it anymore...
Post: RE: I can't endure it anymore...

Things like that never worked for me either. Discuss or read about the bizarreness of school, and you might get yourself to worry less about it. Once you worry less about grades and other silliness, ...
Will School Talk 7 7,317 12-13-2011, 04:03 PM
  Thread: Bizarre credentials
Post: Bizarre credentials

After being hold up in my house for a few days writing something and not socializing, I just submitted the writing and now feel like socializing. But nobody's around, so I wind up here. So I mysterio...
Will General Talk 6 1,611 11-16-2011, 04:55 PM
  Thread: Behind Enemy Lines: What colleges teach teachers about youth
Post: Re: Behind Enemy Lines: What colleges teach teache...

What's this course called?
Will School Talk 33 13,227 09-21-2011, 11:43 AM
  Thread: University made me surprisingly arrogant
Post: Re: University made me surprisingly arrogant

HeartofShadows Wrote:Will Wrote:Going further on a tangent, I sort of want to go off to some magical place where I can frugally become one with everything and only once in a while for fun dabble with ...
Will General Talk 10 2,351 09-18-2011, 05:31 PM
  Thread: Turns Out Im Graduating This Year
Post: Re: Turns Out Im Graduating This Year

I suspect that college would be a lot better than you think it will be. The only thing that bothers me about college is the strangely high cost. Going to a cheap state school might appease your parent...
Will Youth Rights 15 6,757 09-17-2011, 02:29 PM
  Thread: University made me surprisingly arrogant
Post: Re: University made me surprisingly arrogant

HeartofShadows Wrote:Even though I don't talk to you much I hope you are not degenerating into this will because you're one of the only okay asians around. ......
Will General Talk 10 2,351 09-17-2011, 01:51 PM
  Thread: University made me surprisingly arrogant
Post: University made me surprisingly arrogant

I've heard some people say that they went to university knowing everything and left knowing nothing. This is a way of saying that they thought that knew a lot before they went to university, possibly ...
Will General Talk 10 2,351 09-05-2011, 01:47 AM
  Thread: Need your help for my last report card
Post: Re: Need your help for my last report card

Your situation is exciting. I think it would be totally awesome and bad-ass if you manage to continue the straight As until you drop out.
Will School Talk 9 3,664 03-03-2011, 06:56 PM
  Thread: I suppose you could call a lot of us extremists.
Post: Re: I suppose you could call a lot of us extremist...

In fear of being labelled as extremist and also in fear of becoming especially closed-minded, I am quite skeptical of most ideas, particularly those that I sort of support. I find that generally aim ...
Will Youth Rights 25 7,975 01-02-2011, 07:42 AM
  Thread: Does anyone else end up surfing the internet on New Year?
Post: Re: Does anyone else end up surfing the internet o...

Will General Talk 20 2,207 01-01-2011, 06:46 PM
  Thread: Youth Rights Essay Contest
Post: Re: Youth Rights Essay Contest

Does anyone have any inside information on whether anything has come of this?
Will General Talk 24 3,463 01-01-2011, 05:32 PM
  Thread: Sayings I hate.
Post: Re: Sayings I hate.

I wish people would just say, "I don't have a good reason for why you should do it, but I'm afraid of what will happen if you don't do it." or just "I don't have any good reason for you to do it, but ...
Will School Talk 41 8,884 12-28-2010, 03:29 PM
  Thread: Sayings I hate.
Post: Re: Sayings I hate.

I can't help noticing that the sayings that AngryCollegeDude mentions are all explanations for why someone should do something she doesn't want to do. If you want to vent more, you could think of othe...
Will School Talk 41 8,884 12-27-2010, 06:25 PM
  Thread: The Socratic Method
Post: Re: The Socratic Method

I'm having trouble believing this. The responses are too perfect. Well maybe he's just human and thus doesn't have a perfect memory. So maybe I do believe it. I certainly like the idea and will active...
Will Alternative Learning & Income 14 3,765 08-06-2010, 12:39 PM
  Thread: Poster to advertise SS
Post: Re: Poster to advertise SS

|55555| Wrote:Depends. What flavor icecream are the talking about here? Your choice
Will Alternative Learning & Income 10 2,545 06-08-2010, 02:15 AM
  Thread: Poster to advertise SS
Post: Poster to advertise SS

This is nothing special, but it can printed with one color on letter paper. I think it's be more effective than my earlier, overly decorative attempts.
Will Alternative Learning & Income 10 2,545 06-07-2010, 03:11 AM
  Thread: Access from closed countries & similar websites
Post: Access from closed countries & similar websites

I'm mildly amused by my ability to access this site from a reasonable closed country with a Great Firewall. And I actually have told at least one person in this country about this site. That was a whi...
Will School Talk 1 1,756 08-01-2009, 10:30 AM
  Thread: Why do people defend school so strongly?
Post: Re: Why do people defend school so strongly?

Reading over some of my earlier posts will show that I don't agree with mrwednesday, but that's a secondary issue. He doesn't support his view of school with anything other than axioms, but he doesn't...
Will Youth Rights 27 12,303 08-01-2009, 10:21 AM
  Thread: John Taylor Gatto books
Post: Re: John Taylor Gatto books

mangareadr Wrote:I've just started reading John Holt, and it's very interesting how much of what he writes has to do not only with school, but with psychology and the world. I need to read JTG, though...
Will School Talk 31 26,711 07-13-2009, 06:08 AM
  Thread: Respect of teachers even though they only serve kids
Post: Re: Respect of teachers even though they only serv...

Puchiko Wrote:Service to others should be respected. I don't have an issue with that-doctors, janitors, all of these should be respected when they serve others. The problem is that the teachers aren't...
Will Philosophy, Politics & History 4 1,619 06-22-2009, 12:35 PM
  Thread: Intrinsic Motivation & Self-Determination
Post: Re: Intrinsic Motivation & Self-Determination

Why are board games okay but not video games? Maybe it's just because electronics are too newfangled and are thus clearly sin. I used to pwn at video games. Then my father said to stop playing them b...
Will Youth Rights 16 6,583 06-21-2009, 09:57 PM
  Thread: Why do people defend school so strongly?
Post: Re: Why do people defend school so strongly?

There's a major jump between the second and third paragraphs. Move the fourth paragraph between those two.
Will Youth Rights 27 12,303 06-21-2009, 09:47 PM
  Thread: Respect of teachers even though they only serve kids
Post: Respect of teachers even though they only serve ki...

I realized a few days ago that have spent about a quarter of my expected life spending much more money than I made. I was thinking of this in the context of whether what I'm currently doing is at all ...
Will Philosophy, Politics & History 4 1,619 06-21-2009, 09:45 PM
  Thread: It was fun, until kindergarten... (my experience, part 1)
Post: Re: It was fun, until kindergarten... (my experien...

Incollegenow Wrote:SoulRiser Wrote:That teacher sucked ass. :cuckoo: Also, I can't find anything wrong with your writing. Seems fine to me. Quote:I asked my parents why I even had to go to school....
Will Youth Rights 10 4,018 06-21-2009, 09:30 PM
  Thread: What I always hated in elementary school.
Post: Re: What I always hated in elementary school.

CrayolaColours Wrote:It's funny, I remember that a long time ago, when I actually had my elementary school teachers, I remember thinking how nice they were, then now, I look back and I think, hell, th...
Will School Talk 12 5,533 06-21-2009, 09:05 PM
  Thread: I've been looking for a site like this for a long time...
Post: Re: I've been looking for a site like this for a l...

I'm loving your posts. You present so many issues very concisely. And these are the same qualms that I'm having with uni.Incollegenow Wrote:SoulRiser Wrote:Welcome :) I kinda flunked my second year of...
Will Welcome! 11 1,728 06-21-2009, 09:01 PM
  Thread: Why tiny fails always feel epic
Post: Re: Why tiny fails always feel epic

SoulRiser Wrote:So if I agreed with you on something, you'd think I'm stupid? :) Yes SoulRiser Wrote:And how do you define smart anyway? You're being really nit-picky. I feel "smart", opposite "stupi...
Will Philosophy, Politics & History 9 2,440 05-21-2009, 10:09 AM
  Thread: Why tiny fails always feel epic
Post: Re: Why tiny fails always feel epic

SoulRiser Wrote:So basically, you're not comfortable with your own thoughts unless you know there are others (reasonably close to you) who agree with you? Also, welcome Bureaucracy :) I'm not comfort...
Will Philosophy, Politics & History 9 2,440 05-20-2009, 01:18 PM
  Thread: Why tiny fails always feel epic
Post: Re: Why tiny fails always feel epic

Very shortly after I read Soulriser's question but after I turned off my computer, I finally answered it! I think I don't have any very strong friends, (I know why this is the case.) but I want them,...
Will Philosophy, Politics & History 9 2,440 05-19-2009, 06:33 PM
  Thread: Why tiny fails always feel epic
Post: Re: Why tiny fails always feel epic

SoulRiser Wrote:Why do you care about what people think of you so much? I sort of just answered that. The real answer is that I care way more than I think I should but don't know why.
Will Philosophy, Politics & History 9 2,440 05-19-2009, 09:14 AM
  Thread: Why tiny fails always feel epic
Post: Why tiny fails always feel epic

My situation Whenever I do any small thing less than perfectly, I tend to feel like a complete failure who is totally stupid and useless and won't go anywhere in life. But I don't tell people about th...
Will Philosophy, Politics & History 9 2,440 05-18-2009, 12:43 PM
  Thread: Messy Handwriting
Post: Re: Messy Handwriting

To those who need/want to write better in cursive: Try round handwriting. I can't find any good pictures online, but I can post some at some point. Basically, place the pen between and parallel to yo...
Will School Talk 20 8,063 05-05-2009, 11:45 PM
  Thread: John Taylor Gatto books
Post: Re: John Taylor Gatto books

I generally suggest buying books online for loads of reasons. I have no idea as to whether you can find his books in Pittsburgh. You can find one of his books online, and if you can't order online for...
Will School Talk 31 26,711 05-03-2009, 12:21 AM
  Thread: Creationsim and Evolution... In ONE!
Post: Re: Creationsim and Evolution... In ONE!

classclown Wrote:the big bang is a theory nothing more. i dont believe anyone knows why/ how we got here. Florida similarly misunderstood vocabulary. Scientific theories are much more than hypotheses...
Will Philosophy, Politics & History 27 7,913 04-25-2009, 11:41 PM

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