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18 is adult? - Printable Version

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18 is adult? - McGee! - 04-17-2010 03:23 AM

Why is 18 considered adult? What are the origins of this?

Re: 18 is adult? - Prince Rilian - 04-17-2010 03:58 AM

I know that the voting age used to be 21 and then it was changed to 18 because of youth-rights activists or whatever. The age at which you could get married without parental consent used to be 21, too, but I think it's 18 or younger in all the states of USA now.

And the drinking age used to be 18, and then MADDCRAZYY got it changed to 21.

It's been at least 100 years since "everyone" has been going to school until they're 18. Maybe that's why everything started changing to that age. And in texas the law says school attendence is required until age 17, and 17 is the age at which you are allowed to enter into contracts and stuff, though you still can't vote till you're 18. The gettin-married age is 16, I think.

Re: 18 is adult? - fish20 - 04-18-2010 03:07 PM

I think its tradition rooting from a long long long long long long long long long time ago.

Re: 18 is adult? - LOON_ATTIC - 04-18-2010 06:07 PM

fish20 Wrote:I think its tradition rooting from a long long long long long long long long long time ago.
O rly?
Schools say that but I find it very questionable.

Re: 18 is adult? - Happy Camper - 04-18-2010 07:24 PM

Then there's car rentals which usually require you to be 25 unless you tack on some ludicrous insurance plan. That's what eats me.

You can fly wherever you want for vacay but heaven forbid you have your own transportation when you land. I'm 21, I'm supposed to be like an ultra adult now; cigarettes, voting, enlisting, alcohol, and everything.

Except for car rentals.

Re: 18 is adult? - Fire Elf - 04-18-2010 10:59 PM

Because that's when you could get drafted. Which is why it got lowered from 21.

As for the drinking age thing, that's Amerika. Most of the world has it at 16 or 18.

Re: 18 is adult? - AWOL - 04-18-2010 11:46 PM

Fire Elf Wrote:Because that's when you could get drafted. Which is why it got lowered from 21.

As for the drinking age thing, that's Amerika. Most of the world has it at 16 or 18.

Amerika ist wunderbar /sarcasm

Re: 18 is adult? - Aya - 04-19-2010 04:23 AM

The age of majority in the US used to be 21. However the age a man could be conscripted into the service is and always has been 18. After the vietman war the age of majority was changed to match the age of conscription. They did this because one of the main arguments against the war and against the draft was that the men being pulled into the war had no say in the political processes that started the war in the first place.

Now, despite what the law says, 18 year olds are not considered full adults. 18 - 20 years old is considered a gray area, where a youth is legally allowed to make the majority of his or her own decisions, but is still prohibited from certain activities, and requires a parent or adult cosigner for other financial activities.

You are not considered a true adult in the US until you're 21 years old.

Re: 18 is adult? - Prince Rilian - 04-19-2010 04:25 AM

Ayliana Wrote:but is still prohibited from certain activities, and requires a parent or adult cosigner for other financial activities.
such as?

Re: 18 is adult? - FindTheLight - 04-19-2010 04:27 AM

It may be considered adult for anatomy reasons? I can't think what though.

Re: 18 is adult? - Fire Elf - 04-19-2010 04:47 AM

Ayliana Wrote:The age of majority in the US used to be 21. However the age a man could be conscripted into the service is and always has been 18. After the vietman war the age of majority was changed to match the age of conscription. They did this because one of the main arguments against the war and against the draft was that the men being pulled into the war had no say in the political processes that started the war in the first place.

Now, despite what the law says, 18 year olds are not considered full adults. 18 - 20 years old is considered a gray area, where a youth is legally allowed to make the majority of his or her own decisions, but is still prohibited from certain activities, and requires a parent or adult cosigner for other financial activities.

You are not considered a true adult in the US until you're 21 years old.
Fuck the USA.

Re: 18 is adult? - CrayolaColours - 04-19-2010 05:10 AM

AWOL Wrote:
Fire Elf Wrote:Because that's when you could get drafted. Which is why it got lowered from 21.

As for the drinking age thing, that's Amerika. Most of the world has it at 16 or 18.

Amerika ist wunderbar /sarcasm
Heeyyy... that's a song.

Re: 18 is adult? - Prince Rilian - 04-19-2010 05:12 AM

CrayolaColours Wrote:
AWOL Wrote:Amerika ist wunderbar /sarcasm
Heeyyy... that's a song.
In part of the song, instead of "wunderbar", they say "wonder bra".

Re: 18 is adult? - CrayolaColours - 04-19-2010 05:16 AM

Are you sure? My friend says that, but I never caught it.

Re: 18 is adult? - Prince Rilian - 04-19-2010 05:26 AM

"We're all living in amerika, coca-cola, wonder bra". At about 2:14.

Re: 18 is adult? - AWOL - 04-19-2010 07:51 AM

Amerika, Coca-Colar
Sometimes WAR

Rammstein for the win.

Re: 18 is adult? - Aya - 04-19-2010 11:41 AM

Prince Rilian Wrote:
Ayliana Wrote:but is still prohibited from certain activities, and requires a parent or adult cosigner for other financial activities.
such as?

Adults under 21 are prohibited from:

owning a gun (depends on the state)
Participating in certain contests
Women under 21 can not donate thier eggs to fertility clinics.

And require a parent or over 21 cosigner to:

Aquire a credit card (You can thank Obama for this one)
Take out any type of loan (except conveniently student loans)
Insure a car
Finance a house
Lease an apartment
Apply for a 401(k) retirement savings

Now that doesn't mean you can't find an apartment or by car insurance without your parents. It's just ridiculously difficult and expensive.

It's also notoriously difficult to recieve irreversible birth control (i.e hysterectomy or vasectomy) before the age of 25. Few doctors will perfom it on a youth.

Re: 18 is adult? - CrayolaColours - 04-19-2010 04:10 PM

My mom is thirty something, with her tubes tied, and the doctor still wont give her a hysterectomy. It's fucking insane.

Re: 18 is adult? - Jesusaurisrex - 04-19-2010 05:37 PM

Ayliana Wrote:
Prince Rilian Wrote:
Ayliana Wrote:but is still prohibited from certain activities, and requires a parent or adult cosigner for other financial activities.
such as?

Adults under 21 are prohibited from:

owning a gun (depends on the state)
Participating in certain contests
Women under 21 can not donate thier eggs to fertility clinics.

And require a parent or over 21 cosigner to:

Aquire a credit card (You can thank Obama for this one)
Take out any type of loan (except conveniently student loans)
Insure a car
Finance a house
Lease an apartment
Apply for a 401(k) retirement savings

Now that doesn't mean you can't find an apartment or by car insurance without your parents. It's just ridiculously difficult and expensive.

It's also notoriously difficult to recieve irreversible birth control (i.e hysterectomy or vasectomy) before the age of 25. Few doctors will perfom it on a youth.

the things listed above are only true if your caught.

police can suck my big hairy black throbbing scaly dick

Re: 18 is adult? - LOON_ATTIC - 04-19-2010 06:47 PM

what about insure a car/house/etc?

Re: 18 is adult? - Duelix - 04-20-2010 03:41 AM

I am the only person worthy of being called an adult.

Re: 18 is adult? - LOON_ATTIC - 04-20-2010 10:22 AM

Duelix Wrote:I am the only person worthy of being called an adult.
I knew adults suck.

Re: 18 is adult? - Desu - 04-21-2010 12:02 AM

Lunatic Wrote:
Duelix Wrote:I am the only person worthy of being called an adult.
I knew adults suck.

Re: 18 is adult? - McGee! - 04-24-2010 04:17 AM

Jesusaurisrex Wrote:
Ayliana Wrote:
Prince Rilian Wrote:quote="Ayliana"]but is still prohibited from certain activities, and requires a parent or adult cosigner for other financial activities.
such as?

Adults under 21 are prohibited from:

owning a gun (depends on the state)
Participating in certain contests
Women under 21 can not donate thier eggs to fertility clinics.

And require a parent or over 21 cosigner to:

Aquire a credit card (You can thank Obama for this one)
Take out any type of loan (except conveniently student loans)
Insure a car
Finance a house
Lease an apartment
Apply for a 401(k) retirement savings

Now that doesn't mean you can't find an apartment or by car insurance without your parents. It's just ridiculously difficult and expensive.

It's also notoriously difficult to recieve irreversible birth control (i.e hysterectomy or vasectomy) before the age of 25. Few doctors will perfom it on a youth.

the things listed above are only true if your caught.

police can suck my big hairy black throbbing scaly dick[/quote]


RE: 18 is adult? - Android - 01-13-2012 07:27 AM

Where I'm from you're an adult at 18 - and you can watch all those gory horror films and buy those bloody war games. Funny though - you can enlist for the real war at 16.

RE: 18 is adult? - Stadium - 01-13-2012 07:34 AM

(01-13-2012 07:27 AM)Lipsofpoison Wrote:  Where I'm from you're an adult at 18 - and you can watch all those gory horror films and buy those bloody war games. Funny though - you can enlist for the real war at 16.

Jesus Christ that's just an epic fail. I think it's ridiculous that (in America) the drinking age is 21 but I can buy cigarettes at 18. The drinking age should be more along the lines of 12.

RE: 18 is adult? - RammsteinFearFactory - 01-13-2012 07:45 AM

(01-13-2012 07:34 AM)StadiumArcadium Wrote:  
(01-13-2012 07:27 AM)Lipsofpoison Wrote:  Where I'm from you're an adult at 18 - and you can watch all those gory horror films and buy those bloody war games. Funny though - you can enlist for the real war at 16.

Jesus Christ that's just an epic fail. I think it's ridiculous that (in America) the drinking age is 21 but I can buy cigarettes at 18. The drinking age should be more along the lines of 12.

Cigarettes and alcohol gave my 12 year old internet friend lung cancer.

RE: 18 is adult? - Stadium - 01-13-2012 07:47 AM

I can't tell if serious...

but if you are, it was his choice. I choose to smoke and if I get lung cancer I will fully acknowledge that this is my fault, not the cigarette companies.

RE: 18 is adult? - Lil'Orange - 01-13-2012 07:50 AM

Because it's the age you are considered to be my country you are an adult with 18, but I personally FELT like an adult when I was 21. So, yeah, I agree with the American law.

RE: 18 is adult? - SaintVicious - 01-13-2012 07:51 AM

Its about physical delvelopment 18-21 you dont develop physically in the same way you do from earlier years