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At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Printable Version

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At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Unwilling_Authority - 04-15-2011 02:30 AM

Also was there any events that made your mind up ?

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - DiarrheaDELUXE - 04-15-2011 08:31 AM

I think I started thinking it was really wrong when I was around 10. I hated school before that, but it was just mostly "school sux and I don't wanna do any work :("

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - LOON_ATTIC - 04-15-2011 09:03 AM

I remember thinking from a pretty long time ago that school was like a "small version" of a totalitarian government.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Geeksta - 04-15-2011 11:14 AM

I always disliked school. Who has the right to tell me I have to sit still when I want to run, and that run when I want to sit still?

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Mondasin - 04-15-2011 01:52 PM

I only really had issues with school at about 4th grade when teachers started telling me I couldn't use basic algebra in our work. Up till then the work was carefree, I read a lot, was able to spend my days chatting with friends.

There were days where it was total shit, like the 3 detentions I got from grade 2 to the end of grade 3.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Unwilling_Authority - 04-15-2011 10:21 PM

I started seeing it as a prison at about 10/11.

I started thinking how wrong it was and how children and teenagers shouldn't have to live like this.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - crazymonkey - 04-15-2011 11:22 PM

i've hated school from the start but i didn't think it was wrong till the 4th grade when i was sooo bored that i slept in class and got in trouble even though i was making As No

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - fish20 - 04-18-2011 10:34 AM

I hated school since 1st grade. All the kids were jerks (and some teachers too. There was literally a teacher that bullied me.)

When I was 12 in 7th grade, I was tired of doing all thus work. It was all so pointless and my family would go insane when I didn't do my work. I found this site then.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - crazymonkey - 04-18-2011 10:46 PM

i found this site this year when i was looking for proxies when i saw that first page i knew it was a site for me Biggrin

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Nale Dixon - 04-19-2011 09:24 AM

I believe I started questioning it in 6th grade, and I started to think about how we could cut classes and make it as short as possible. Even my dad agreed that many things "taught" in school won't be used later in life.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - The Desert Fox - 04-19-2011 10:09 AM

3rd grade.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - ___________________ - 04-19-2011 05:52 PM

8th grade. Until I moved to England I had a universal belief that school was great for you and if you kept to your studies you can do anything you want to. Then (after watching little miss sunshine... irony) I realized that because I was colorblind I could not fly jets which was my childhood dream.

After initiating fuck everything mode I discovered how truly worthless school is. Moving back to America only enlightened me further.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - crazymonkey - 04-20-2011 04:47 AM

wow i like that fuck everything mode is a good name for the mode that most of use are problaly in Fu

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - SH☮TGUNHEⒶRT - 04-20-2011 01:05 PM

14. I got into punk rock and ended up basically changing my basic beliefs and stuff. And seeing how fucked up everything is including, school.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Delrave - 04-22-2011 11:24 AM

i've always had a dislike for school, but I never realized how broken the system was until not long after the beginning of this school year.

Up until now, I had relatively decent teachers, that could teach decently enough, and it made life easy enough on me, and I kinda just forgot about school each day at the last bell.
But now, I have teachers who seem like they have no clue what they are doing, they're hardly better then reading from a textbook(reading math out of a textbook is miserable) and it has made my life a living hell. This kinda made me tune into all the other messed up things the school does, that before I didn't even give a second thought too.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - crazymonkey - 04-25-2011 08:48 AM

that about sums up my years in school

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - RandomTroll - 04-25-2011 09:00 AM

Since 1st grade, but the REAL HATE kicked in 7th grade, after being pushed around by stupid teachers too much.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - schoolsuxak47 - 07-20-2011 10:39 PM

ever since i started.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Efs - 07-20-2011 10:46 PM

Hated school since I was 12.
Became Fascist at 13.
Realized school was wrong since I was 14.
Became Libertarian and Atheist at 14.
Became Anarchist at 15.
Now I'm 16.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Horrid Dreamer - 07-20-2011 10:53 PM

Hated school since I was 11. That was around the time I became an atheist. (I was brought up catholic) So that when I was questioning everything, including school. I'm very creative and artistic, so naturally I saw school as a prison.
Now I'm 15 and I hate it more than ever.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - thewake - 07-20-2011 11:52 PM

Basically since Kindergarten.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Thade_Chan - 07-21-2011 01:44 AM

Always. When I was young though, it was mostly, "Kids my age are so fucking stupid." I had no friends, except the teachers and imaginary ones, until 6th grade. I couldn't stand the other kids.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Blobthe15 - 07-21-2011 03:18 AM

When I found this site, 6th grade

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Prince Rilian - 07-21-2011 10:54 AM

Some time when I was teenager. I don't remember exactly, but I was around 16. I was 16 when I quit high school.

I remember thinking it was useless and futile. Trying to get a bunch of unwilling teenagers to learn useless shit they don't even care about. I liked some of my classes. I liked german. But most of the others in there didn't, and I didn't blame them. This was when I was 14-16. I would tell the teacher to just leave them alone and let them play trashketball if they wanted to, they weren't bothering me or the other 2 people who liked german, and they didn't care if they failed, so just leave them the fuck alone.

But I didn't really learn about unschooling or anything till I was 19. I read some books about it.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - UnschoolShqiponjë - 07-21-2011 12:24 PM

A couple years ago when I was about 21... though I think school in its current form is wrong. School needs to be a much more free environment. Otherwise it is crap.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Phrozen_Soul - 07-21-2011 12:54 PM

Aside from the usual "School sucks work sucks i hate getting up" I really started questioning school in 6th grade when some of my essays questioning school "disappeared" and i got an F in English.

I really started to loathe school this year when I was called up to the office after another essay was "lost" and they blatantly told me to stop. I wrote one more an they started questioning me about my mental state after referencing columbine.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Psychoqueen - 07-21-2011 09:29 PM

When I was about 12. Before that, I hated school, but thought that it was just a part of life that was unpleasant but necessary.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - Pashupati - 07-23-2011 02:05 AM

It depends if you ask when I started to dislike it, to think it, or to question it.
I disliked it when I got into it. (something like 2 and a half)
I started to think it at 5 or 6.
I started to question it at 8 or 9, although I remember questioning it less overtly before.
Then I started to really discuss it when I became/tried to become more sociable only recently.

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - crazymonkey - 07-23-2011 09:11 AM

the only thing that made me even trie was sports

Re: At What Age Did You Start To Think School Was Wrong ? - batboy138 - 07-23-2011 10:22 AM

1st grade. Miss Olen was abitch!